Istighna - Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam
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The study aimed to examine one of the platforms for sexuality and reproductive health education based on Islamic values on Instagram, namely to normalize discussions related to sexual and reproductive rights and health in Indonesia. By researching the approach strategy provides understanding to the people about Islamic-based sexuality education through the content provided on Instagram. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely explaining and exploring the comprehensively, broadly, and deeply. Then analyze it in the form of a qualitative description. This research shows the result that the platform for sexuality and reproductive health education based on Islamic values received a good response from people, through the content provided on Instagram people became aware of the importance of providing sexuality education to children as early as possible. So it is hoped that cases of sexual violence against children can decrease because they receive comprehensive sexuality education
The aim of this study is to find out the application of the drilling method in Arabic lessons and to perceive the improvement of Arabic reading skills at Class VIIC Mts Darul Rahman 1 Jakarta. This study adapted a Class Action Research conducted in two cycles, preceded by pre-cycle activity. The subjects of this research are forty students of Class VIIC in MTs Daarul Rahman 1 Jakarta, and the object is the Arabic language reading skills. The data collection used in this research are observation, test, and documentation. The data collected are then analyzed using mixed method, qualitative and quantitative. The results of the study showed that: 1) The application of the drilling method to learning the Arabic Language was conducted through pre-cycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2, which can improve students’ Arabic reading skills. The results from the cycles showed the increase in students’ mastery learning and score average. In the pre-cycle activity, the mastery learning is only 35%, and the average score is 60%. After the application of the drilling method, the result in cycle 1 showed that the mastery learning increases to 55% with an average score 67%, and the result in cycle 2 showed that the mastery learning reaches 80% with an average score 75%; 2) The application of the drilling method could increase the students’ Arabic reading skill in Arabic lesson. The result showed the increasing number of students who gain mastery learning set up in advance
The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data regarding the effect of Fiqih teacher competence on student achievement in class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Huda Curug Wetan Tangerang. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all students of class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Huda Curug Wetan Tangerang. Data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The sample in this study used a random sampling technique, namely a sample taken of 30 students. The results of this study are that there is an influence of Fiqih Teacher Competence on Student Achievement. This was obtained from the results of the correlation coefficient rcount of 0.593 > 0.374 in this case H0 was rejected and Hα was accepted. And the coefficient of determination shows 35.1%, meaning that the level of influence is sufficient or moderate
This research aimed at knowing 1) Planning of educational facilities and infrastructures was, 2) Organization of educational facilities and infrastructures was, 3) Implementation of educational facilities and infrastructures was, 4) Supervision of educational facilities and infrastructures was, and 5) Educational facilities and infrastructures services at Islamic Junior High School of Al-Azhar 37 Pekanbaru was. It was a qualitative research using descriptive method. The subjects of this research were the principal, the coordinator of facilities and infrastructures, 2 teachers, and 3 students. The object of this research was the implementation of educational facilities and infrastructures management in improving the education services quality at Islamic Junior High School of Al-Azhar 37 Pekanbaru. Observation, interview, and documentation techniques were used for collecting the data. The data were analyzed by collecting, filtering, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research showed that: 1) the planning of educational facilities and infrastructures were conducted in good category: planning was conducted based on needs analysis, cost/price estimates, and priority scale. 2) The organization of educational facilities and infrastructures were conducted in good category: the selection or recruitment staffs based on the results of the work division analysis as well as job description. 3) The implementation of educational facilities and infrastructures was conducted in good enough category: the implementation of inventory, distribution, and maintenance activities, but in practice, there were still some educational facilities that were not recorded yet, both data collection on inventory and maintenance of educational facilities and infrastructures. 4) The supervision of educational facilities and infrastructures were conducted in good category: incidentally or periodically once a month was always conducted assessment which was poured into a supervisory report, and there was a determination of appropriate facilities and infrastructure. 5) The educational facilities and infrastructures services were conducted in good category: it was marked by the satisfaction of infrastructures users to services that had been provided by paying attention to the services quality
This study addresses the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, specifically focusing on character education. The rapid development of AI technology has significant impacts on various aspects of human life, including education. Character education aims to instill moral values and virtues in students to develop their ability to make ethical decisions and manifest goodness in daily life. The integration of AI in education raises ethical and moral concerns, particularly in discussing values such as integrity, digital ethics, and responsibility in technology use. This study aims to explore the potential of AI in developing critical thinking skills, which is essential in shaping strong character. The research problem involves the need for an innovative system to improve the quality of thinking and skills in education, addressing the shortcomings of existing learning models. The methodology employed in this study includes a literature review and qualitative analysis to examine the impact of AI on character education. The findings suggest that AI in education can assist students in developing critical thinking skills and minimizing misunderstandings of learning materials. The implications of this study underscore the importance of integrating AI in character education and the need for comprehensive learning strategies
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isyarat guru dalam Al-Qur’an, mendapatkan rumusan kompetensi kepribadian, memotret konsep kepribadian guru, menemukan peta kompetensi kepribadian guru pendidikan agama Islam di kota Tangerang Selatan dan strategi pembinaannya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Pustaka (library research) dan lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan penelitian Metode Gabungan (Mixed Methods). Adapun objek penelitian ini adalah guru Pendidikan agama Islam di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui teknik angket, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan model analisis data interaktif yang dilakukan secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi kepribadian guru pendidikan agama Islam di Kota Tangerang Selatan pada beberapa indikator capaiannya menunjukkan tingkat kompetensi yang rendah, antara lain; kurang berinovasi dalam pembelajaran, kurang mengaktifkan peserta didik, kurang mengembangkan diri, kurang disiplin dalam tugas, tidak menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya secara tuntas. Peningkatan kualitas kompetensi kepribadian guru pendidikan agama Islam, antara lain: pembinaan guru pendidikan agama Islam, pembinaan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam pada pada jenjang TK, SMP dan SMA/SMK, kerjasama dengan pemerintah kota Tangerang Selatan dalam pengembangan pendidikan agama islam, mengadakan kajian, penelitian dan studi tiru, mengadakan ajang kompetisi siswa, dan guru
The COVID-19 outbreak that hit Indonesia had an impact on various existing sectors, including the education sector. The government is required to rack the brain in the implementation of learning. At SMK Negeri 50 Jakarta, hybrid learning has been implemented (25% of students in class and 75% at home using the Microsoft Teams application) to overcome this problem. and also the teacher who teaches. The purpose of this research is to find out how effectively the hybrid learning model is applied to help students understand, and whether the hybrid learning model can be continued for learning. The data was taken at SMKN 50 DKI Jakarta. Researchers conducted data analysis using a quantitative approach with this type of research using, Paired sample t-Test is a two-sample paired difference test. From the data obtained, it shows that the results of calculations with SPSS state that, a significance level of 5%, testing the effectiveness of the hybrid learning model shows that the average value of the test results after using the Hybrid Learning method has increased higher than before using the Hybrid Learning method or experiencing significant increas
The friction between eastern and western cultures that occurs and influences each other has implications for the friction between Islamic education and global culture. The touch of global culture causes socio-cultural changes and local wisdom values. Modernization and globalization have built and introduced new values in Islamic thought and philosophy. In the context of the perspective of the philosophy of Islamic education, the school of reconstructionism is a school that seeks to overhaul the old order by building a modern pattern of cultural life, as well as trying to find agreement among human beings. The flow of reconstructionist philosophy influences and brings changes to the construction of Islamic education. This paper aims to examine issues related to education from an Islamic perspective on reconstructionism using library research with a qualitative research approach and descriptive-analytical methods. This study concludes that it is necessary to reconstruct Islamic education in various aspects and turn every challenge it faces into an opportunity so that progress, independence, and existence remain and can survive amidst the challenges of the times
Abstact: Islamic education faces problems not only in aspects of ideology, politics, finance and other problems, but also the arrival of the era of globalization, namely the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 which is a real movement towards the development of increasingly sophisticated information and technology. In response to the above problems, there have been many figures in various parts of the Islamic world who have had an influence on the progress of science. One of the figures in the Islamic world is Ibn Sina who is a Muslim scientist who has expertise in various fields .This study aims to examine Ibn Sina's thoughts on Islamic education and its relevance to education in the modern era. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, the type of research is library research with documentation data collection and content analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that Ibn Sina's Islamic Education thought seeks to form insan kamil, namely human beings who develop all their potential in a balanced and comprehensive manner. Ibn Sina's perspective of Islamic education is still relevant, even though the idea of education was not born in the modern era. This is based on the values of Islamic teachings that are sourced from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Thus, Ibn Sina's educational thoughts can certainly be taken into consideration in the implementation of education.Keywords: Islamic Education; Ibn Sina; Relevanc
Peristiwa kematian erat kaitannya dengan peristiwa berikutnya, yaitu pembagian waris. Perkara waris di dalam tatanan hidup keseharian bukan hal yang remeh sebab perkara tersebut berkorelasi erat dengan pembagian harta, dan akan sangat sensitif apabila tidak diselesaikan secara adil dan menuai sengketa antar keluarga. Penetapan ahli waris dapat dilakukan secara cepat apabila diketahui secara pasti siapa yang wafat lebih dahulu, dan siapa yang masih hidup. Akan tetapi, yang terjadi tidak selalu demikian. Di dalam disiplin ilmu waris Islam terdapat masalah-masalah yang mendapat perhatian khusus karena terkait dengan statusnya yang belum jelas. Di antara masalah-masalah itu adalah permasalahan waris orang yang mati bersama. Persoalan waris untuk kasus orang yang mati bersama mengemuka sebab di tahun ini terjadi banyak musibah di tanah air yang menelan banyak korban jiwa, yang bisa jadi di antara mereka memiliki hubungan kewarisan. Peristiwa ini tentu akan menimbulkan persoalan tentang siapa yang menjadi pewaris dan siapa yang menjadi ahli waris, apakah mereka saling mewarisi atau tidak. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penetapan hak waris bagi orang yang mati secara bersama dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa secara garis besar untuk kasus waris orang yang mati bersama tidak saling mewarisi satu sama lain