e-Journal STIT (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiya) Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang
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    607 research outputs found

    Menciptakan Lingkungan Pembelajaran Kreatif: Tinjauan Sistematis dalam Pendidikan

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    This research is driven by the urgent need to create a learning environment that not only serves as a place for study but also acts as a space that motivates students, encourages creativity, and enhances their active engagement in the learning process. A creative learning environment has been proven to help students develop critical thinking skills, collaborative abilities, and proficiency in solving complex problems. The purpose of this study is to systematically review the literature to understand the positive impact of a creative learning environment on the field of education. The method used is literature analysis, which includes relevant studies from various trusted sources. The research results show that an innovative and student-responsive learning environment can increase learning motivation while promoting optimal learning outcomes. This study provides valuable guidance for educators and policymakers in designing curricula and teaching methods that support active and participatory learning

    Upaya Guru PAI dalam Pembentukan Akhlakul Karimah pada Siswa

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    The formation of the akhlakul karimah in students is a very important aspect in Islamic religion education (PAI). PAI teacher has a central role in guiding students to a noble akhlak, in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This research aims to find out the efforts made by PAI teachers in the formation of karimah achlakul in students. In this research, the method used is a qualitative approach with case studies as research design. Data is collected in several ways, including in-person observations, interviews with PAI teachers, as well as analysis of PAI curriculum-related documents and PAI learning materials. The strategy includes direct teaching of Islamic values, giving examples in everyday life, as well as accustoming positive behavior through extracurricular activities. PAI teachers also use a holistic approach, which combines aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in an effort to shape a charitable attitude in student


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    Extracurricular activities are a place to develop the potential of students through various activities, both those directly related and those not directly related to the curriculum. Extracurricular activities can bridge the problems of education that occur in schools and education in families as well as the challenges of globalisation because they act as a perfecting education from the cognitive level to the affective and psychomotor aspects. As well as extracurricular activities at MTs darussalam sengkubang which can shape the religious character of students through habituation and cultivation in extracurricular scout activities. This research uses a qualitative approach, while this type of research is phenomenology. The results showed that the implementation of extracurricular scout activities at MTs Darussalam Sengkubang began with the planning stage of long-term, medium and short-term work programmes, then the implementation stage of the planned programme with a well-calculated time determination. In the implementation of extracurricular scout activities at MTs Darussalam Sengkubang, it strongly emphasises the character development of students or scout members. Scout extracurricular activities can shape the religious character of students at MTs Darussalam Sengkubang because of the provision of religious guidance to students, involving students in scouting activities and guidance from administrators and coaches able to internalise the religious character of students


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    The leadership ability of the Head of Madrasah in directing the views of the community and teachers to work professionally so as to foster the level of public trust is increasing, it can be seen from the increasing number of students enrolling in Madrasah Litahfidzil Qur'an Mempawah. The approach of this research is descriptive qualitative with research subjects Madrasah Head, Deputy madrasah head, and Teachers. The data collection method uses observation, interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis technique uses three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study are: 1) the head of Madrasah has provided guidance to teachers with a maximum in the form of conducting regular meetings, providing encouragement by including teachers in training, workshorp, seminars, MGMP, 2) the head of Madrasah has provided guidance to students both in learning and extracurricular activities and fostering religious character by providing direction and motivation to students, 3) the head of Madrasah has been able to keep up with the development of science and technology well, and continues to improve its ability to keep up with the development of science and technology. 4) The implications of the leadership role of the madrasah head in improving the quality of education have been well seen from the professional improvement of teachers in carrying out their duties. For students, it has an impact on increasing learning achievement, achieving achievements in various competitions


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    The purpose of this study was to find out how fiqh learning may be applied to halal goods from small and medium sized bussines (IKM). This is side story sinve a lot of student enterpreneurs are developing due of the influence of their own education. Because of this a more thorough examination of how fiqh learning applies to halal items is necessart to determine whatever or not thet may be considered halal. This stdy employs a qualitative, phenomenologic al approach as its methodology. The findigs of study indicate that small and medium industrial entrepreneurs (IKM) have started to use fiqh knowledge to halal products

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Organisasi Pesantren bagi Pengurus Pondok Pesantren Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

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    This service is designed with the aim of providing training in managing Islamic boarding school organizations to the administrators of the Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang Islamic Boarding School. As an Islamic educational institution, Islamic boarding schools play a crucial role in shaping the character of students and providing holistic education. To ensure sustainability and sustainable development, effective and efficient management is needed. Through this training, it is hoped that administrators at the Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang Islamic Boarding School can develop their managerial skills, understand and implement best practices in managing Islamic boarding schools. Mastery of modern management concepts, strategic planning, human resource management and Islamic boarding school finances is the focus in improving organizational governance. In this way, it is hoped that Islamic boarding schools can provide the best service to students, achieve better educational and da'wah goals, and strengthen their organizational foundations to support long-term development. Overall, it is hoped that this training will make a positive contribution in advancing Islamic boarding schools as quality and competitive Islamic educational institutions


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    Education is currently facing extraordinary challenges since the existence of covid-19, learning that is usually done face-to-face has turned into learning that must be done remotely. Online learning requires teachers to innovate various learning methods. The blended learning method comes as one of the methods that can be applied during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research tries to examine the concept of blanded learning method. This research uses a type of library research (library research) with a literature review approach. based on the findings, the blanded learning method can be used as a learning method amid the Covid-19 conditions that have not subsided.

    Peningkatan Motivasi Berprestasi Bagi Santri Melalui Metode Peer Teaching di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Rohmah Grobogan

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    Learning motivation has a position that is quite urgent in supporting the success of the learning process. In general, the problems faced by students who study in two educational institutions such as the world and pesantren, in the case raised in the community service, are low motivation to learn and low time management. Learning activities using the Peer Teaching method turned out to make a positive contribution to improving achievement motivation among students of the Ar-Rohmah Grobogan Islamic Boarding School. Education that involves peers as supervisors and supervisors can also create a conducive and pleasant learning environment. However it is not without challenges at all. Mass media such as television and increasingly open internet access are problems that must be solved in the future so that the atmosphere of santri learning can be better conditione

    Implementation Of Education Quality Assurance (PMP) In The Context Of Improving PAI Learning Performance

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of education quality assurance in improving PAI learning at MA At-tadzkir Kaliaren Grobogan. This research uses a type of descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques using interviews, observations, and document reviews. While data analysis is used, interactive analysis models include data reduction, data delivery, and conclusions. Based on the results of the study, the quality mapping carried out by the madrasah to improve PAI learning, in general, has been carried out well. The preparation of quality fulfillment plans carried out by the madrasah is quite good. The implementation of quality fulfillment carried out by madrasah to improve PAI learning is quite good, meaning that 8 national standards of education have been fulfilled in the implementation of madrasah, namely fulfillment of content standards, fulfillment of process standards, fulfillment of graduate competency standards, fulfillment of standards of educators and educational personnel, fulfillment of standards of facilities and infrastructure, fulfillment of management standards, fulfillment of financing standards and fulfillment of educational assessment standards.  The quality evaluation/audit conducted by the madrasah to improve PAI learning is quite good, shown by the implementation of formative evaluation referring to process indicators, summative evaluation referring to indicators of output, outcome, and impact, and auditing the SNP fulfillment process according to a previously set pla

    Peran Thariqat Qadiriyah An Naqsyabandiyah Dalam Membentuk Budaya Religius

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    This research aims to analyze the role of the Qadiriyah and Naqsyabandiyah congregations in forming religious culture in the Roudlotut Ta'allum recitation congregation in North Anjatan Village, Anjatan District, Indramayu Regency. The Qadiriyah an Naqsyabandiyah order is a contemporary order combining two large orders, namely Qadiriyah and Naqsyabandiyah. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Primary data was obtained through interviews with congregation leaders, deputy leaders, community leaders, and congregation members. Secondary data is obtained from documentation in notes, reports, books, and other relevant scientific work. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was done through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The validity of the data is guaranteed through increasing persistence, triangulation, and extension of observations. This research is important for understanding how congregations as socio-religious organizations can shape religious culture at the local level. Congregations have a role in shaping people's attitudes, character, and perspectives on religion and life. By examining the role of the Qadiriyah an Naqsyabandiyah Order in the context of the religious culture of the Roudlotut Ta'allum congregation, this research provides a new perspective in understanding the dynamics of the order and its influence on the lives of Muslim communities at the grassroots level. It is hoped that the findings of this research can contribute to the development of Sufism, Tariqah, and other related studie


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