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    The Succession of Gozan Culture Among Warriors in the Late Middle Ages: On the Creation of the National Treasure of Uesugi Family Documents

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    pdf本皿は、䞭䞖末期に成立した『文鑑』米沢垂䞊杉博物通所蔵「囜宝䞊杉家文曞」を察象に、その成立過皋の分明を目指したものである。該曞は、宀町末期の臚枈宗劙心寺掟の僧南化玄興䞀五䞉八〜䞀六〇四が、戊囜倧名盎江兌続䞀五六〇〜䞀六二〇の所望により、慶長四幎䞀五九九に曞き莈ったずされる䞀曞で、米沢に䌝わる善本ずしおその重芁性が認識されおきた。具䜓的には、南化が犅僧策圊呚良䞀五〇䞀〜䞀五䞃九の秘本から抄出した助字の解説及び宀町末期の犅僧鉄叟景秀䞀四九六〜䞀五八〇から聞曞した内容、そしお宀町前期の犅僧江西竜掟䞀䞉䞃五〜䞀四四六の四六駢儷文の䜜法の抄出が蚘される。しかし、『文鑑』の匕甚母䜓に関する明確な比定はされおこなかった。このような珟状を螏たえ、本皿ではたず、『文鑑』の曞誌・識語・筆跡などの基本情報を敎理し、぀いで盎江ず南化の接点を確認した䞊で、本文の抄出元の再怜蚎を行った。その結果、これたで「策圊和尚秘本」から抄出したず瀺す識語を根拠に、抄出元は『蠡枬集』、『策圊和尚筆蚘』、『策圊四六図』のいずれかではないか、ず掚想されおきたが、実際には南化が関䞎した『巻而懐』東京倧孊史料線纂所所蔵、『四六圙解』、『蒲宀集鈔』ずいった本ず匕甚箇所が重なるこずを明らかにし、地方歊家による五山僧の孊問継承の実態を解明する䞊で重芁な資料であるず䜍眮づけた。  This paper aims to clarify the process by which the Uesugi Family Documents were created during the late medieval period. The documents were written and bestowed in 1599 (Keichou 4) by Nanka Genko (1538–1604), a monk of the Myoshinji sect of Rinzai Zen Buddhism during the late Middle Ages, at the request of Naoe Kanetsugu (1560–1620), a feudal lord during the warring states period.  However, there has been no examination of the bodies of work cited in the Uesugi Family Documents. Thus, in the paper, we first confirm the connection between Naoe and Nanka, review basic information about the Uesugi Family Documents, and then examine the sources of extracts that are featured in the work.  As a result, it can be inferred that "The Secret Book of Sakugen Shuryo," featured in the postscript, could be the "Reisokushu", "The Writings of Sakugen Shuryo" or "Sakugen's Forty-Six Maps"; however, no extracts from these works have been found. We conclude that the extracts are in fact from the Kaijikai (held by the University of Tokyo's Institute of Historical Records), "Collection of 46 Interpretations," or the "Hoshitsushu ", works to which Genko contributed.departmental bulletin pape

    Phased Recordkeeping of the Administration of Comunidad de Madrid, Spain: Analysis from the aspect of legal reform and appraisal

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    pdfスペむン䞭倮行政の蚘録管理で確立した、蚘録のラむフサむクルに沿っお時系列的に぀の段階に分けお管理する手法は、蚘録管理論の解説曞で取り䞊げられ、同囜の䞀郚の地方自治州にも波及し、暙準化、芏範化した。そのひず぀であるマドリヌド州では、蚘録管理に関する法什でその手法が明蚘されおいるが、、段階目の管理を぀の斜蚭が担うこずも述べられおおり、実質぀の段階に分けた管理が芏定されおいる。この段階数のねじれが、近幎進行䞭の法改正の䞭で矛盟ずしお指摘され、解消を詊みた結果、぀の段階を兌ねおいた斜蚭の圹割の芏定が曖昧になる問題が生じおいる。  今埌の動向を探るためには、同州行政蚘録管理で、段階目が埓来どのように区別されおきたのか螏たえる必芁があるが、その調査察象ずしお有効なのが、同州の専門委員䌚によっお公衚されおきた「蚘録識別評䟡調査祚」である。蚘録の評䟡遞別、廃棄の方針提案をするにあたっお、その根拠ずなる同調査祚は、蚘録の保存期間や廃棄時期などの項目で前述の段階に分けた管理を前提ずした様匏が䞎えられおおり、実際のシリヌズごずの、段階目の蚭定や区別を瀺しおいる。分析の結果、段階目たで蚭定される条件ずなる傟向はいく぀か芋出せたものの、段階目ずの区別には曖昧さがみられ、区別の実効性が䜎い珟状がうかがえた。  The recordkeeping method dividing chronologically into 4 phases along the records lifecycle, which had been established in Spanish general administration, became standard and normal in some regions called "Comunidades" in Spain by manuals on recordkeeping. In Comunidad de Madrid, for example, while the method with 4 phases is regulated by a law on recordkeeping, it's also regulated there that one institution would work both as the third and fourth phases, which means a method with 3 phases would be possible. That disagreement of the number of the phases was indicated as a contradiction during the legal reform and the role of the institution which had worked as 2 phases became ambiguous as a result of the solution of the contradiction.  It's necessary, therefore, to understand how the third and fourth phases have been distinguished from each other in the administration of Comunidad de Madrid. In order to do so, it's effective to investigate the "studies" published by a professional committee of Comunidad, on which proposals on records appraisal and disposal are based. The studies show whether the third and four phases are set up for each series and how they are distinguished from each other with the format on the preservation and disposal periods assuming the method with 4 phases. As a result of the analysis of the studies, it is found that there are some tendencies of conditions of setting up phases from the first to third, and there is ambiguity of the distinction between the third and fourth, which means it may be little effective to distinguish one from the other.departmental bulletin pape

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    Local History Archives and Compilation of Oaza Chronicle: Minoru Suzuki, Head of Kawazoe District, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, and Kawazoe Monogatari (The Tale of Kawazoe)

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    pdf本皿は倧字誌を線纂した犏島県双葉郡浪江町川添地区の区長である鈎朚実が集積したアヌカむブズの特質を明らかにしお、圌が線纂・執筆した『川添物語』の刊行契機や意識に぀いお怜蚎する。  鈎朚家の所蔵資料は倧字の資料ずいうわけではなく、鈎朚家圓䞻の圹職に䌎っお集積された資料ず『川添物語』が線纂・執筆に関わる資料であった。特に『川添物語』の線纂・執筆に圓たっおは資料のコピヌなどをファむルで保管する方法を甚いおいた。この方法に圓たっお参考になったのは浪江町暩珟堂出身の門銬朎堂「郷土史料」のファむルであるものず思われる。  昭和54幎、川添地区の総䌚においお『川添物語』刊行が決定された。これは埓来の文化の消滅や蚘録の消滅に察する危機感を抱いおいたこずに起因しおいる。川添地区の歎史を単に叙述するだけでなく、川添地区の繁栄・発展を資するため、人びずの玐垯を再確認するずいう珟実的課題を背負ったものであった。  川添地区のみならず、高床経枈成長期以降、地域が急激な倉化に巻き蟌たれおいったこずは論を俟たない。『川添物語』も単に歎史奜きのノスタルゞヌを䌎った叙述ではなく、地域に察する危機感や課題の䞭で生たれたものであった。  This article attempts to clarify the characteristics of the archives accumulated by Minoru Suzuki, the head of the Kawazoe district, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, who compiled an Oaza chronicle (a book that reveals the history of an administrative area within a municipality), and to study the impetus of and the awareness towards the publication of the Kawazoe Monogatari, which he compiled and wrote.  Materials held by the Suzuki family include those accumulated as a result of the position of the head of Suzuki family and materials related to the compilation and writing of the Kawazoe Monogatari.  In 1979, a decision was taken at a general meeting of the Kawazoe district to publish the Kawazoe Monogatari. This was due to a sense of crisis over the disappearance of traditional local culture and conventional records. They were not only to describe the history of the Kawazoe district, but also took on the practical challenge of reaffirming the bonds of people in order to contribute to the prosperity and development of the Kawazoe district. The Kawazoe Monogatari was not simply a history-lover's nostalgic narrative, but was born out of a sense of crisis and challenges for the district.departmental bulletin pape

    A Story to be Read Poetically: The Shōmonshō Commentary’s Exegesis of the Tales of Ise

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    pdfThis article focuses on the Shōmonshō, a record of Sōgi’s Ise lectures produced by his great disciple Botanka Shōhaku 牡䞹花肖柏 (1443-1527), I examine here in particular, the manner of its interpretive procedure—–to borrow the Shōmonshō’s own language, its “reading-as” (yomi-nashi 読みなし) of the story—in order to discern the precise nature of that Sōgi-school style of exegesis to which, as its direct record, the Shōmonshō bears uniquely crucial witness.  本皿は、宗祇の講釈をその高匟であった牡䞹花肖柏1443―1527が聞曞した『肖聞抄』を採り䞊げ、宗祇流の講釈聞曞ずしおの『肖聞抄』の特質を、物語の読み解き方『肖聞抄』の蚀葉で蚀えば「読みなし」を通しお考えおみるこずずしたい。『肖聞抄』は、著された時期からもたた埌代ぞの圱響の倧きさからも宗祇―䞉条西家流の『䌊勢物語』理解の根幹をなす資料ず蚀え、以降の宗祇流泚釈の展開を窺う䞊でも第䞀に怜蚎されるべき資料ず考えられる。departmental bulletin pape

    Perspectives on the Description and Organization of Historical Materials in a Collection: A Case Study of Materials Related to Kosugi Sugimura in the National Institute of Japanese Literature

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    pdfコレクション史料の敎理にあたっおは、出所および配列の二重構造に配慮する必芁があり、受け入れ時に呚到な調曞を䜜成しおおくこずが望たれる。しかし、珟実にはその譲枡・移管はコレクタヌの没埌に実珟するこずが倚く、十分な情報を埗るこずが難しい。  囜文孊研究資料通所蔵の小杉抲邚関係史料「小杉抲邚収集文曞」・「城叀雑抄」もそのひず぀であり、各史料矀の抂芁蚘述や目録線成に再点怜が必芁な状況にある。  本皿ではこのような珟状に鑑み、コレクション史料取扱い䞊の原則に基づく敎理蚘述・線成実珟のため、残された資源からの情報抜出を詊みた。そこで重芖したのは、各史料の倖圢的特城ず曞き入れ・識語などの内容蚘述である。  怜蚎の結果、以䞋点を確認するこずができた。点目は、倖圢的特城に泚目した䜓系的調査は二次出所を埩元する䞊で䞀定の有効性があり、目録線成を行うための手掛かりを提䟛するこず。そこで埗られた情報は、小杉抲邚関係史料のように耇数のアヌカむブズ通で分散管理されおいるコレクション史料の党䜓像を把握する䞊でも有甚である。点目は、䞻に内容蚘述に泚目した所蔵史料矀盞互の関係性远究が、コレクションに新たな䟡倀を付加するこず。抂芁蚘述の充実はもちろん、圓該コレクション党䜓の性栌を芋盎す䞊で有効な芖角を䞎えるこずに繋がる。  あわせお、囜文孊研究資料通所蔵「城叀雑抄別本」の史料的䟡倀に぀いおも觊れた。  When organizing collection materials, it is necessary to take into consideration the dual structure of provenance and arrangement, and careful documentation should be made at the time of acceptance. In reality, however, transfers and donations often take place after the death of the collector, making it difficult to obtain sufficient information.  The materials related to Kosugi Sugimura at the National Institute of Japanese Literature are one such example.  In light of this situation, this paper attempts to extract information from the remaining resources in order to realize some kind of organization (description and composition) based on the principles of handling historical materials in the collection. Therefore, the emphasis was placed on the external characteristics of each historical document and the content descriptions such as marginal notes and postscripts.  As a result of our investigation, we were able to confirm the following two points: First, systematic research focusing on external characteristics is effective in recovering secondary sources, and provides clues for cataloging. The second point is that the pursuit of the relationship between Archives, focusing mainly on the content description, adds new value to the collection.  In addition, the historical value of the "Choko Zassho Beppon" is also touched upon.departmental bulletin pape

    Relations between Memorial Services for Living Creatures and Memorial Services for Anything: In the Case of Bridge Memorial Monuments

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    pdf橋䟛逊ずは蟞曞の説明に「橋をかけ終わった時、橋の䞊で䟛逊をするこず。たた、その䟛逊。橋の䟛逊」日本囜語倧蟞兞や、「架橋工事が終わった埌、其の橋䞊で行う法䌚」倧挢和蟞兞などずある。『叀事類苑』地郚の橋の項には橋䟛逊ずその䞋䜍に橋祈祷・橋祭が配されるなど、その祭儀がよく知られおいたこずを物語っおいる。  橋䟛逊の最叀の䟋は倧化二幎六四六玀幎を持぀宇治橋断碑にたで遡り埗る。特に関東に膚倧な数の碑塔が残されおいるこずも特城的で、珟存の䟛逊碑も埌玉県を最倚ずしお二千基を超える橋䟛逊碑が珟存する。  橋䟛逊碑の倚くは「橋䟛逊」あるいは「橋䟛逊塔」を碑面に明蚘するが、近代以降には「蚘念碑玀念碑」等の蚘茉も芋られる。今では宗教色を薄めた蚘茉ずなっおいるが、か぀お行われた法䌚等の営みが蚘念祭に眮き換わったものずいえ、建碑意識に倉わりはない。そしお、神儒仏の䞉教合䞀で説かれる善曞による広宣もあった。これらは、文献䞊は、日・䞭・台で確認され、残存する䟛逊碑の存圚や、善曞に芋える絵画や文章からは、攟生に関わっお堕地獄からの救枈を求める営みを奚励する文蚀がうかがえるのである。  本皿は、橋䟛逊を象城的なものずしお採りあげ、生き物䟛逊ず䜕でも䟛逊が決しお無関係ではなく、モノの䟛逊が基本的 に生き物特に牛銬ぞの䟛逊ず䞍即䞍離の関係で連綿ず続いおいるこずを説くものである。  The definition of Hashi Kuyo in the dictionary is “When a bridge is finished, a memorial service is held on top of the bridge. A memorial service held on that bridge'(Daikanji Dictionary). 'Kojiruien shows that the ceremony was well known, such as the bridge memorial service and the bridge prayer and bridge festival under it in the section on the bridge in the ground.  The oldest example of bridge memorial services can be traced back to the Uji Bridge Monument dated 646 (Taika 2). Especially in the Kanto region, a huge number of stone monuments remain, and Saitama Prefecture has the largest number of existing bridge memorial monuments, with more than 2,000 bridges memorial monuments.  Many of the bridge monuments are clearly marked as 'Bridge memorial service'Or 'bridge memorial tower' on the surface of the monument, but in modern times. Youcan also see things that are just "memorial". Although the description is now lessreligious, it can be said that the pujas and other activities that were once held have been replaced with memorial ceremonies, and the awareness of erecting the monument hasnot changed. In addition, there was also publicity by good books preached in the unity of the three teachings of Shinto Confucianism and Buddhism. These are confirmed in Japan, China, and Taiwan in literature, and the existence of surviving memorial monuments and paintings and writings that appear to be good books encourage people to seek salvation from hell by being involved in hojo. rice field.  This paper takes up the bridge memorial service as a symbolic one, and the memorial service for living creatures and the memorial service for everything are by no means unrelated, and the memorial service for things basically continues in an inseparable relationship with the memorial service for living things (especially cattle and horses).departmental bulletin pape

    Hōseidō Kisanji and Kanō Chikanobu: Appreciation of Giga zukan in the late Edo/early Meiji

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