Jurnal Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari
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2777 research outputs found
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Teacher Professionalism In The Teaching And Learning Process To Improve The Quality Of Student Learning At MTs An-Nur Pamekasan
This study examines the learning process carried out by teachers that has an impact on their professionalism in student learning motivation at MTs An-Nur Pamekasan. The research taken for the smoothness and quality of this work is qualitative research. By utilizing interviews to collect the necessary data, observation to strengthen the information that was touched, and documentation to support the complete and strong data that the researcher has found. Research findings show that the role of teacher professionalism in the teaching and learning process greatly influences students\u27 learning motivation so that the impact that will be affected is their learning outcomes
Peran Wakaf Bagi Generasi Milenial Dalam Membangun Perekonomian Umat Islam Yang Kuat dan Tangguh
Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan partisipasi generasi milenial dalam wakaf sebagai salah satu cara membangun perekonomian umat Islam yang kuat dan tangguh. Metode pelaksanaan melibatkan ceramah, tanya jawab, dan evaluasi terhadap remaja Masjid Jami’ Ulayat Percut Sei Tuan selama tiga bulan. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman peserta mengenai konsep dan manfaat wakaf, antusiasme terhadap wakaf produktif, serta peningkatan minat dalam berwakaf. Dengan pendekatan interaktif, peserta termotivasi untuk mempraktikkan wakaf dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
A Ismail Raji Al Faruqi\u27s Thoughts on the Wiwitan Tradition in Kedak, Kediri
This research was motivated by changes in the wiwitan tradition which then made relevance to Ismail Raji al-Faruqi\u27s thoughts on social science, in which al-Faruqi\u27s thoughts were associated with Tawhid which is the principle of social order. Tawhid not only emphasizes individual piety but also social piety. Because monotheism is the first determining principle in Islam, its culture and science. This study uses qualitative research with sociological methods, with data collection methods using instruments in the form of documents, interviews, and observations. This research finds some of al-Faruqi\u27s thoughts about the principle of monotheism which is the social order in society. because monotheism is not for seeking the truth within oneself but for others as well, the concept of truth for oneself is just a waste. This is in line with the changes in values in the wiwitan tradition, which produce values from social, economic, religious and spiritual aspects. Which this tradition has a positive impact on religious social life, in terms of monotheism with the form of gratitude to the Almighty by giving alms in the form of giving food to others
Studi Living Qur’an: Tradisi Semaan Al-Qur’an dan Dzikrul Ghafilin Jumat Kliwon pada Majelis Moloekatan Gus Miek di Desa Banjarsari, Bandarkedungmulyo, Jombang
This research was conducted based This research was conducted based on the author\u27s interest in the phenomenon of semaan al-Qur\u27an and dzikrul ghafilin Friday kliwon at Gus Miek\u27s moloekatan assembly, in Banjarsari Village, Bandarkedungmulyo, Jombang. The activities that have been carried out in recent years, appear to bring changes to the people of Banjarsari Village in particular, both in terms of economy, health, and religiously the community tends to increase. This research aims to find out how the implementation process and the meaning in accordance with the expression of the congregation in this tradition. This research uses emic ethnography method through Living Qur\u27an research with qualitative research type, the author also uses sociology of knowledge theory offered by Karl Mannheim. Data collection techniques, namely going directly to the field to make observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are divided into two: First, it is held after the Fajr congregation until it is completed at night. The Qur\u27an is recited by the huffadz and listened to by the amaah. After khatam, continue mauidzoh hasanah by religious leaders, practice dzikrul ghafilin led by Gus thuba (Gus Miek\u27s grandson), and closing prayer. Second, there are three meanings of tradition: objective meaning, improving friendship, the quality of worship, honoring the Prophet Muhammad saw, and the struggle of the leader of the village. Expressive meaning, seeking tranquility, filling leisure time, obtaining blessings. Documentary meaning, creating harmony, helping the seller\u27s economy, also forming physical and spiritual health in each person
Kebutuhan hilirisasi penelitian dosen merupakan masalah yang urgen untuk dikaji dalam upaya merumuskan pemikiran kritis untuk menemukan solusi terbaik yang bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kualitas penelitian para dosen di perguruan tinggi dan dapat memberikan kontribusi yang maksimal dalam upaya mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan Nasional serta meningkatkan kemakmuran kehidupan masyarakat. Isu hasil penelitian hanya berada pada perpustakaan memerlukan kajian untuk merumuskan solusinya yaitu melalui hilirisasi penelitian perguruan tinggi. Hilirisasi penelitian bermanfaat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraannya; mengurangi ketergantungan penggunaan teknologi produk dari import; mengembangkan teknologi produk dalam negeri; meningkatkan daya saing teknologi dalam negeri pada teknologi dari negara lain; dan meningkatkan public trust. Tahapan hilirisasi penelitian perguruan tinggi mencakup: analisis masalah, merancang pendekatan penelitian, mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data penelitian, menyusun laporan, melakukan diseminasi, dan pemanfaatan hasil penelitian
Politics and Religion in Public Policy: A Review of the Alleged Hijab Ban in Paskibraka 2024
Regarding the alleged ban on wearing the hijab for female “Pasukan Pengibar Bendera Pusaka” (Paskibraka) members in 2024, political and religious relations are very important. Public policies relating to religious expression must consider human rights, including freedom of religion, recognized and protected by the Indonesian constitution. This article aims to (1) identify the government\u27s and religious groups’ responses to these policies, (2) analyze Islamic religious law, and (3) describe the solution to the polemic in the context of Indonesian democracy. This research is library research with a qualitative approach. The discussion in this research, namely: First, this prohibition is considered to cause controversy because it is deemed to violate religious freedom and the rights of Muslim women, which causes discriminatory, contradictory attitudes and policies that are not by Pancasila. Second, the obligation to wear the hijab as written in QS. Al-Ahzab: 59, and HR. Abu Dawud., Muslim women must wear the hijab when leaving the house. This is done to cover the private parts and can help in religious observance, religious identity, and self-protection from others. Third, Some solutions to this problem are providing freedom to adhere to religion, providing a space for inclusive dialogue, providing enforcement of the principle of non-discrimination, and creating principles based on Pancasila values. So, the policies established maintain harmony, justice, and unity in the diversity of society
Discourse on Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar in Islamic Theology
Abstract: This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the theory and application of Amar Ma\u27ruf Nahi Munkar in Islamic Theology. Amar ma\u27ruf nahi munkar is the practical side of Shari’a Islamiyah; regardless of their theological affiliation, every Muslim must perform it. This research thoroughly examines the primary issue through descriptive methodology and hermeneutic analysis to accomplish this objective. In Turâth Islamy, the ulama understands it differently, as the data collection and analysis results show. Qâdi \u27Abd al-Jabbâr, one of the Mu\u27tazilite scholars, wrote in Sharh al-Ushûl al-Khamsah discussing the concept of Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar; al-Ghazali and al-Zamakhsarî have also reflected on it. The most authoritative sources in the Muslim world show that the Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar contained the element and value of humanism. It provides various important points and guidelines that individuals can apply in real-life situations. Among these points and guidelines are the doctrine that judging for good must be done in stages, according to the competence of the offender, and using appropriate methods
Development of Students\u27 Psychological Flexibility Instruments: Islamic Perspectives
This research aims to develop an instrument of psychological flexibility of students based on an Islamic perspective. The research uses a method of instrument development with a descriptive quantitative method. Data collection was carried out through psychological flexibility instruments in Islamic perspective students with 168 respondents. The instrument of psychological flexibility in students was developed based on the theory in Islamic psychology developed by the figures Al Ghazali, Ibn Sina, and Ibn Arabi. The results of the field test of the psychological flexural instrument were analyzed using the RASCH measurement model and Winstep software. Based on the results of the Item Fit Order Test, it is known that of the 60 items, the results of the Item and Person Reliability Test are in the ideal range (+0.5 logit to +1.5 logit) which is 0.95 and 0.88 which are in the very good category and meet the measurement requirements. In addition, the results of the Unidimensionality Test showed good unidimensionality (25.5%), where the raw variance index was above the threshold of 20%. This indicates that this instrument can accurately measure students\u27 psychological flexibility. The results of this study can be considered in the use of psychological flexibility instruments among students, which can then be continued with the formulation of the right guidance and counseling model in increasing psychological flexibility
Enhancing Reading Skills: Manga Readers\u27 Perception of English Translations
This research is examining the perceptions of manga readers towards English-translated manga and its impact on their reading skills. It evaluates both micro and macro aspects of reading skills enhancement. Employing a convergent mixed methods approach, data was collected in two phases: qualitative interviews with 15 active manga readers and quantitative questionnaires with the same participants. Results indicate a positive perception among manga readers towards English-translated manga, facilitating self-directed learning and enhancing English reading skills. Improvement spans across various reading skills, including linguistic aspects such as grammatical form and word meaning, and macro skills like identifying main ideas and extracting general information. The study, conducted at the English Education Department of Antasari State Islamic University Banjarmasin, suggests that English-translated manga effectively attract readers and motivate them to engage with English materials. Recommendations for future research include exploring similar media formats like webtoons or comics, investigating other reading skills such as writing, and conducting further tests to assess the extent of reading skill improvement among manga readers
Analisis Miskonsepsi dan Pemberian Scaffolding Peserta Didik SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cryptarithmetic Menggunakan Four–Tier Essay Diagnostic Test
One of the learning challenges of junior high school students in solving problems is characterized by misconceptions experienced by students. Moreover, cryptarithmetic as a special material topic related to problem solving. So, efforts to find out the existence of misconceptions while minimizing is to use the Four-Tier Essay Diagnostic Test and scaffolding. Research This study aims to determine the misconceptions and factors that cause misconceptions experienced by students in solving problems. misconceptions and factors causing misconceptions experienced by students in solving cryptarithmetic problems and providing scaffolding. and the provision of scaffolding. The research method used is qualitative approach with descriptive method. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 19 Malang by selecting 3 subjects who experienced all three types of misconceptions. misconceptions. The instruments used in this research are the Four-Tier Essay Diagnostic Test questions, semi-structured interview guidelines for teachers and students, and teachers and students, and scaffolding guidelines as well as instrument validation sheets. The results showed that the occurrence of classificational misconceptions, correlational misconceptions, and correlational misconceptions. misconceptions, correlational misconceptions, and theoretical misconceptions caused by a lack of understanding of basic concepts, lack of practice problems or experience. basic concepts, lack of practice problems or learning experience, and errors in understanding the problems. in understanding the problem. Therefore, one to one scaffolding was given at level 2 (explaining, receiving, and restructuring) and level 3 (developing conceptual thinking) to each of them. conceptual thinking) for each student. Based on this, it shows that scaffolding can reduce misconceptions in solving cryptarithmetic problemsSalah satu tantangan pembelajaran peserta didik SMP dalam memecahan permasalahan ditandai adanya miskonsepsi yang dialami peserta didik. Terlebih, cryptharithematic sebagai topik materi khusus yang berkaitan dengan pemecahan masalah. Maka, upaya untuk mengetahui adanya miskonsepsi sekaligus meminimalisir adalah dengan menggunakan Four – Tier Essay Diagnostic Test dan pemberian scaffolding. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui miskonsepsi dan faktor penyebab miskonsepsi yang dialami oleh peserta didik dalam menyelesaiakan soal cryptarithmetic serta pemberian scaffolding. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilaksankaan di SMP Negeri 19 Malang dengan memilih 3 orang subjek yang mengalami ketiga jenis miskonsepsi. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa soal Four – Tier Essay Diagnostic Test, pedoman wawancara semi- terstruktur untuk guru dan peserta didik, dan pedoman scaffolding serta lembar validasi instrumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya miskonsepsi klasifikasional, miskonsepsi korelasional, dan msikonsepsi teoritikal yang disebabkan kurangnya pemahaman konsep dasar, kurangnya latihan soal atau pengalaman belajar, dan kesalahan dalam pemahaman soal. Oleh karena itu, diberikannya one to one scaffolding pada level 2 (explaining, receiving, and restructuring) dan level 3 (developing conceptual thinking) terhadap masing – masing peserta didik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa scaffolding dapat mengurangi miskonsepsi dalam menyelesaikan soal cryptharithematic