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    71951 research outputs found

    Views of 4th and 5th grade pupils on the use of ICT devices in the subject of natural sciences and technology

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    V današnjem svetu je tehnologija prisotna na skoraj vseh področjih življenja. Večina nas je vsak dan v službi ali v prostem času vključena v digitalni svet, zato je digitalna pismenost pomembna kompetenca, ki bi jo morali imeti vsi, ki se s tehnologijo srečujemo. Sem spada tudi učitelj, saj se je njegovo delo skozi leta zelo spremenilo. Prilagoditi je moral svoje znanje, kompetence, razmišljanje, pripravo na pouk in delo v razredu. Zavedati pa se moramo, da ima vključevanje naprav informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije v proces izobraževanja tako prednosti kot slabosti. Naloga učitelja je, da se jih zaveda, delo temu prilagodi in na ustrezen način preda znanje učencem. Učenci, ki zdaj hodijo v osnovne šole se že zdaj in se bodo v veliki večini dnevno srečevali s tehnologijo skozi celotno življenjsko pot, zato je pomembno, da jih pripravimo na ustrezno uporabo. Predajanje znanje se zato mora začeti že ob vstopu v osnovno šolo.In today\u27s world, technology is present in almost every aspect of life. Most of us are involved in the digital world every day at work or in our leisure time, so digital literacy is an important competence that everyone who interacts with technology should have. This includes the teacher, as his or her job has changed a lot over the years. He or she has had to adapt his or her knowledge, competences, thinking, preparation for lessons and classroom work. However, we must be aware that integrating ICT devices into the educational process has both advantages and disadvantages. It is the teacher\u27s job to be aware of them, to adapt his/her work accordingly and to pass on the knowledge to the pupils in an appropriate way. Pupils who are now in primary school are and will be, for the most part, exposed to technology on a daily basis throughout their lives, so it is important to prepare them to use it appropriately. Knowledge transfer must therefore start as early as primary school entry

    The use of smishing in banking

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    Smishing si kot oblika kibernetskega napada deli s phishingom skupne značilnosti, vendar se razlikuje po tem, da se izvaja preko SMS-sporočil. Napadalci, ki se odločijo uporabljati metodo smishinga, uporabljajo strategije napadov socialnega inženiringa, s ciljem, da uporabniku pošljejo sporočilo, ki vzbuja občutek nujnosti in strahu, v upanju, da povzročijo dovolj stresa, da žrtev uboga napadalca takoj in brez pomisleka. Glavni namen napadalcev je večinoma pridobitev osebnih podatkov, poverilnic, finančnih podatkov ter vodenje žrtev na zlonamerne spletne strani. Pri smishing napadih kriminalci pogosto uporabljajo SMS-spoofing, ki je ključni dejavnik pri uspešnosti smishinga še posebej v kontekstu mobilnega bančništva, ki ga dandanes uporablja večina posameznikov, ki ima v lasti mobilno naprava. Zaradi visokega števila uporabnikov in možnosti kraje denarja so mobilne banke privlačna tarča za kibernetski kriminal. Napadalci se zavedajo dejstva, da banka s svojimi tehničnimi sredstvi ni zmožna povsem odpraviti človeških napak. Zaradi tega je preprečitev smishing napadov velik izziv, ki zahteva celovit pristop. Ta pristop mora vključevati več elementov obrambe, kot so izobraževanje uporabnikov o obstoju in nevarnostih smishinga, implementacija tehničnih sredstev za prepoznavanje ter blokiranje smishing sporočil ter sodelovanje med bankami in varnostnimi strokovnjaki. Izobraževanje uporabnikov je najpomembnejše, saj lahko samo uporabnik, ki je bil poučen o odkrivanju smishinga, zanesljivo prepozna neobičajne načine komunikacije. Preprečevanje smishinga je razvijajoč problem, ki bo zahteval neprestano učenje in prilagajanje novih ukrepov.Smishing is a type of cyber attack that shares common characteristics with phishing in terms of attack methods. The main difference is that it is sent from an SMS message. In smishing, attackers use social engineering attack strategies by sending a message to the user that aims to instill a sense of urgency and fear in the user, causing them to obey the attacker immediately and without hesitations due to stress. The goal of attackers is ususally to obtain personal data, credentials, financial data and lead victims to malicious websites. In smishing attacks, criminals ofter use SMS spoofing, which is one of the key factors in the success of smishing, especially in the context of mobile banking, which is used by the majority of people these days. Due to the number of users and the possibility of stealing money, mobile banks are a particularly attractive target for attackers. Attackers are aware of the fact that a bank cannot overcome human error entirely with just technical means, so the prevention of smishing requires a comprehensive approach that includes a combination of user education, technical solutions and cooperation with banks and security experts

    Using information communication technologies for information operations

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    Svet se je v zadnjih letih močno spremenil in eden od razlogov je sektor informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij, ki je eden od najhitreje rastočih in spreminjajočih se sektorjev v današnjem svetu. Hkrati pa so se vzporedno razvijale tudi informacijske operacije, ki se zdaj za dosego svojih ciljev močno zanašajo na informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Tako je nastala nova vrsta vojskovanja, informacijsko vojskovanje. To novo obliko vojskovanja uporabljajo številne države po svetu z različnimi cilji. Nekatere države ga uporabljajo v vojaške namene, druge pa v politične. Posledice so pogosto uničujoče, saj lahko vodijo do manipulacije in celo pranja možganov med ljudmi, ki so jim vsakodnevno izpostavljeni. Uporaba informacijskih operacij ni omejena zgolj na vojaške organizacije. Uporabljajo jih tudi nedržavni akterji, politične stranke in korporacije. Zato je za vsako državo pomembno, da razume in razvije strategijo informacijskih operacij, ki bi ji zagotovila prednost pred nasprotniki. Informacijske operacije se lahko uporabijo za vplivanje na nasprotnikov proces odločanja tako, da spremenijo njegovo dojemanje realnosti z lažnimi podatki ali z ustvarjanjem napačne slike v njegovem umu o tem, kaj se dogaja na bojišču. Zaključno delo se osredotoča na informacijske operacije v dveh primerih, ki sta se zgodila v zadnjem desetletju, to sta rusko vmešavanje v ameriške volitve leta 2016 in ruske informacijske operacije v ukrajinski vojni. Oba primera sta podvržena informacijskim operacijam istega akterja. Zato skušamo skozi analizo in primerjavo ugotoviti, kje pretijo nevarnosti, orodja, ki jih akterji uporabljajo, in pa seveda kako implementirati varnostne mehanizme proti pretečim nevarnostim.The world has changed a lot in recent years and one of the reasons is the ICT sector, which is one of the fastest growing and changing sectors in the world today. At the same time, Information Operations, which now rely heavily on ICT to achieve their goals, have also developed in parallel. Thus, a new type of warfare was born, information warfare. This new form of warfare is used by many countries around the world with different goals. Some countries use it for military purposes, while others use it for political purposes. The consequences are often devastating, as they can lead to manipulation and even brainwashing among people who are exposed to them on a daily basis. The use of information operations is not limited to military organizations only. They are also used by non-state actors, political parties and corporations. Therefore, it is important for any country to understand and develop an information operations strategy that would give it an advantage over its adversaries. Information operations can be used to influence an adversary\u27s decision-making process by altering his perception of reality through false information or by creating a false picture in his mind of what is happening on the battlefield. The thesis before you focuses on information operations in two cases that occurred in the last decade. Russian interference in the 2016 US election and Russian information operations in the Ukrainian war. Both cases are subject to the information operations of the same actor. Therefore, through analysis and comparison, we try to find out where the threats are, the tools that the actors use and, of course, how to implement security mechanisms against threats

    Influence of Posavje Dialect on Naming Objects in Five- to Six-Year-Olds

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    Diplomska naloga z naslovom Vpliv posavskega narečja na poimenovanje predmetov pri pet- in šestletnikih je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili govor, razvoj govora, govorne težave, ki se pojavljajo med razvojem, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj govora, predstavili smo tudi narečja ter slikanice. Osredotočili smo se na govor v zgodnjem otroštvu, na posavsko narečje oziroma sevniško-krški govor in slikopis. V empiričnem delu nas je zanimalo, ali otroci prepoznajo predmete na sliki, kako jih poimenujejo, ali na njihova poimenovanja vplivata posavsko narečje in spol ter kako besede uporabijo v zgodbi. Podatke za analizo smo pridobili preko individualnih pogovorov. Ugotovili smo, da vsi otroci ne prepoznajo oziroma ustrezno ne poimenujejo vseh predmetov na sliki in da imata tako posavsko narečje kot tudi spol vpliv na govor otrok.This paper, titled Influence of Posavje Dialect on Naming Objects in Five- to Six-Year-Olds, comprises a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part presents speech, speech development, speech problems that may arise during speech development, factors affecting speech development, as well as dialects and picture books. We focused on speech in early childhood, Posavje dialect and Sevnica-Krško speech, and pictograms. In the empirical part, we wanted to determine whether children are able to recognise objects in a photo, how they name them, whether the names they give to these objects are affected by the Posavje dialect and gender, and how they use these words in a story. The data required for the analysis were acquired through individual conversations. We determined that not all children recognise or appropriately named all objects in the photo and that the Posavje dialect and gender influence children\u27s speech

    Brand recognition and the role of marketing communications in the organisation x

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    Blagovne znamke so postale izredno pomemben dejavnik v moderni družbi in jih lahko zaznamo skoraj na vsakem koraku. Zaradi vpliva, ki ga imajo na naše življenje, jih moramo obravnavati s številnih perspektiv. Prav tako so postale izredno pomemben del premoženja organizacije, saj ji omogočajo oziroma prinašajo dodatne koristi (Kapferer, 2019, str. 7). Zaradi velikega števila blagovnih znamk, ki so v današnjem času prisotne na trgu, so izrednega pomena tudi aktivnosti marketinškega komuniciranja, ki jih izvajajo posamezne blagovne znamke. V zadnjih 10 letih smo na tem področju priča zelo velikim spremembam. Govorimo predvsem o pojavu digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja, ki je močno spremenil številne marketinške strategije organizacij. Januarja 2021 je bilo na svetu kar 4.66 milijard uporabnikov interneta oz. 59.9 % celotnega prebivalstva (Statista, 2021). Številna podjetja so se v zadnjih letih uspešno transformirala in uspešno digitalizirala svoje notranje okolje, kamor sodi tudi področje marketinškega komuniciranja. Digitalni marketing, katerega del je tudi digitalno marketinško komuniciranje, dokazano spreminja vedenje kupcev, to pa tudi neposredno vpliva na prepoznavnost blagovne znamke, za katero velja, da je eden izmed najpomembnejših dejavnikov pri izgradnji dolgoročne konkurenčne prednosti na trgu (Khwaja et al., 2020). V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge so podrobneje opisani blagovne znamke in orodja digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja. Podrobneje smo zajeli orodja, kot so e-poštni marketing, optimizacija SEO, marketing družbenih omrežji in marketing vsebine. Prav tako smo prikazali nekaj primerov uspešnega digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja. V empiričnem delu smo preučevali razlike v prepoznavnosti med obravnavanimi blagovnimi znamkami. Prav tako smo s pomočjo globinskega intervjuja, ki smo ga izvedli z zaposlenim iz organizacije, ki ima v lastni obravnavane blagovne znamke, ugotovili, kako se je organizacija odzvala na spremembe s področja marketinškega komuniciranja in kakšna je njena vizija digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja.Brands have become an extremely important factor in modern society and can be seen at virtually every turn. Because of the impact they have on our lives, we need to consider them from many different perspectives. Brands have also become an extremely important part of an organisation\u27s assets, as they enable or bring additional benefits (Kapferer, 2019, p. 7). Due to the large number of brands present in the market today, the marketing communication activities carried out by individual brands are also of utmost importance. The last 10 years have witnessed a tremendous change in the field of brand marketing communication. We are talking here in particular about the emergence of digital marketing communications, which has significantly changed many of the marketing strategies used by organisations. In January 2021, there were 4.66 billion internet users worldwide, representing 59.9 % of the total population (Statista, 2021). Many companies have successfully transformed and digitized their internal environments in recent years, including marketing communications. Digital marketing, of which digital marketing communications is a part, has been proven to change customer behaviour, which also has a direct impact on brand awareness, which is one of the most important factors in building a long-term competitive advantage in the market (Khwaja et al., 2020). In the theoretical part of the master thesis, brands, and digital marketing communication tools are described in more detail. Tools such as email marketing, SEO optimization, social media marketing, and content marketing are covered in more detail. We also show some examples of successful digital marketing communication. In the empirical part, we studied the differences in visibility between the brands under consideration. We also conducted an in-depth interview with an employee from an organization that owns the brands in question. The interview was used to find out how the organization has responded to the changes in marketing communications and what their vision is for digital marketing communications in their organization

    Mobile station for measuring solar irradiance and atmospheric conditions

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    Diplomsko delo obravnava izdelavo in analizo enotne mobilne postaje za merjenje sončne obsevanosti in vremenskih razmer. Glave komponente postaje so mikrokrmilnik, sončne celice ter senzor za merjenje temperature in vlažnosti zraka. Podatke o sončnem obsevanju smo pridobili z alternativno metodo merjenja, ki temelji na dejstvu, da sončna celica proizvaja napetost, ki je sorazmerna sončni obsevanosti, ki vpade nanjo. Za razliko od specializiranih meteoroloških naprav, naša merilna postaja zahteva minimalne investicijske stroške. Rezultat diplomskega dela je funkcionalna in delujoča mobilna postaja, katere delovanje lahko spreminjamo preko posebej izdelane WEB aplikacije. Aplikacija na enostaven način prikazuje merjene veličine v realnem času, v obliki tabel in grafov. Rezultate meritve smo ovrednotili s primerjavo z meritvami uradnih meteoroloških postaj.The diploma work deals with the creation and analysis of a unique mobile station for measuring solar radiation and weather conditions. The mean components of the station are a microcontroller, solar cells and sensor for measuring temperature and air humidity. Data on solar radiation are obtained by an alternative method of measurement, based on the fact that a solar cell produces a voltage that is proportional to the solar radiation that falls on it. In contrast to specialized meteorological devices, our measurement station requires minimal investment costs. The result of the diploma work is a correct and functional mobile station, whose operation can be monitored through a specially developed WEB application. The application shows the measured values in real time in a simply way, in the form of tables and graphs. The precision of the measurement results was evaluated by comparing them with the measurement of official meteorological station

    Description of the operation of the lower Sava chain of hydroelectric power plants by upgrading the application for automatic remote control of hydroelectric power plants with the inclusion of HE Vrhovo

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    Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na lastnosti in obratovalne značilnosti hidroelektrarn na reki Savi, zlasti na hidroelektrarne na spodnji Savi, ki jih upravlja Center vodenja GEN. Opisana je tudi lastniška organiziranost hidroelektrarn v celotni dolžini reke v Sloveniji. Poleg omejitev obratovanja je hidrologija ključni dejavnik pri načrtovanju proizvodnje hidroelektrarn. Vključitev hidroelektrarne HE Vrhovo v aplikacijo za vodenje je pomembna zaradi njene čelne vloge v verigi hidroelektrarn na spodnji Savi. Z uporabo enoagregatnega modela, ki temelji na preteklih obratovalnih stanjih, je bilo v aplikacijo vključeno obratovanje HE Vrhovo. Nadgradnja aplikacije za avtomatsko daljinsko vodenje hidroelektrarn na spodnji Savi omogoča boljše planiranje in vpogled v dnevno obratovanje hidroelektrarne. Tako lahko dispečerji pripravijo natančen potek obratovanja HE Vrhovo in optimizirajo moč na celotni verigi hidroelektrarn na spodnji Savi. S tem se je povečal finančni izplen celotne verige v času višjih cen električne energije.The Master´s thesis focuses on the properties and operating characteristics of hydroelectric power plants on the Sava River, especially hydroelectric power plants on the lower Sava River. These are managed by GEN Management Centre. The ownership organization of HE along the entire length of the river in Slovenia is also described. In addition to operational constraints, hydrology is the key factor in hydropower generation planning. The inclusion of Vrhovo HE in the management application is important due to its leading role in the chain of HE on the lower Sava River. Using a single unit model based on past operating conditions, the operation of HE Vrhovo was included in the application. The upgrade of application for the automatic remote control of hydroelectric power plants on the lower Sava River enables better planning and insight into the daily operation of the HE. Consequently, dispatchers are able to prepare the exact course of operation of the HE Vrhovo and optimize the power of the entire chain of HE on the lower Sava River which has increased the financial gain of the entire chain at the time of increased electricity prices

    »EL CAMINO CALLS« – Contemporary pilgrimages through motives and identity processes: the case of Slovenian pilgrims on the El Camino route

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    Zaključno delo se ukvarja z romarskim turizmom. Dosedanje študije, ki so se ukvarjale z izkušnjo romanja, so se ločeno in partikularno ukvarjale bodisi z motivi za odhod na romanja na eni strani ali s spoznanji in transformacijami po prehojeni poti na drugi. V nasprotju s tem in na primeru slovenskih romarjev poti El Camino poskušamo zaobjeti kompleksno realnost romanj ter osvetliti različne vidike romanja kot procesa skupaj z njegovo reprezentacijo v javnih diskurzih. Zaključno delo skozi kombinacijo dveh analiz – kritične diskurzivne analize medijskih reprezentacij romanj v avtobiografskih knjigah in analizo intervjujev s slovenskimi romarji – ponuja vpogled v diskurze, ki osmišljajo romanje, in subjektivne procese romarjev samih pred, med in po romanju. Ugotavljamo, da se romanje v analiziranih tekstih upodablja skozi številne diskurze: diskurz poklicanosti na pot, diskurz odpovedi drugim identitetam in spojitev s potjo, diskurz umika in refleksije, diskurz razmejevanja med pravimi in nepravimi romarji, diskurz osebne transformacije in diskurz poti kot nekaj nedokončanega. Prav tako med ugotovitvami izpostavljamo ključne elemente procesa separacije (fizično dokazovanje, soočanje s spremembami, iskanje odgovorov, prekinitev rutine), izkušnje poti (fizični napor, čustva, terapevtska hoja in odnos s soromarji) in transformacije ob vrnitvi domov (ojačano samozavedanje, sprememba prioritet in opolnomočenje), kot jih prepoznavajo slovenski romarji El Camina.The final work deals with pilgrimage tourism. Previous studies that have dealt with the experience of pilgrimage have separately and specifically dealt with the motives either for going on a pilgrimage on the one hand, or with insights and transformations following the journey on the other. In contrast to this, and using the example of Slovenian pilgrims on the El Camino route, we try to embrace the complex reality of pilgrimages and shed light on various aspects of pilgrimage as a process together with its representation in public discourses. The final work, through a combination of two analyses, a critical discursive analysis of media representations of pilgrimages in autobiographical books and an analysis of interviews with Slovenian pilgrims, offers an insight into the discourses that give meaning to the pilgrimage and the subjective processes of the pilgrims themselves before, during and after the pilgrimage. We find that the pilgrimage is depicted in the analyzed texts through many discourses: the discourse of being called to a journey, the discourse of renouncing other identities and merging with the journey, the discourse of withdrawal and reflection, the discourse of demarcation between true and false pilgrims, the discourse of personal transformation and the discourse of the journey as something unfinished. In the findings, we also identify key elements of the separation process (physical proof, facing changes, searching for answers, breaking the routine), experiences of the journey (physical effort, emotions, therapeutic walking and relationship with fellow travelers) and transformations upon returning home (increased self-awareness, change of priorities and empowerment)

    Comparative analysis of existing and SAP S/4 HANA best practice production planning process

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    Izdelava modelov procesov in njihova primerjava z obstoječim in željenim stanjem postajajo vse bolj uporabni, še posebno takrat, ko podjetje prenavlja informacijski sistem, na katerem upravlja večino opravil, ki se izvaja v njem. V postopku prenove informacijskega sistema je trenutno podjetje Helios TBLUS d.o.o., ki želi vedeti, če so procesi, ki jih izvajajo, primerljivi s SAP-ovo najboljšo prakso. Za prikaz in primerjanje procesov se je podjetje odločilo za uporabo programske rešitve za modeliranje procesov SAP Signavio Process Manager. Za izvajanje analize procesov smo se odločili za proces iz planiranja proizvodnje, in sicer iz primera naročila na zalogo, saj je teh primerov znotraj podjetja največ. Simulacija in analiza procesa sta pokazali, da je trenutno stanje dovolj dobro, da se ga uvede v novo okolje.The creation of process models and their comparison with as-is state and to-be state is becoming more and more useful. This becomes even more important when a company is going through their system transformation. Currently the company in such a transformation is Helios TBLUS d.o.o. They wish to know if the processes they are using are comparable with the Best Practice processes given by SAP. The company decided to create and compare process models using the solution for process modeling SAP Signavio Process Manager. We decided to analize a process in production planning and that process being Make-to-Stock, because this is the majority of processes executed in production. The simulation and analisys of the process has showed us, that the as-is state is working good and that it should be used in the new environment


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