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    Implementacija novega procesa poročanja v organizaciji x

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    Reporting is present in every company. Whether it is small or big, it cannot be avoided. It plays a crucial role in the process and progress of business. The quality of reporting affects the development of the work environment and the company. Since business report is a document that contains business information, which supports the decisions about the future-oriented business decisions, it is very important for it to be designed in such a way that it contains the key information for the recipient and provides support for business decisions. The reporting process can take place horizontally upwards or downwards. Content and structure vary depending on the recipient of the report. We live in an age when our every step is accompanied by digitization, computerization, artificial intelligence, mass data, the Internet of Things, machine learning, and robotics. These changes have also affected the reporting process as well as its processes. The processes of data acquisition, processing and sharing have changed. Furthermore, the data quantity has increased, whereas the speed of the time in which to prepare the reports has decreased. We can have data without information, but we cannot have information without data. There is never enough time, especially nowadays when we are used to having everything at our fingertips. These are two conflicting factors – having more data and less time to prepare quality reports. The systems are developed to optimize the process, increase efficiency and quality and, what is nowadays most important, they have been created to obtain mass data in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is important to adapt and implement software that can help achieve our daily tasks. We must know how to process huge amounts of real-time data and deliver the information they contain. It is crucial for companies to keep up with the environment and implement changes and innovations into their business process. A company is like a living organism for it must constantly evolve and grow. As soon as it stops growing and evolving, it can fail because it starts lagging and is therefore no longer competitive to others. To deliver faster feedback, companies need data of better quality. There are tools that can improve the business process, better facilitating the capacity of the human agents. The goal is to harness the employees’ full potential and knowledge for important tasks, such as analyzing, reviewing, and understanding data and acting upon them, invoking information technology to automate repetitive processes and facilitate better communication. The focus in this master’s thesis is on the reporting process in Group X. Group X is one of the world leaders in the automotive industry, a multinational corporation based in Canada with subsidiaries around the world. The complexity of the business reporting that is implemented for the Headquarters in Canada has to address the complexity of the multinational corporation to support the decision process. The aim of the thesis is to propose a reporting process for preparing and producing reports with a huge amount of data in a very time-efficient manner. We start by examining the existing processes and upon that, identifying the processes required for the reports to reach the final recipients. Our goal is to identify the toolset, which would increase efficiency, accuracy, credibility, and reduce errors in the fastest possible time. We investigate a short-term and a long-term solution. By a short-term solution, we mean a system, program, or a tool that can help us increase our potential by using digital resources, which are already existing in the organization. By a long-term solution, we mean a solution, which requires employment of specialized future tools in the field of reporting and in repetitive processes, which we can identify with current knowledge and expectations for development. This includes machine learning, robotic process automatization, artificial intelligence.Poročanje je prisotno v vsakem podjetju. Bodisi je majhno ali veliko, temu se ni moč izogniti. Ima pomembno in ključno vlogo v procesu in napredku poslovanja. Kakovost poročanja vpliva na razvoj delovnega okolja in podjetja. Ker je poročilo dokument, ki vsebuje informacije o poslovanju, na podlagi katerega se sprejemajo odločitve za naprej, je zelo pomembno, da je strukturirano tako, da vsebuje ključne informacije za prejemnika in zagotavlja podporo poslovnim odločitvam. Postopek poročanja lahko poteka vodoravno navzgor ali navzdol. Vsebina in struktura se razlikujeta glede na prejemnika poročila. Živimo v dobi, ko vsak naš korak spremljajo digitalizacija, informatizacija, umetna inteligenca, masovni podatki, internet stvari, strojno učenje in robotika. Te spremembe so vplivale tudi na proces poročanja in tudi na njegove postopke. Spremenili so se procesi pridobivanja, obdelave in izmenjave podatkov. Poleg tega se je povečala količina podatkov, medtem ko se je hitrost časa, v katerem je treba pripraviti poročila, zmanjšala. Lahko imamo podatke brez informacij, ne moremo pa imeti informacij brez podatkov. Časa ni nikoli dovolj, zlasti danes, ko smo navajeni imeti vse na dosegu roke. To sta dva nasprotujoča si dejavnika - več podatkov in manj časa za pripravo kakovostnih poročil. Sistemi so razviti za optimizacijo procesa, povečanje učinkovitosti in kakovosti ter, kar je danes najpomembnejše, ustvarjeni so za pridobivanje množice podatkov v najkrajšem možnem času. Zato je pomembno, da prilagodimo in uvedemo programsko opremo, ki nam lahko pomaga pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih nalog. Vedeti moramo, kako obdelati ogromne količine podatkov v realnem času in posredovati informacije, ki jih vsebujejo. Za podjetja je ključnega pomena, da sledijo okolju ter v svoje poslovne procese uvajajo spremembe in inovacije. Podjetje je kot živ organizem, saj se mora nenehno razvijati in rasti. Takoj ko preneha rasti in se razvijati, lahko propade, saj začne zaostajati in zato ni več konkurenčno drugim. Za hitrejše zagotavljanje povratnih informacij podjetja potrebujejo podatke boljše kakovosti. Obstajajo orodja, ki lahko izboljšajo poslovni proces in tako bolje olajšajo zmogljivosti človeških dejavnikov. Cilj je izkoristiti celoten potencial in znanje zaposlenih za pomembne naloge, kot so analiziranje, pregledovanje in razumevanje podatkov ter ukrepanje na njihovi podlagi, pri čemer se je treba sklicevati na informacijsko tehnologijo za avtomatizacijo ponavljajočih se procesov in omogočanje boljše komunikacije. V tej magistrski nalogi se bomo osredotočili na proces poročanja v skupini X, ki je ena izmed vodilnih v avtomobilski industriji na svetu. Skupina X je mednarodna korporacija s sedežem v Kanadi in podružnicami po vsem svetu. Cilj diplomske naloge je predlagati postopek poročanja za pripravo in izdelavo poročil z veliko količino podatkov na časovno zelo učinkovit način. Začnemo s preučevanjem obstoječih procesov in na podlagi tega opredelimo procese, ki so potrebni, da poročila dosežejo končne prejemnike. Naš cilj je opredeliti nabor orodij, ki bi povečal učinkovitost, natančnost, verodostojnost in zmanjšal število napak v najkrajšem možnem času. Preučujemo kratkoročno in dolgoročno rešitev. S kratkoročno rešitvijo mislimo na sistem, program ali orodje, ki nam lahko pomaga povečati potencial z uporabo digitalnih virov, ki že obstajajo v organizaciji. Z dolgoročno rešitvijo mislimo na rešitev, ki zahteva uvedbo specializiranih orodij na področju poročanja in v ponavljajočih se procesih, ki jih lahko opredelimo s trenutnim znanjem in pričakovanji za razvoj. To neizogibno vključuje strojno učenje, robotsko avtomatizacijo procesov, umetno inteligenco in masovne podatkov

    Calibration and validation of a material model for heat affected zones of aluminium specimens

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    Diplomsko delo opisuje postopek kalibracije materialnega modela za toplotno vplivana območja. Toplotno vplivana območja nastanejo v procesu MIG varjenja preizkušancev, ki so narejeni iz aluminijeve zlitine. Na začetku je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje aluminijevih zlitin in obnašanje materiala pri duktilnem lomu. Kalibracija materialnega modela je potekala z uporabo numeričnih simulacij na osnovi metode končnih elementov. V diplomskem delu je predstavljen uporabljeni model za opis duktilne poškodbe v Abaqusu. Rezultati numeričnih simulacij so validirani glede na rezultate nateznega preizkusa. Na podlagi rezultatov numeričnih simulacij sta določeni končni vrednosti kriterija začetka in napredovanja duktilne poškodbe.The bachelor thesis describes a material model calibration procedure for heat affected zones. Heat affected zones are formed during MIG welding of specimens, which are made of aluminium alloy. In the beginning, theoretical background of aluminium alloys and material behaviour under ductile fracture are presented. Material model calibration was performed using numerical simulations based on the finite element method. In the bachelor thesis the model used for predicting ductile damage in Abaqus is presented. Numerical simulation results are validated with uniaxial tension test results. Based on numerical simulation results, final values of the damage initiation criterion and damage evolution are defined

    Work engagement while working from home during covid-19 in Workforce d.o.o.

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    V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali delovno zavzetost pri delu na domu v času covida-19. Prihod pandemije covida-19 je delovanje organizacije in organiziranje dela organizacij postavil na glavo. Zaposleni, ki so dnevno migrirali na lokacijo podjetja, so bili čez noč primorani svoje delovno okolje prestaviti v svoj dom. Delo na domu je sicer poznan pojem, že iz zgodnjih 70. let, ampak je njegovo rast in popularnost povečala pandemija covida-19. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo in predstavili definicije dela na domu, delovne zavzetosti, kako merimo delovno zavzetost, prednosti in slabosti dela na domu ter zakonsko ureditev dela na domu. Pogledali smo si tudi dejavnike delavne zavzetosti in kako delavno zavzeti zaposleni pripomorejo k uspešnosti organizacije. Dotaknili smo se tudi, kaj prinese pretirana delovna zavzetost in vplive izgorelosti. Na koncu smo se posvetili še vprašalnikoma, ki smo ju uporabili v raziskovalnem delu. V drugem delu magistrske naloge smo se posvetili raziskavi. Raziskovali smo delovno zavzetost pri delu na domu v podjetju Workforce, d. o. o. Raziskavo smo opravili s pomočjo spletne ankete, ki smo jo poslali zaposlenim v omenjenem podjetju. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, ali so zaposleni v podjetju Workforce, d. o. o. pri delu na domu zavzeti, ali prihaja do razlik pri delovni zavzetosti pri delu na domu med spoloma, med različnimi starostnimi skupinami in med različno izobrazbo. Na podlagi rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika smo lahko odgovorili na zastavljene hipoteze. Za lažjo predstavo rezultatov smo uporabili grafe in tabele, narejene v programu MS Excel. Za analizo hipotez pa smo uporabili statistični program SPSS. V zaključnem delu magistrske naloge smo povzeli in prediskutirali ugotovitve naše raziskave, predvsem rezultate testiranja hipotez. Razložili smo tudi, zakaj smo postavili takšne hipoteze in na kakšen način smo jih testirali. Poleg tega smo v zaključno poglavje vključili kritično analizo, kjer smo našteli, kaj se nam je zdelo dobro v raziskavi in kaj bi lahko naredili drugače. Zadnje poglavje magistrske naloge je predlog za izboljšave, kjer smo podjetju Workforce, d. o. o. predlagali, kako lahko oziroma še zviša delovno zavzetost zaposlenih pri delu na domu.In the master thesis we discussed work engagement while working from home druing Covid-19. The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic turned the operations of organizations and the organization of work upside down. Employees who migrated to the company location on a daily basis were forced to move their work environment to their home overnight. Working from home is a familiar concept from the early 1970s, but its growth and popularity have been increased by the Covid-19 pandemic. In the theoretical part of the master\u27s thesis, we used the descriptive method and presented the definitions of work form home, work engagement, how we measure work engagement, the advantages and disadvantages of working from home and the legal regulation of work at home. We also looked at the factors of work engagement and how engaged employees contribute to the success of the organization. We also touched on that excessive work engagement brings and the effects of burnout. Finaly we focused on the two questionnaires, which we used in the research part of the master\u27s thesis. In the second part of the master\u27s thesis, we devoted ourselves to research. We researched work commitment when working from home in the company Workforce, d.o.o. We conducted the research with the help of an online survey, which we sent to the employees of the mentioned compnay. Throught research, we determined whether the employees of the company Workforce, d.o.o. are engaged when working from home, whether there are differences in work engagement when woring from home between genders, between different age groups and between different levels of education. Based on the results of the questionnaire, we were able to anwser our set hypotheses. For an easier presentation of the results, we used graphs and tabled made in MS Excel. We used the SPSS statistical program to analyze the hypotheses. In the final part of the master\u27s thesis, we summarized and discussed the findings of our research, especially the results od hypothesis testing. We also explained why we set up such hypotheses and in what way we tested them. In addition, we included a critical analysis, where we listed what we thought was good about the research and what we could have done differently. The last chapter of the master\u27s thesis is proposal for improvement, where we gave proposals to Workforce, d.o.o. on how they can maintain or even increase the work engagement level their employees are at

    Induction of newly recruited nursing graduates in the emerency department

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    Uvod: Po vsem svetu primanjkuje medicinskih sester, saj izkušene zapuščajo delovno mesto zaradi nezadovoljstva pri delu. Ker je potreba po kadru in zapolnitvi prostih delovnih mest vse večja, je bilo veliko medicinskih sester začetnic primoranih opravljati delo na zahtevnejših oddelkih brez ustreznega predhodnega usposabljanja, kar predstavlja tveganje za pojav neželenih dogodkov. Veliko vlogo pri uvajanju imajo klinični mentorji. Metode: V magistrskem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo. Pridobivanje podatkov je potekalo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega je odgovorilo 106 anketiranih. Statistično obdelavo podatkov smo opravili s statističnim programom IBM SPSS, V25.0. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je za uspešno uvajanje novozaposlenih pomembno, da je izdelan načrt uvajanja, s katerim se časovno spremlja napredek (M = 4,21, SD = 0,765). Pomembno vlogo pri uvajanju ima mentor, ki mora biti izkušena, spoštljiva, potrpežljiva, odgovorna in empatična oseba (M = 4,62, SD = 0,609). Novozaposleni so mnenja, da z mentorjem glede na njihova pričakovanja preživijo premalo časa (M = 3,23, SD = 1,173), posledično pa večino znanja in izkušenj pridobijo od drugih sodelavcev (M = 4,31, SD = 0,735). Razprava in sklep: V urgentnih centrih po Sloveniji je kar dobro poskrbljeno glede uvajanja novozaposlenih. Za novozaposlene je uvajanje ključnega pomena za njihov obstoj na delovišču in pri gradnji nadalnje kariere. Pomembno je zagotoviti, da se novozaposleni počutijo dobrodošle in sprejete na delovnem mestu.Introduction: Throughout the world, there is a shortage of nurses as experienced professionals are leaving their positions due to job dissatisfaction. The increasing demand for workforce has led to many novice nurses being compelled to perform duties in more challenging departments without adequate prior training, posing a risk of adverse events. Clinical mentors play a significant role in the induction process. Methods: we used quantitative methodology. The data were collected through a questionnaire completed by 106 respondents. The statistical data processing was done through the IBM SPSS, V25.0 software. Results: We discovered that a definite plan of training, through which it is possible to measure progress over time (M = 4,21, SD = 0,765), is crucial for a successful induction of the newly recruited. A mentor plays a great role in the induction training. He or she must be experienced, respectful, patient, responsible, and empathetic (M = 4,62, SD = 0,609). The newly recruited opine that based on their expectations, they do not spend enough time with their mentors (M = 3,23, SD = 1,173). Consequently, they obtain most of their knowledge and experiences from colleagues (M = 4,31, SD = 0,735). Discussion and conclusion: In emergency centers throughout Slovenia, the orientation of newly employed staff is well-managed. For newcomers, the onboarding process is crucial for their sustainability in the workplace and the development of their future careers. It is important to ensure that newly hired employees feel welcomed and accepted in the workplace.

    How much sustainable knowledge will soon-to-be experts in Slovenia have?

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    Environmental topics are gaining more and more important both in the European Union and in Slovenia in the last decade. Climate changes (floods, droughts, and heat waves), pollution (soil, water, and air), management of invasive species, noise pollution, food self-sufficiency, sustainable development in the field of tourism, etc. are particularly present both in Slovenian Eastern and Western cohesion region. However, the level of knowledge about environmental challenges and competences of current experts and leaders to effectively manage and deal with them is perceived to be too low. The paper examines the inclusion of sustainable competences, knowledge, and skills in higher education programs in Slovenia to predict the level of sustainable knowledge. Slovenian soon-to-be professionals will be empowered by the Slovenian higher education system (Daneshjoo et al., 2020). Analysis included the content of 956 higher education study programs on the individual course level. In the next phase, a comprehensive comparative analysis of the situation in the areas of higher education and environmental education was performed. The factors based on which comparison was made are field of study, type of institution, level of study and number of subjects in the program that include some sustainable content. Non-parametric tests were used to determine statistically significant differences are the Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis H test

    Embedded system for monitoring bed occupancy of the elderly in a nursing home

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    Domovi za starejše občane so vedno bolj naseljeni, zato se pojavlja pomanjkanje zdravstvenega osebja za oskrbo starejših občanov. Za izboljšanje odzivnosti zdravstvenega osebja se v domovih za starejše občane vgrajujejo razni sistemi za spremljanje in analiziranje aktivnosti starejših občanov v domovih. Kritična kontrola je v nočnih urah, saj zdravstveno osebje hodi na obhode, pri katerih morajo odpreti sobe in motiti spanec starostnikov. V sklopu tega problema se je razvil senzor kot vgrajen sistem za integracijo v obstoječe sisteme sestrskih klicev. Senzor se postavi pod vzmetnico postelj starejših občanov in spremlja prisotnost na postelji. Na tak način omogoča opozarjati zdravstveno osebje, v kateri sobi je nezaželeni vzorec odsotnosti stanovalca, s tem pa razbremeni zdravstveno osebje, kar izboljša nego v domovih za starejše občane.Nursing homes are becoming increasingly inhabited and there is a shortage of medical persons for the care of elderly people. Various systems are being installed to monitor and analyze the activities of older people in their homes to improve the responsiveness of health care staff in nursing homes. Critical checks are in the night, as medical staff go on patrols where they have to open rooms and disrupt the sleep of the elderly. As part of this problem, a sensor has been developed as a built-in system for integration into existing call systems. The sensor is placed under the mattress of the beds and monitors the presence of a person on the bed. In this way, it allows to notify the medical staff in which room is not a desirable pattern of occupant, thus relieving the burden on medical staff and improving care in nursing homes

    Collaboration between teachers for additional professional assistance and parents of children with specific learning disabilities

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    Sodelovanje je temeljna komponenta vsakega odnosa, v našem primeru odnosa med učitelji in starši. Cilj sodelovanja med šolo in domom je omogočiti celostni razvoj otroka ter mu tako zagotoviti uspeh. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti sodelovanje učiteljev dodatne strokovne pomoči s starši otrok s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili skupine otrok s posebnimi potrebami in pisali o inkluziji le-teh ter predstavili Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami. V nadaljevanju smo se posvetili otrokom s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, pri čemer smo opisali vrste specifičnih učnih težav in raziskali, katere so strategije poučevanja za učence s PPPU. Pisali smo tudi o tem, kako pomembna je podpora staršev otroku z učnimi težavami. Sledi tematika dodatne strokovne pomoči, pri kateri smo se osredotočili na prilagojeno izvajanje in organizacijo. Zadnje, a vendar zelo pomembno poglavje teoretičnega dela, je poglavje o sodelovanju med učitelji in starši. Naše magistrsko delo smo usmerili na sam pomen sodelovanja, predstavili smo oblike in načela slednjega, prav tako pa smo pisali o težavah, ki se pojavljajo pri sodelovanju med šolo in domom. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali, katere so oblike sodelovanja, ki se jih učitelji dodatne strokovne pomoči v komunikaciji s starši otrok s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja največ poslužujejo. Proučevali smo korelacijo let delovnih izkušenj učiteljev s količino strategij, ki jih izbirajo pri vključevanju staršev v sam proces dodatne strokovne pomoči. Ugotavljali smo, v kakšnem obsegu so učitelji v kontaktu s starši, ali so starši otrok aktivno vključeni v ure dodatne strokovne pomoči, kot zadnje pa smo raziskovali navzočnost ovir pri sodelovanju med učitelji in starši. Raziskava je pokazala, da se učitelji glede na oblike sodelovanja v večini poslužujejo timskih sestankov s starši in dopisovanja preko e-pošte. Izvedeli smo, da leta delovnih izkušenj statistično pomembno vplivajo na količino strategij, ki se jih poslužujejo učitelji pri vključevanju staršev v proces izvajanja dodatne strokovne pomoči. Z raziskavo smo prav tako ugotovili, da so učitelji v kontaktu s starši na mesečni ravni ali po potrebi. V nadaljevanju nas je presenetil rezultat, da manj kot četrtina anketiranih učiteljev aktivno vključuje starše v ure dodatne strokovne pomoči. Zanimala nas je tudi navzočnost ovir pri sodelovanju med učitelji in starši, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da je pojavnost teh zelo redka.Collaboration is a fundamental component of any relationship, in our case the relationship between teachers and parents. School-home collaboration aims to enable the holistic development of the child and thus ensure their success. The purpose of the master\u27s thesis is to present the collaboration of teachers for additional professional assistance to parents of children with specific learning disabilities. In the theoretical part, we define groups of children with special needs, write about their inclusion, and present the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act. Next, we look at children with specific learning disabilities, describing the types of specific learning difficulties and exploring teaching strategies for children with specific learning disabilities. We also discuss the importance of parental support for children with learning difficulties. This is followed by the topic of additional professional assistance, where we focus on adapted implementation and organization. The last, yet very important, chapter of the theoretical part is the one on teacher-parent collaboration. Our master\u27s thesis was focused on the importance of collaboration itself, presenting the forms and principles of collaboration, as well as the problems that arise in school-home collaboration. In the empirical part of the study, we researched which forms of collaboration are most used by teachers for additional professional assistance in their communication with parents of children with specific learning disabilities. We examined the correlation of teachers\u27 years of experience with the amount of strategies they choose to involve the parents in throughout the process of additional professional assistance. We looked at the extent to which teachers are in contact with parents and whether parents are actively involved in the additional professional assistance lessons. Finally, we investigated the presence of barriers to teacher-parent collaboration. The study showed that, in terms of forms of collaboration, teachers mostly use team meetings with parents and e-mail correspondence. We found that years of experience have a statistically significant effect on the number of strategies used by teachers to involve parents in the process of providing additional professional assistance. The survey also revealed that teachers are in contact with parents on a monthly or as-needed basis. We were further surprised by the finding that less than a quarter of the teachers surveyed actively involved parents in the additional professional assistance lessons. We were also interested in the presence of barriers to cooperation between teachers and parents and found that they were very rare

    Rezultati OCT-angiografije pri otrocih z unilateralno anizometropično ambliopijo

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    Use and challanges of local currencies

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    V diplomskem delu so strnjeno predstavljene lokalne valute, ki običajno nastanejo z namenom izboljšanja gospodarstva v določenih lokalnih skupnostih. Za začetek bomo opredelili pojme denarni sistem ter valuta, nato pa prešlli na temo lokalnih valut. Predstavljeni so začetki uporabe lokalnih valut, različne vrste ter posamezni primeri, ki jih najdemo v tujini in v Sloveniji. V nadaljevanju so raziskani še pozitivni in negativni učinki uporabe, na koncu pa podani še primeri za uporabo lokalnih valut v podjetjih.This thesis provides a concise overview of local currencies, which are usually created to improve the economy of specific local communities. We start by defining the concepts of monetary system and currency, and then move on to the topic of local currencies. The origins of local currencies, the different types and specific examples found abroad and in Slovenia are presented next. Finally, there are explored positive and negative effects of the use of local currencies and given examples of the use of local currencies in businesses

    Cultural-archaeological wealth as an aspect of sustainable and responsible tourism in the Trebinje-Foča region

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    Održivi i odgovorni turizam u službi povijesne baštine danas sve više dobiva na značaju i pažnji. Ovaj diplomski rad proučava održivo-odgovorni aspekt povezan s kulturno-arheološkim bogatstvom Trebinjsko-fočanske regije koja ima veliki potencijal za kvalitetno integriranje u turizam i turističku ponudu. Naše projektno područje istraživanja smješteno je na istočnom i jugoistočnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine s vrlo povoljnim geografskim položajem koje obuhvaća 10 gradova i općina. Tradicija povijesne baštine na tlu ove regije traje neprekidno i kontinuirano već niz godina. Ovo područje se susretalo s mnogobrojnim problemima u prošlosti koji su kočili ravnomjerno i odgovorno očuvanje baštine i njen značaj. Cilj diplomskog rada je da se na osnovi validnih podataka teorijskog i empirijskog dijela riješi problematika slabe prepoznatljivosti kulturno-arheoloških nalazišta i procijene mogućnosti za dodatno uključivanje istih u turističku ponudu destinacije. Najveći utjecaj na ovu povećanu turističku aktivnost imali su arheolozi 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća kada su otkriveni značajni kulturno-arheološki lokaliteti koji danas predstavljaju nacionalno blago i oslikavaju identitet naroda ovog područja. Prikupljanjem podataka u teorijskom i empirijskom dijelu, uvidjelo se stanje na terenu i veliki potencijal za uključivanje kulturno-arheološkog bogatstva u turizam. Međutim aktualna istraživanja označavaju da ovo područje još uvijek uvelike zaostaje za regionalnim i evropskim državama te su stoga vrednovanje, implementacija i buđenje svijesti ključni parametri zadržavanja njihove korisnosti i stvaranje kvalitetne konkurentske turističke prednosti.Today, sustainable and responsible tourism in the service of historical heritage is gaining more and more importance and attention. Our graduate work studies the sustainable-responsible aspect associated with the cultural-archaeological wealth of the Trebinje-Foča region, which has great potential for quality integration into tourism and tourist offerings. Our research project area is located in the eastern and southeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a very favorable geographical position that includes 10 cities and municipalities. The tradition of historical heritage in this region has been ongoing continuously for many years. This area has faced numerous problems in the past that hindered the responsible preservation of heritage and its importance. Therefore, the purpose of the diploma thesis is to solve the problem of poor recognition of cultural and archaeological sites based on valid data from the theoretical and empirical parts and to evaluate the possibilities for their additional inclusion in the tourist offer of the destination. Archaeologists had the greatest influence on this increased tourist activity in the 80s of the last century, when important cultural and archaeological sites were discovered, which today represent a national treasure and reflect the identity of the people of this area. By collecting data in the theoretical and empirical parts, we saw the situation on the ground and the great potential for the inclusion of cultural-archaeological wealth in tourism. However, current research shows that this area still lags far behind regional and European countries, and therefore evaluation, implementation and raising awareness are the key parameters of maintaining their usefulness and creating a quality competitive tourist advantage


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