Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia: Peer-Reviewed Scientific e-Journal
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    Salah satu kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang sedang dikembangkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Mesin UNTAG Surabaya adalah redesain dari alat pencacah pakan pada peternakan sapi UD. Mujur, Desa Gayaman Kecamatan Mojoanyar, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Ada tiga permasalahan utama yang ditemukan. Permasalahan pertama adalah mesin pencacah tidak mampu mencacah bahan pakan secara maksimal karena desain alat pencacah yang kurang ergonomis. Sehingga solusinya adalah dengan meredesain alat pencacah, terutama pada komponen pisau pencacah pakan. Permasalahan kedua adalah terdapat beberapa komponen pada mesin yang rusak dan harus diganti, sehingga solusinya dengan mengganti komponen penyaring dan v-belt. Penyaring yang terdahulu terlalu kecil ukurannya sehingga hasil cacahan sulit keluar, membuat terperangkap di dalam mesin. V-belt yang terdahulu sudah terlalu kendor sehingga tidak bisa memutar mesin pencacah dengan maksimal. Permasalahan ketiga yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan pekerja tentang mesin pencacah pakan. Solusinya, diadakan diskusi dan penyuluhan untuk mengedukasi para pekerja tentang seluk beluk mesin pencacah pakan, mulai dari prinsip kerjanya hingga perawatan mesinnya. Secara umum, kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar, membuat produktivitas peternakan meningkat, terutama pada sektor penyediaan pakan dan manajemen pemberian pakan.One of the community service program that has been developed by department of mechanical engineering UNTAG Surabaya is the redesign of chopper machine for cattle fodder in the farm of UD. Mujur, Gayaman, Mojoanyar, Mojokerto. There were three problems found in the farm. The first one was the chopper machine cannot maximally chop the cattle fodder because of the design of the chopper component. Hence, the solution was to redesign the chopper component and the machine blade. The second problem was there were components that are damaged and should be replaced. The solution was to replace those components; filter and v-belt. The filter before had too small mesh so that the feed ingredient could not come out the machine. The new filter has the bigger mesh so that feed ingredient could come out the machine. The v-belt was replaced because the old one was too saggy so that the machine could not rotate clearly. The last problem was the workers’ knowledge and skills to operate the chopper machine was minimum. We created a group discussion and counseling to educate the workers about the chopper machine; the principle of work and the machine maintenance. Overall, the program succeed. It increased the productivity of the farm, especially in the cow feed and cattle fodder management


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    Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur terdiri dari pulau-pulau yang berukuran besar maupun kecil seperti Pulau Timor dan Pulau Sabu Raijua yang merupakan lingkupan daerah (semi-arid) atau daerah semi kering. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 4 Kabupaten di Pulau Timor yaitu Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU), Kabupaten Belu, Kabupaten Malaka, dan Kabupaten Sabu Raijua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan nilai koefisien limpasan menggunakan analisis matematis, menggunakan grafik Puslitbang dan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis sistem informasi geografis. Cara analisis menggunakan perhitungan evapotranspirasi metode Penman dan perhitungan debit metode F. J. Mock. Cara perhitungan grafik menggunakan data curah hujan dan data kemiringan lahan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan untuk memperoleh nilai koefisien pengaliran limpasan pada Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) yaitu nilai matematis 0,71 - 0,86, grafik Puslitbang 0,62 dan SIG 0,29 – 0,55. Kabupaten Belu yaitu nilai matematis 0,44 - 0,71, grafik Puslitbang 0,62 dan SIG 0,31 – 0,60. Kabupaten Malaka yaitu nilai   matematis 0,44 - 0,70, grafik Puslitbang 0,44 dan SIG 0,30 – 0,57.  Kabupaten Sabu Raijua yaitu nilai matematis  0,00 - 0,06,  grafik   Puslitbang 0,62 dan SIG 0,12 – 0,48.East Nusa Tenggara province consists of large and small islands such as Timor island and SabuRaijua island which are semi-arid region. This research is done in 4 districts on Timor island namely Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) district, Belu district, Malaka district, and SabuRaijua district.The purpose of this research is to determine the difference of run off coefficient value using mathematical analysis, Puslitbangchart and geographic system information application. The method of analysis using the calculation of evapotranspiration  by Penman method and the calculation of discharge by F. J. Mock method. How to calculate the graph using rainfall data and slope data. Based on the results of calculations to obtain runoff flow coefficient values in Timor Tengah Utara District (TTU), namely the mathematical value of 0.71 - 0.86, Puslitbang graph 0.62 and GIS 0.29 - 0.55. Belu Regency is a mathematical value of 0.44 - 0.71, Puslitbang graph 0.62 and GIS 0.31 - 0.60. Malaka Regency is a mathematical value of 0.44 - 0.70, Puslitbang graph 0.44 and GIS 0.30 - 0.57. SabuRaijua Regency is a mathematical value of 0.00 - 0.06, Puslitbang graph 0.62 and GIS 0.12 - 0.48


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    This research is to study the impact of digital marketing on consumer engagement and purchase intention, consumer engagement on purchase intention, and the mediating effect of consumer engagement in the relation between digital marketing and purchase intention. The population in this research was generation Z. Samples were 236 students in two private universities in Surabaya. Data were analyzed with Andrew Hayes PROCESS model 4. The results show that all hypotheses were supported. The findings of this research contribute to the online communication strategy of online shop owners to reach generation


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    Mempersiapkan daya saing masyarakat dalam industri era 4,0 dari generasi imigran digital memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Dewan Paroki Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten adalah contoh dari sebuah komunitas yang sebagian besar diisi oleh orang yang lahir sebelum generasi Milenium, atau sebelum 1980. Tugas kerja dan pelayanan dewan paroki sendiri memerlukan banyak bantuan teknologi dalam mempersiapkan, mengelola dan melaporkan program pastoral. Google Suite dipilih sebagai teknologi yang diharapkan dapat membantu pekerjaan dewan paroki. Pelatihan Google Suite disediakan dalam empat sesi, masing-masing berfokus pada pembuatan akun, penyimpanan data dan manajemen file, kolaborasi pengeditan file, koordinasi acara bersama, dan pembuatan formulir online. Pada akhir pelatihan, kuesioner dikerahkan untuk mengukur tingkat penerimaan teknologi. Dari perhitungan yang dibuat, disimpulkan bahwa Dewan Paroki Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten memiliki niat baik untuk belajar Google suite dan menganggap bahwa aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk kegiatan pelayanan gerejawi mereka.Preparing competitiveness in the Industry 4.0 era towards the people from digital immigrant generation has its own challenges. The Parish Council of Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten is an example of a community that is mostly filled by people born before the millennial generation, or before 1980. The work and service assignments of the Parish Council itself require a lot of technological assistance in preparing, managing and reporting pastoral programs. Google Suite was chosen as a technology that is expected to help the work of the Parish Council. Google Suite training is provided in four sessions, each of which focuses on account creation, cloud storage and file management, file editing collaboration, coordination of shared events, and online form creation. At the end of the training, a questionnaire was deployed to measure the level of acceptance of the technology. From the calculations made, it was concluded that the Parish Council of Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten had good intentions to study Google Suite and considered that this application was beneficial for their ecclesiastical service activities


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    This research aimed to analyze and examine the effect of financial ex­pe­ri­ence, financial knnowledge, and financial satisfaction to the decision making of in­vestor’s investment with gender as a moderation variable. The method of analysis employed was Partial Least Square (PLS). Meanwhile, the research re­sult showed that the knowledge variable, experience, and financial satisfac­tion significantly af­fected to the decision making of investment. However, gen­der as a moderation va­riable was not significantly strengthening to that re­la­tion­­ship. Finally, it could be con­cluded that in decision making we had to con­sider several factors like know­ledge, experience, and satisfaction in efforts to in­crease the investor’s prosperity or well-being


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    Pemukiman tradisional di Ulu 3-4Kecamatan ini terletak di pinggiran Sungai Musi, Kota Palembang. Ada masalah di permukiman tradisional termasuk bangunan baru yang saat ini menutupi bangunan tradisional dan tidak menyesuaikan bentuk bangunan lama serta sosial-budaya dan ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik dan non-fisik sebagai input dalam analisis deskriptif yang akan menghasilkan jenis pola pemukiman dan selanjutnya menentukan strategi konservasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Analisis deskriptif menggambarkan kondisi daerah termasuk sejarah perkembangan permukiman, kegiatan sosial ekonomi dan budaya kekerasan keluarga, bangunan fisik dan Nilai Universal Yang Luar Biasa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,Kecamatan Ulu . Pada setiap jenis pola pemukiman akan dilakukan strategi konservasi termasuk pelestarian, konservasi, rehabilitasi, dan rekonstruksi

    The Effect of Organizational Culture and Good Corporate Governance Mechanism on Human Resource Disclosure

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    Human resource is an important and valuable asset to reach competitive advantage for every firms. In the banking and insurance firms, human resource have an important role that is irreplaceable in the operational process of the firms. Human resource disclosure is an activity to disclose information about recruitment process, benefits, training and development program for employee. Therefore, human resource disclosure may provide additional information for the management and all the stakeholders in the development process of decision making. Factors that may affect the human resource disclosure are organizational culture, institutional ownership, and independent commissioner. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational culture, institutional ownership, and independent commissioner to human resource disclosure. The research’s object are banking and insurance companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2016-2018, there were 55 companies which have been selected by purposive sampling technique. Data were analysed by using multiple regression analysis. Based on the analysis, the results show that organizational culture has positive impact to human resource disclosure. Therefore, institutional ownership and independent commissioner does not affect the human resource disclosur

    Perceived Usage of E-Wallet among the Y Generation in Surabaya based on Technology Acceptance Model

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    Although the government of Indonesia is building the cashless society, the number of e-wallet users are increasing slowly. E-wallet is becoming a common instru­ment of payments from the paper-based instruments to server-based electronic money. The aim of this research is to investigate the perceived usage of the Y Genera­tions on e-wallet based on Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) which is a power­ful model to describe single approval to the usage of a new information technology system. As a quantitative research, the data analysis is using the Partial Least Square (PLS) with the SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results show that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use brings impacts positive significant impacts to behavioural intention to use, then, the behavioural intention to use affect a positive significant impact to perceived usage. However, a direct effect from perceived useful­ness to perceived usage shows a negative and no significant impact, meanwhile an unintended effect from perceived usefulness to perceived usage through behavioural intention to use show a positive significant impact. Finally, a direct effect from perceived ease of use to perceived usage shows a lower t-statistic value than an indi­rect effect from perceived ease of use to perceived usage through behavioural inten­tio


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    Abstrak: Desa Babakbawo memiliki luas 172,4 ha dan sebagian besar wilayahnya adalah dataran rendah yang tidak mengandung kapur sehingga pada umumnya masyarakat mengolah dan menggunakan tanah sebagai kolam, kebun, sawah dan lainnya. Sidomulyo adalah salah satu dusun di Babakbawo. Para petani di Sidomulyo menggunakan air dari Sungai Bengawan Solo untuk mengairi sawah. Hambatan besar pertanian di Sidomulyo adalah masalah hama tikus. Oleh karena itu, perlu ada solusi untuk membasmi tikus secara tepat dan efisien. Salah satu solusinya adalah metode merokok. Sebelum menggunakan perangkat ini, perangkat fogging yang mereka gunakan adalah perangkat fogging manual. Perangkat manual menggunakan tenaga tangan untuk menggerakkan kipas. Dalam penelitian ini metode fumigasi menggunakan fogging tikus modern dengan menggunakan motor listrik sebagai aktuator untuk mengaktifkan kipas di dalam perangkat. Perangkat fogging ini dibuat dengan tujuan agar petani lebih mudah memberantas tikus tanpa menyia-nyiakan tenaga dan waktu manusia. Perangkat ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas panen sehingga meningkatkan tingkat ekonomis di sidomulyo.Babakbawo village has an area of 172.4 ha and most of its area is lowland which does not contain lime so that in general the community cultivates and uses the land as ponds, gardens, rice fields and others. Sidomulyo is one of sub-village in Babakbawo. These farmers in Sidomulyo use water from the Bengawan Solo River to irrigate rice fields. The huge obstacle of agriculture in Sidomulyo  is  rat pest problem. Therefore, it is necessary to have a solution to eradicate rats appropriately and efficiently. One solution is the smoking method. Before use this device, fogging device that they used were manual fogging device. The manual device used hand power to actuate the fan. In this research method of fumigation using modern rat fogging by using a electric motor as an actuator to active the fan inside the device. This fogging device is made with the aim of making it easier for farmers to eradicate rats without wasting man power and time. The device is expected to improve the quality and quantity of the harvest so it increases the economical rate in sidomulyo


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    This study aimed to obtain an empirical explanation of the role of debt policy and dividend policy as variables mediating the influence of profitability on stock prices. This study used six mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period of 2012–2016 as samples, hence there were 30 observational data. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling. This study found that profitability had a positive effect on stock prices, but the increasing profitability would not necessarily reduce the debt policy. The increasing profitability did not significantly increase the dividend policy, however, increasing dividend policy would increase the stock prices. The results also proved that debt and dividend policy did not mediate the influence of return on equity on the stock prices


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