Centro Universitario Mendoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras: Open Journal Systems FFYL
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La abstracción científica en Tomás de Aquino: un contrapunto entre la epistemología tomista y los textos
This paper aims to justify the importance of an alternative approach to analyze abstractionism in Thomas Aquinas regarding the division of objects and sciences, considering that different studies so far a) show difficulties to correctly comprehend some key texts, and b) have spawned debates and disagreements among scholars to the point of preventing to generate a common doctrine on the subject.El trabajo pretende justificar la necesidad de plantear un enfoque alternativo bajo el cual estudiar la doctrina de la abstracción en Tomás de Aquino en su relación con la distinción de las ciencias y sus objetos, toda vez que los análisis realizados hasta la fecha a) muestran algunas dificultades para interpretar correctamente ciertos textos clave, y b) han generado discusiones y controversias entre los especialistas a punto tal de impedir que se cuente en la actualidad con una doctrina común sobre el tema
Muñoz, Marisa y Contardi, Aldana (Eds.). La filosofía argentina de mediados del siglo XX. Figuras, temas y perspectivas. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2022, 412 p.
Publicado en el año 2022 por la editorial Prometeo Libros y editado por las autoras Marisa Muñoz y Aldana Contardi, La Filosofía Argentina de Mediados del Siglo XX constituye un aporte en la historización y reflexión en torno a un intervalo clave para la cultura filosófica nacional
La formación pedagógica como opción para la acción política y formación para la vida: Entrevista a dos de las primeras docentes en Sociología: Licenciadas y profesoras Gladis Schiaroli y Graciela Cousinet (UNCUYO)
In this interview, Gladys Schiaroli and Graciela Cousinet, both sociology graduates and professors at the National University of Cuyo, tell us about their pedagogical training during the 1970s, in a context of right-wing advance. In the case of Cousinet, she was expelled as a university teacher and finished her teaching degree with the return of democracy. Schiaroli began her teaching career after the dictatorship dismissed her as a municipal employee. Two stories of professional women who, in divergent ways, chose the field of education as a political option and training for life.En esta entrevista, las licenciadas y profesoras en Sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Gladys Schiaroli y Graciela Cousinet, nos cuentan cómo fue su formación pedagógica durante los años ́70, en un contexto de avance de las derechas. En el caso de Cousinet, fue expulsada como docente universitaria y finalizó su profesorado con la vuelta de la democracia. Schiaroli, comenzó su carrera docente luego de que la dictadura la cesanteara como empleada municipal. Dos historias de mujeres profesionales que, de modos divergentes, eligieron el campo de la educación como opción política y formación para la vida
Introducción al dossier: La cultura literaria latinoamericana: circulación de textos, dispositivos reticulares, revisión del archivo y giro material
Introduction to the Dossier: Literatures beyond bookcentrism. A relational approach to Latin American literary culture.Introducción al Dossier: Literaturas más allá del librocentrismo. Un enfoque relacional de la cultura literaria latinoamerican
Experiencias y saberes en ciencias económicas de la UNCUYO. Apuntes afectivos y genealógicos
Called by an impulse, the desire and the urgency to communicate, we write to reconstruct some of the abject and insurgent experiences that took place in the territory of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Cuyo with the aspiration of -in the words of Gloria Anzaldúa- heal the scares produced by the wounds of invisibility and silencing. These experiences are intertwined in methodological-epistemological, affective and political disputes around the ways in which what are denominated "economic sciences" should be transmitted and constructed. We present a genealogy of three scenes. One of them shows the clash of knowledge that connects the National University of Cuyo with the University of Chicago and materializes in specific study plans, but above all, in a curriculum that forms a specific political-educational proposal. In another scene we follow the formation of a student group that through different strategies questions and politicizes the knowledge consolidated in the previous scene. Finally, we tell the story of a team of professors who, in key areas of research methodology and epistemology, begin to generate political and epistemological questions to the dominant knowledge and at the same time generate alliances with the student group of the preceding scene.Llamados por un impulso, el deseo y la urgencia de comunicar, escribimos para reconstruir algunas de las experiencias abyectas e insurrectas que tuvieron lugar en el territorio de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de Cuyo con la aspiración de -en palabras de Gloria Anzaldúa- sanar los sustos productos de las heridas de invisibilización y silenciamiento. Estas experiencias se entrelazan en disputas método-epistemológicas, afectivas y políticas en torno a las maneras en que se debe transmitir y construir lo que se denominan “ciencias económicas”. Presentamos una genealogía de tres escenas. Una de ella muestra la eclosión de un saber que conecta Universidad Nacional de Cuyo con Universidad de Chicago y se materializa en planes de estudio determinados, pero sobre todo, en un currículum que conforma una propuesta político-educativa determinada. En otra escena seguimos la conformación de un colectivo estudiantil que por medio de diferentes estrategias cuestiona y politiza el saber consolidado en la escena anterior. Por último, contamos la historia de un equipo de profesoras que, en áreas clave de metodología y epistemología de la investigación comienzan a generar cuestionamientos políticos y epistemológicos al saber dominante y a generar al mismo tiempo alianzas con el colectivo estudiantil de la escena precedente
Bio-efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi and vegetable oils against the pink pineapple mealybug: Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell)
Dismiccoccus brevipes (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) es una de las plagas de mayor importancia de la piña a nivel mundial, no solo por los daños directos que ocasiona, si no por ser trasmisor del virus marchitez roja de la piña. Los hongos entomopatógenos son una alternativa para el manejo de este insecto. En un experimento preliminar se evaluó la patogenicidad y virulencia de dos aislamientos de Beauveria bassiana (BbCT, BbCa) y uno de Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma), sobre la mortalidad de hembras adultas de D. brevipes. Posteriormente, los aislamientos más virulentos y una cepa comercial de Paecelomyces fumosoroceus (PAE-SIN), fueron evaluados en otro experimento en condiciones de laboratorio e invernadero, solos o en combinación con aceite de soya y aceite de neem. Todos los aislamientos evaluados presentan diferente grado de patogenicidad; sin embargo, B. bassiana resultó ser el más patogénico. El aislamiento BbCa a una concentración inicial de 1×107 conidios mL-1 fue más efectivo contra adultos de D. brevipes comparado al control, causando mortalidad del 66% ± 6% a los 8 días pos inoculación a 26 ± 1°C. BbCa presentó la mayor virulencia con una CL50, de 3.45x107 conidios mL-1 y una CL95 de 2.29x108 conidios mL-1, bajo condiciones controladas. Sin embargo, la eficacia se incrementó para BbCa, cuando se combinó con aceite de neem, al causar el 100 % de mortalidad a los 6 días pos inoculación.
The lethal effects ofisolatesofBeauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma) and Paecilomyces fumosoroceus against adult female of brevipes were evaluated both laboratory and greenhouse conditions.
All entomopathogenic fungi tested in this research kill adult females brevipes.
Isolates of bassina were the most virulent against adult females D. brevipes.
Combination of neem oil with entomopathogenic fungi are analternative management tool for this pest.Dismiccoccus brevipes (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) es una de las plagas de mayor importancia de la piña a nivel mundial, no solo por los daños directos que ocasiona, si no por ser trasmisor del virus marchitez roja de la piña. Los hongos entomopatógenos son una alternativa para el manejo de este insecto. En un experimento preliminar se evaluó la patogenicidad y virulencia de dos aislamientos de Beauveria bassiana (BbCT, BbCa) y uno de Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma), sobre la mortalidad de hembras adultas de D. brevipes. Posteriormente, los aislamientos más virulentos y una cepa comercial de Paecelomyces fumosoroceus (PAE-SIN), fueron evaluados en otro experimento en condiciones de laboratorio e invernadero, solos o en combinación con aceite de soya y aceite de neem. Todos los aislamientos evaluados presentan diferente grado de patogenicidad; sin embargo, B. bassiana resultó ser el más patogénico. El aislamiento BbCa a una concentración inicial de 1×107 conidios mL-1 fue más efectivo contra adultos de D. brevipes comparado al control, causando mortalidad del 66% ± 6% a los 8 días pos inoculación a 26 ± 1°C. BbCa presentó la mayor virulencia con una CL50, de 3.45x107 conidios mL-1 y una CL95 de 2.29x108 conidios mL-1, bajo condiciones controladas. Sin embargo, la eficacia se incrementó para BbCa, cuando se combinó con aceite de neem, al causar el 100 % de mortalidad a los 6 días pos inoculación.
The lethal effects ofisolatesofBeauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma) and Paecilomyces fumosoroceus against adult female of brevipes were evaluated both laboratory and greenhouse conditions.
All entomopathogenic fungi tested in this research kill adult females brevipes.
Isolates of bassina were the most virulent against adult females D. brevipes.
Combination of neem oil with entomopathogenic fungi are analternative management tool for this pest.
Traditional cow-calf systems of the northern region of Santa Fe, Argentina: current situation and improvement opportunities
Cow-calf systems are at the core of Argentina´s significant national beef industry. The objectives were: i) to characterize the productive state of traditional cow-calf systems, named BASE, from the northern region of Santa Fe province, ii) to identify technologies for the productive improvement of the BASE system, and iii) to quantify the productive and economic impact of the adoption of the identified technologies. To characterize the BASE system, the available published data were systematized and validated in a workshop with leading regional experts in the field. To identify the technologies for improvement, a survey was conducted among regional farm advisors. Finally, to quantify the impact of adopting improvements in the BASE system, a modelling study was conducted. The results showed that traditional cow-calf systems have low productive and reproductive efficiency (45 kg LW ha-1 year-1 and 48% weaning rate) and little adoption of herd management and forage production technologies. The technologies identified were grazing management, training of farmers and farm staff, and seasonal mating. The modelling study showed that improvements in the production and use of forage and herd management practices would increase beef production and the gross margin of the BASE system by 70% and 96%, respectively.
Participatory modelling was used to characterize and evaluate the traditional cow-calf system from northern region of Santa Fe province and prioritize improvement technologies for potential adoption.
Cow-calf systems from the northern region of Santa Fe province have little adoption of technologies and low productive and reproductive efficiency (45 kg LW ha-1 year-1 and 48% weaning rate).
Technologies prioritized by regional farm advisors of cow-calf systems were grazing management, training of farmers and farm staff, and seasonal mating.
The combination of herd and feeding strategies would increase beef production and gross margin of traditional cow-calf system by up to 70% and 96%, respectively.Cow-calf systems are at the core of Argentina´s significant national beef industry. The objectives were: i) to characterize the productive state of traditional cow-calf systems, named BASE, from the northern region of Santa Fe province, ii) to identify technologies for the productive improvement of the BASE system, and iii) to quantify the productive and economic impact of the adoption of the identified technologies. To characterize the BASE system, the available published data were systematized and validated in a workshop with leading regional experts in the field. To identify the technologies for improvement, a survey was conducted among regional farm advisors. Finally, to quantify the impact of adopting improvements in the BASE system, a modelling study was conducted. The results showed that traditional cow-calf systems have low productive and reproductive efficiency (45 kg LW ha-1 year-1 and 48% weaning rate) and little adoption of herd management and forage production technologies. The technologies identified were grazing management, training of farmers and farm staff, and seasonal mating. The modelling study showed that improvements in the production and use of forage and herd management practices would increase beef production and the gross margin of the BASE system by 70% and 96%, respectively.
Participatory modelling was used to characterize and evaluate the traditional cow-calf system from northern region of Santa Fe province and prioritize improvement technologies for potential adoption.
Cow-calf systems from the northern region of Santa Fe province have little adoption of technologies and low productive and reproductive efficiency (45 kg LW ha-1 year-1 and 48% weaning rate).
Technologies prioritized by regional farm advisors of cow-calf systems were grazing management, training of farmers and farm staff, and seasonal mating.
The combination of herd and feeding strategies would increase beef production and gross margin of traditional cow-calf system by up to 70% and 96%, respectively
A polyphasic study of non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus Link, isolates from maize in the Chaco semi-arid region of Argentina
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most widely planted crops globally with Argentina leading world production and exportation. Santiago del Estero province, east of Tucumán and north of Córdoba encompasses eight agro-climatic zones in the Chaco Semi-arid region, agro-ecologically characterized by a wide temperature range and frequent drought periods that expose the crop to pathogens, particularly Aspergillus flavus. This pathogen is responsible for ear rot and grain contamination with mycotoxins such as aflatoxin B1 and cyclopiazonic acid. This study obtained fungal isolates from ears of maize and characterized them according to toxigenic capability and morphotype of sclerotia (S < 400 μm, associated with high levels of aflatoxins and L > 400 μm, related to variable levels of aflatoxins). In addition, those not producing aflatoxins were studied to determine phylogenetic relationships based on sequences of a segment of the CaM gene. Fifty-eight isolates were obtained in eight localities representing each agro-climatic zone, 30 of which were non-aflatoxigenic, 28 aflatoxigenic, and all producers of ciclopiazonic acid. Six isolates did not produce sclerotia, 51 were L and only one was S, the latter being a non-producer of aflatoxins. The number of sclerotia was positively correlated with the production of aflatoxin B1, while size was negatively correlated. The CaM gene sequences corroborated that the isolates belonged to the A. flavus clade and the high nucleotide similarity among them (99.4% to 100%) revealed almost zero genetic diversity in this geographic region. No significant differences were observed in the proportion of isolates between growing seasons or among agroclimatic districts. This research revealed characteristics of fungus populations in this agricultural region of north Argentina.
Aspergillus flavus isolates from ears of maize were characterized according to toxigenic capability, morphotype of sclerotia and phylogenetic relationships.
Fifty-eight isolates were obtained, 30 non-aflatoxigenic, 28 aflatoxigenic, and all producers of ciclopiazonic acid.
Six isolates did not produce sclerotia, 51 were L and only one was S, the latter being a non-producer of aflatoxins.
All isolates belonged to the flavus clade. High nucleotide similarity among the isolates (99.4% to 100%) revealed almost zero genetic diversity in the region.Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most widely planted crops globally with Argentina leading world production and exportation. Santiago del Estero province, east of Tucumán and north of Córdoba encompasses eight agro-climatic zones in the Chaco Semi-arid region, agro-ecologically characterized by a wide temperature range and frequent drought periods that expose the crop to pathogens, particularly Aspergillus flavus. This pathogen is responsible for ear rot and grain contamination with mycotoxins such as aflatoxin B1 and cyclopiazonic acid. This study obtained fungal isolates from ears of maize and characterized them according to toxigenic capability and morphotype of sclerotia (S < 400 μm, associated with high levels of aflatoxins and L > 400 μm, related to variable levels of aflatoxins). In addition, those not producing aflatoxins were studied to determine phylogenetic relationships based on sequences of a segment of the CaM gene. Fifty-eight isolates were obtained in eight localities representing each agro-climatic zone, 30 of which were non-aflatoxigenic, 28 aflatoxigenic, and all producers of ciclopiazonic acid. Six isolates did not produce sclerotia, 51 were L and only one was S, the latter being a non-producer of aflatoxins. The number of sclerotia was positively correlated with the production of aflatoxin B1, while size was negatively correlated. The CaM gene sequences corroborated that the isolates belonged to the A. flavus clade and the high nucleotide similarity among them (99.4% to 100%) revealed almost zero genetic diversity in this geographic region. No significant differences were observed in the proportion of isolates between growing seasons or among agroclimatic districts. This research revealed characteristics of fungus populations in this agricultural region of north Argentina.
Aspergillus flavus isolates from ears of maize were characterized according to toxigenic capability, morphotype of sclerotia and phylogenetic relationships.
Fifty-eight isolates were obtained, 30 non-aflatoxigenic, 28 aflatoxigenic, and all producers of ciclopiazonic acid.
Six isolates did not produce sclerotia, 51 were L and only one was S, the latter being a non-producer of aflatoxins.
All isolates belonged to the flavus clade. High nucleotide similarity among the isolates (99.4% to 100%) revealed almost zero genetic diversity in the region
Enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en la escuela secundaria: Algunas reflexiones a partir de dos revisiones
Leer y escribir constituyen habilidades y prácticas indispensables para vivir en una sociedad letrada y desempeñarse dentro del sistema educativo. En este trabajo, reflexionamos sobre las especificidades que adquiere la investigación empírica que involucra la implementación de propuestas de enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en la escuela secundaria, sobre la base de dos revisiones sistemáticas en las que relevamos 24 propuestas desarrolladas con estudiantes hispanohablantes, en el contexto iberoamericano a lo largo de la última década. Encontramos que el abordaje de la enseñanza de la lectura, la escritura y los contenidos curriculares de diversas asignaturas puede adscribirse a dos perfiles diferenciados: enseñanza explícita de la comprensión o producción de textos en articulación con la enseñanza de los contenidos curriculares y enseñanza de contenidos mediante el abordaje dialógico de los textos. Las propuestas implementadas específicamente en América Latina abordan, de manera mayoritaria, la enseñanza de la lectura. Discutimos estos resultados en cuanto al desarrollo de habilidades de alfabetización. Conocer los modos en que se enseña a leer y a escribir a adolescentes y jóvenes puede contribuir tanto al diseño de nuevas propuestas de enseñanza como al desarrollo de reflexiones teóricas e iniciativas empíricas que aborden, en el interior de las asignaturas, la enseñanza explícita de la lectura y la escritura desde los contenidos curriculares
Modernidad temprana, modernización periférico-colonial y discursos cristianos críticos, según la política de la liberación madura de Enrique Dussel
This article delineates a meticulous analysis of the reconfiguration offered by Enrique Dussel's mature politics of liberation concerning the historical-philosophical phenomenon of European Modernity, with particular emphasis on the argumentative stance of certain critical philosophical-theological-political theorizations emerging from peripheral Christianism during the American colonial period. Consequently, it elucidates some of the primary antecedents upon which Dussel's mature liberationist political discourse rests, underscored by their function during that historical period as emancipatory alternatives to the hegemonic philosophy and theology of imperial Christianity. Finally, it depicts the overarching tenets of Dussel's philosophical-political reception of the intellectual legacies of figures, such as Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (16th century), Guamán Poma de Ayala (17th century), and certain exiled Jesuits (18th century).Este artículo presenta un análisis detallado de la reconstrucción provista por la política de la liberación tardía de Enrique Dussel sobre el fenómeno histórico-filosófico de la Modernidad europea, en especial en su fase temprana, haciendo hincapié en la posición argumental de ciertas teorizaciones filosófico-teológico políticas críticas emergentes del cristianismo periférico durante el período colonial americano. Con ello, se muestran algunos de los antecedentes principales sobre los cuales se apoya el discurso político liberacionista tardío de Dussel, destacados por fungir en ese período histórico como alternativas liberadoras frente a la filosofía y la teología hegemónicas de la Cristiandad imperial. Finalmente, se indican las notas generales de la recepción filosófico-política dusseliana del pensamiento de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (siglo XVI), Gua