Portal Jurnal Online Kopertais Wilyah IV (EKIV) - Cluster SUSI-NTT
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Hubungan antara Aktivitas Integrasi Visual Motorik dengan Handwriting Skills Anak Usia Dini
Handwriting skills pada anak usia dini merupakan keterampilan dasar yang penting dalam perkembangan akademis mereka. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi handwriting skills ini adalah integrasi visual motorik, yaitu kemampuan untuk mengkoordinasikan persepsi visual dengan gerakan motorik tangan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi di Kelompok B RA Al-Hasan Panyileukan Kota Bandung yang menunjukkan adanya masalah pada keterampilan motorik halusnya. Hal ini terlihat dari sejumlah anak, di mana 50% diantaranya mengalami kesulitan dalam memegang dan mengendalikan alat tulis, yang menyebabkan adanya hambatan pada handwriting skills mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara integrasi visual motorik dengan handwriting skills anak usia dini. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode korelasional. Sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh artinya jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan menetapkan seluruh populasi sebagai responden penelitian. Teknik pegumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh harga t hitung 3.59 > t tabel 2.179, maka dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak dan hipotesis alternative (Ha) diterima. Artinya adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara integrasi visual motorik dengan handwriting skills anak usia dini, di mana anak-anak dengan kemampuan integrasi visual motorik yang baik cenderung memiliki handwriting skills yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian, intervensi yang difokuskan pada latihan visual motorik di lingkungan pendidikan anak usia dini dapat menjadi langkah efektif dalam mendukung perkembangan handwriting skills mereka.
Kata kunci: integrasi visual motorik, handwriting skills, anak usia dini
Handwriting skills in early childhood are fundamental abilities crucial to their academic development. One of the factors influencing these handwriting skills is visual-motor integration, which refers to the ability to coordinate visual perception with hand motor movements. Based on observations in Group B of RA Al-Hasan Panyileukan, Bandung, it was found that there were issues related to fine motor skills. This was evident in several children, with 50% of them experiencing difficulty in holding and controlling writing tools, which led to hindrances in their handwriting skills. This study aims to examine the relationship between visual-motor integration and handwriting skills in early childhood. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach with a correlational method. The sample in this study was determined using a saturated sampling technique, meaning the entire population was selected as research respondents. The data collection techniques used were observation and documentation. The results of the study show that based on the hypothesis test, the t-value obtained was 3.59 > t-table 2.179, which indicates that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. This means there is a significant correlation between visual-motor integration and handwriting skills in early childhood, where children with better visual-motor integration tend to have better handwriting skills. Therefore, interventions focused on visual-motor exercises in early childhood education settings can be an effective step in supporting the development of their handwriting skills.
Keywords: visual-motor integration, handwriting skills, early childhoo
Sociology is a science that describes the state of society complete with structures, layers, and various other interrelated social phenomena. The aim of the Islamic approach in sociology is to understand social phenomena related to worship and muamalat. The importance of the sociological approach in understanding religion can be understood because there are so many religious teachings related to social problems. The research method is qualitative research. The finding is that the amount of religious attention to this social problem encourages religious scholars to understand social sciences as a tool to understand their religion through a sociological approach. The argument is that the relationship between islam and various social problems in the life of community groups and by this means that islam seems to be functionally close to various phenomena in the social life of society
Pendidikan Sufistik KH. Abdurrahman Wahid dan Relevansinya pada Kehidupan Masyarakat Era Digital
The digital era provides wider space and a greater flow of change, which if not equipped with spiritual power, society can become liberal, materialistic, and secular. One way to strengthen the spiritual power of digital era society is through Sufistic education. Moderate Sufistic education that can harmonize spiritual and social forces as a human responsibility. Therefore, Sufistic thought is needed that describes this dimension, one of which is the thought of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, so the focus of this research is trying to find and analyze KH's Sufsitic education. Abdurrahman Wahid and his relationship with digital society, both moral, spiritual, and social. The research method used is literature study, namely the study of literature from various books, journals, and other documentation regarding Gus Dur's Sufistic thought. The results obtained were that Gus Dur's Sufistic education prioritized humanistic aspects, so that the Sufism model seemed socialist and ethical, which was the key to fostering harmony, harmony and strength across differences. This strength leads to unity and unity of the people amidst existing differences. Then, Gus Dur's Sufistic education taught an open (tolerant) attitude and pluralism which could foster an attitude of moderation, justice and balance, so that it would not be easy to hurt other people's feelings, act anarchically, spread lies and provocation. For this reason, Gus Dur's Sufistic education model is very relevant to the situation and conditions of digital era society.The digital era provides wider space and a greater flow of change, which if not equipped with spiritual power, society can become liberal, materialistic, and secular. One way to strengthen the spiritual power of digital era society is through Sufistic education. Moderate Sufistic education that can harmonize spiritual and social forces as a human responsibility. Therefore, Sufistic thought is needed that describes this dimension, one of which is the thought of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, so the focus of this research is trying to find and analyze KH's Sufsitic education. Abdurrahman Wahid and his relationship with digital society, both moral, spiritual, and social. The research method used is literature study, namely the study of literature from various books, journals, and other documentation regarding Gus Dur's Sufistic thought. The results obtained were that Gus Dur's Sufistic education prioritized humanistic aspects, so that the Sufism model seemed socialist and ethical, which was the key to fostering harmony, harmony and strength across differences. This strength leads to unity and unity of the people amidst existing differences. Then, Gus Dur's Sufistic education taught an open (tolerant) attitude and pluralism which could foster an attitude of moderation, justice and balance, so that it would not be easy to hurt other people's feelings, act anarchically, spread lies and provocation. For this reason, Gus Dur's Sufistic education model is very relevant to the situation and conditions of digital era society
Upaya Meningkatkan Belajar Membaca Permulaan Melalui Media Kartu Huruf di SDN Gonggang 2 Kecamatan Poncol Kabupaten Magetan
Membaca permulaan merupakan tahapan proses belajar membaca bagi siswa SD/MI kelas awal. Siswa belajar untuk memperoleh kemampuan dan menguasai teeknik-teknik membaca dan menangkap isi bacaan dengan baik, sehingga siswa menjadi suka dan terbiasa membaca karena tumbuh kesadaran membaca merupakan suatu kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan media kartu huruf, untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan membaca permulaan siswa kelas 1 SDN GONGGANG 2. Jenis penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah deskripstif kuantitatif dengan mendeskrisikan hasil pengamatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan media visual kartu huruf pada siswa kelas 1 SDN GONGGANG 2 Poncol, Magetan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa media pembelajaran kartu huruf efektif meningkatkan belajar membaca permulaan siswa, kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas 1 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 49% setelah diberikan media kartu huruf
Pengaruh Gratitude(Kebersyukuran) dalam IslamTerhadapPsychological Well-Being pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
College student college is someone who begins to enter early adulthood. At that age, they are solving problems related to work abilities that are relevant to their interests and skills. Because of The pressures that often come to him, disturb his psychological well-being. Circumstances that disturb this well-being can be overcome with gratitude. This study aims to determine the effect of gratitude (gratitude) in Islam on psychological well-being (psychological well-being) in final-year students at UIN Malang and to determine the magnitude of the significance of gratitude (gratitude) in Islam on psychological well-being (psychological well-being) in final-year students in UIN Malang. “This research is quantitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The population in this study were final-year students who were attending lectures at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The sample used in this study consisted of 12 respondents. The method used in selecting the sample is purposive sampling. Of the 12 research samples, it shows that the higher the gratitude one has, the higher the significance of psychological well-being.â€
Mahasiswa adalah seseorang yang mulai memasuki usia dewasa awal. Pada usia tersebut, mereka sedang menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait dengan kemampuan bekerja yang relevan dengan minat dan keterampilannya. Oleh karena tekanan-tekanan yang seringkali datang kepadanya sehingga membuat kesejahteraan psikologisnya terganggu. Keadaan yang membuat kesejahteraan ini terganggu dapat diatasi dengan rasya syukur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara gratitude (kebersyukuran) dalam islam terhadap psychological well-being (kesejahteraan psikologis) pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di UIN Malang dan untuk mengetahui besaran signifikasi gratitude (kebersyukuran) dalam islam terhadap “psychological well-being (kesejahteraan psikologis) pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di UIN Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan kuantitatif dengan dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang sedang mengikuti perkuliahan di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 12 responden. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemilihan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Dari 12 sampel penelitian menunjukan semakin tinggi rasa kebersyukuran yang dimiliki maka signifikasi dari kesejahteraan psikologisnya semakin tinggi.â€
Peran Keteladanan Orang Tua dalam Pembiasaan Ibadah Bagi Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun
The aim of the study was to instill the practice of prayer in children and introduce them to Islam through the practices of their parents from an early age. Qualitative research methods were chosen, especially descriptive qualitative research. The study, conducted at TK Al Amanah, included five parents with children aged 4 to 6. The findings highlighted the significant role parents play in habituating worship in children within this age group. Leading by example proved to be influential in motivating and encouraging children to engage in worship activities, such as prayer, recitation, and supplication. Consistent and continuous parental guidance in worship had a positive impact on shaping children's moral and spiritual character. Effective communication and a gentle approach from parents also contributed positively to worship habituation. Furthermore, the study emphasized the influence of the environment on children's worship activities, as a comfortable setting facilitated familiarity and regularity in daily worship practices
Tatalaksana Tenaga Pendidik Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Taman Kanak-kanak: Studi Kasus di TK Dharma Wanita, Kec. Campurdarat, Tulungagung
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penatalaksanaan tenaga pendidik sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan di TK Dharma Wanita Kec. Campurdarat, Tulungagung melalui penerapan proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus sebagai pilihan pendekatan penelitian. Adapun yang menjadi informan pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru yang telah dipilih secara purposif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data penelitian dilakukan melalui kondensasi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bahwa pada proses perencanaan tenaga pendidik dilakukan melalui proses identifikasi atau menganalisis terlebih dahulu bentuk pekerjaan, tugas, dan jabatan yang sangat urgent dibutuhkan agar tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam rekrutmen dan penempatan posisi. Pada proses organisasi dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pembagian tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab berdasarkan kesesuaian bagian dan bidang masing-masing. Untuk proses pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan cara mengimplementasikan apa yang telah disusun dalam perencanaan, dan pada tahap pengawasan dilakukan melalui evaluasi kinerja tenaga pendidik atas capain kinerja yang telah ditentukan dengan mengacu pada indikator-indikator capaian kinerja tenaga pendidik yang telah ditetapkan oleh TK Dharma Wanita dan pihak yayasan
Kontribusi Penggunaan Literasi Digital Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Di SMK Pawiyatan Surabaya
This study examines the use of digital literacy to increase the learning outcomes of PAI students at SMK Pawiyatan Surabaya. This study uses quantitative research with a correlational descriptive approach. Data collection using a questionnaire was carried out in a self-administered questionnaire, namely, the respondents answered the questionnaire themselves that had been made by the researcher. The sample used was 177 students as respondents. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) based Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach using the Smart PLS application version 3.0. The results showed that the ability to access digital tools (XI), the ability to search for information with digital devices (X2), and the ability to evaluate information from the Internet (X3) both partially and simultaneously had a significant positive effect on PAI learning outcomes (Y). Digital literacy skills are very important in learning, especially in finding PAI information with digital tools. The more professional students are in search for this information, their insights and knowledge references will increase so that student learning outcomes for PAI will also increase
Implementasi Metode Mengulang Kata Terhadap Anak Speech Delay (Terlambat Bicara) (Study Kasus di KB Nurul Jadid Padukoan Desa Alaskokon Kecamatan Modung Kabupaten Bangkalan)
Mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa anak menjadi hal penting yang harus dilakukan. Salah satunya kemampuan anak untuk berbicara, berbicara merupakan cara yang dilakukan oleh manusia untuk berkomunikasi dan berbagi informasi. Kemampuan berbicara anak harus dilatih dan dikembangkan secara maksimal untuk mempermudah anak dalam belajar dan bersosialisasi. Namun ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan berbahasa anak salah satunya yaitu speech delay (keterlambatan bicara) yang disebabkan kurangnya stimulus bahasa. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan penggunaan metode mengulang kata. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui proses penggunaan metode mengulang kata dalam menangani anak speech delay (keterlambatan bicara). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di KB Nurul Jadid Padukoan Alaskokon Modung. Dengan subjek penelitian meliputi, Pengelola, guru, dan orang tua anak speech delay KB Nurul Jadid Padukoan Alaskokon Modung. Diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Proses penelitian ini menggambarkan usaha yang dilakukan oleh pendidik dalam penanganan anak speech delay (keterlambatan bicara) yaitu dengan menggunakan metode mengulang kata
Profil dan Tantangan Guru Profesional Abad 21; Relevansi Pemikiran al-Ghazali dan Zakiah Daradjat
Teachers play an important role in the educational context, because teachers are at the forefront of providing education and deal directly with students. As students' insight increases, teachers must be able to adapt, both in terms of knowledge and teaching abilities. This research aims to compare the views of Al-Ghazali and Zakiah Daradjat regarding the figure and role of the ideal teacher and their relevance in the 21st century. This qualitative research uses a historical and philosophical approach and inductive, comparative and descriptive data analysis methods. The results of this research show that: Al-Ghazali and Zakiah Daradjat have made a big contribution to building the figure of a teacher. Meanwhile, the contribution of the thoughts of these two figures turns out to be a difference even though they have many similarities. Operationally, the concept can be applied and used as an alternative reference for a teacher today, but it must use a new, contextual and reflective approac