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    3275 research outputs found

    Green Euphoria: Unraveling the Power of Sustainable Brands - Examining the Nexus of Green Brand Image, Authenticity, and Emotional Well-being with the Mediating Force of Green Brand Attachment

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    Pupose: The study intends to examine the indirect relationship between green brand image and green brand authenticity on consumer emotional well-being through the mediating variable of green brand attachment. Method: This study employs a quantitative-explanatory approach to examine the relationships between variables. The research focuses on consumers of environmentally friendly cosmetic products in Indonesia. The analysis utilized in this study is Structural Equation Modeling based on Partial Least Squares. The exact number of respondents analyzed in this research is 300 individuals who use environmentally friendly cosmetic products in Indonesia. Result: The findings of this research indicate that Green Brand Authenticity (GA) and Green Brand Image (GBI) have a positive impact on Consumer Emotional Well Being (CWB). Similarly, Green Brand Authenticity (GA) and Green Brand Image (GBI) positively influence Green Brand Attachment (GBA). Green Brand Attachment positively affects Consumer Emotional Well Being (CWB). Green Brand Attachment (GBA) plays a partial mediating role in accommodating the relationship between Green Brand Authenticity (GA) and Green Brand Image (GBI) with Consumer Emotional Well Being (CWB)

    The Roles of Personality Dimensions and Attachment Styles on Working Mothers’ Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: [Peran Dimensi Kepribadian dan Attachment Styles Terhadap Psychological Distress Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Ibu Bekerja]

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    The COVID-19 pandemic situation causes psychological distress for working mothers. Personality and attachment styles are protective factors against psychological distress. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between personality dimensions and types of attachment styles with psychological distress level. This study also aims to find the predictors of psychological distress. The measuring instruments are the Big Five Inventory (BFI), Attachment Styles Questionnaire (ASQ), and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10). The three measuring instruments were administered to 297 women aged 26-39 years old, who were working from home, and had children aged 1-5 years. Participants were obtained using convenience sampling and the data collection process took place online. Data analysis utilized Spearman’s correlation to test the correlation between variables and multiple regression to test predictor regression of each variable. The results showed positive relationship on the dimension of neuroticism, type of discomfort, type of relationships, type of approval, and type of preoccupation with psychological distress level. The dimension of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and the type of confidence showed a negative relationship, while the dimension of openness did not show any relation. The results of the regression test showed three aspects that act as predictors, namely the dimension of neuroticism, type of approval, and type of preoccupation. The dimension of neuroticism was the predictor with highest contribution. Based on these results, it can be concluded that personality dimensions contribute more dominantly to psychological distress than types of attachment styles.   Situasi pandemi COVID-19 menimbulkan psychological distress pada ibu bekerja. Kepribadian dan attachment styles dapat menjadi faktor protektif terhadap psychological distress. Tujuan studi ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara dimensi kepribadian dan tipe attachment styles dengan tingkat psychological distress. Selain itu, studi ini juga ingin mencari prediktor psychological distress. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Big Five Inventory (BFI), Attachment Styles Questionnaire (ASQ), dan Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10). Alat ukur diadministrasikan kepada 297 perempuan berusia 26-39 tahun, yang melakukan work from home (WFH), dan memiliki anak berusia 1-5 tahun. Partisipan diperoleh dengan convenience sampling dan proses pengambilan data berlangsung secara daring. Analisis data menggunakan Spearman’s correlation untuk uji korelasi antar variabel dan multiple regression untuk uji prediktor tiap variabel. Hasil studi menunjukkan hubungan positif pada dimensi neuroticism, tipe discomfort, tipe relationships, tipe approval, dan tipe preoccupation terhadap tingkat psychological distress. Dimensi extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, dan tipe confidence menunjukkan hubungan negative, sementara dimensi openness tidak menunjukkan hubungan. Hasil uji regresi menunjukkan tiga aspek yang berperan sebagai prediktor, yaitu dimensi neuroticism, tipe approval, dan tipe preoccupation. Dimensi neuroticism merupakan prediktor dengan kontribusi terbesar. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dimensi kepribadian berkontribusi lebih dominan terhadap psychological distress daripada tipe attachment styles

    The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation

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    Purpose: This study analyzes the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. The research also aims to evaluate the roles of job satisfaction and work motivation as mediating variables in the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. Method: This research adopts a quantitative-explanatory approach with 155 respondents. SEM-PLS was used in this research to examine each variable's relationship and analysis using art-PLS 4. Result: The results indicate that Organizational Culture positively and significantly influences Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation, and Employee Performance. Furthermore, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation also positively and significantly impact Employee Performance. Mediation analysis reveals that Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation partially mediate between Organizational Culture and Employee Performance

    Determinant Dermatitis Kontak pada Petani Rumput Laut

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    Abstract—Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that 50-90% of cases of skin disease are contact dermatitis. The purpose of this study was to analyze determinants of  incidence of contact dermatitis in seaweed farmers in Muna District, Southeast Sulawesi. This research is a quantitative study with a cross sectional study design. The population in this study is 526 people who work as seaweed farmers with a total sample of 222 people calculated using the formula n = N Z2 P(1-P)/(N-1)d2 + Z2 P(1-P). Samples were taken by accidental sampling technique. Data was collected using a questionnaire. Analysis of data used the chi square test with α = 0.05. The results of the analysis showed that a history of skin disease (p = 0.000 <0.05)  and personal hygiene (p = 0.000 <0.05).Thus it can be concluded that a history of skin disease and personal hygiene are determinants of the incidence of contact dermatitis in seaweed farmers. Keywords: contac dermatitis, seaweed famer, determinant   Abstrak—Word Health Organization (WHO)  menunjukkan bahwa 50-90% kasus penyakit kulit yang terjadi adalah dermatitis kontak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis determinan kejadian dermatitis kontak pada petani rumput laut yang ada di Kabupaten Muna Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang bekerja sebagai petani rumput sebanyak 526 dengan jumlah sampel 222 orang yang dihitung menggunakan rumus n = N Z2 P(1-P)/(N-1)d2 + Z2  P(1-P). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik accidental sampling. Intrumen pengumpul data  penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan uji chi square dengan α =0,05. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa riwayat penyakit kulit (p=0,000<0,05) dan personal hygiene (p=0,000<0,05).  Dapat disimpulkan bahwa riwayat penyakit kulit dan personal hygiene merupakan determinan kejadian dermatitis kontak pada petani rumput laut. Kata kunci: dermatitis kontak, petani rumput laut, determina

    The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem on the Association Between Minority Stress and Social Well-Being Among Indonesian Young Adult Gay Men and Lesbian Women: [Pengaruh Mediasi Self-Esteem Terhadap Hubungan Antara Minority Stress dan Kesejahteraan Sosial Pada Laki-Laki Gay dan Perempuan Lesbian Dewasa Muda]

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    This study explores the correlation between minority stress, self-esteem, and social well-being among young adult gay men and lesbian women in Indonesia, by analyzing the mediating role of self-esteem on the correlation between minority stress and social well-being. Design utilized in this study is correlational design with mediation analysis. This study draws on a sample of 437 gay men and lesbian women (Mage = 24). The authors employed Spearman’s correlation and mediation analysis on the three measurement instruments. Results showed that all the measurement instruments correlated with each other significantly. Specifically, minority stress reduces self-esteem and in turn it will also lower the social well-being among young adult gay men and lesbian women in Indonesia. Moreover, the result also indicated that self-esteem have a partial mediating role on the relationship between minority stress and social well-being among young adult gay men and lesbian women. From the result of this study, it can be concluded that self-esteem is an important protective factor on gay men and lesbian women’s self-esteem. Therefore, the authors endorse a cultural shift to reduce minority stress among gay men and lesbian women in Indonesia. Additionally, organizations or mental health professionals may utilize self-esteem and social well-being as a mean for enhancing the mental health of Indonesian gay men and lesbian women.   Studi ini mengeksplorasi korelasi antara minority stress, self-esteem, dan kesejahteraan sosial di kalangan laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian dewasa muda di Indonesia, dengan menganalisis peran mediasi self-esteem terhadap korelasi antara minority stress dan kesejahteraan sosial. Desain yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah desain korelasional dengan analisis mediasi. Studi ini memiliki sampel 437 laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian (Mage = 24). Penulis menggunakan korelasi Spearman dan analisis mediasi dengan ketiga instrumen pengukuran. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa seluruh instrumen pengukuran berkorelasi satu sama lain secara signifikan. Secara spesifik, minority stress menurunkan self-esteem dan hal ini berakibat pada penurunan kesejahteraan sosial di kalangan laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian dewasa muda di Indonesia. Selain itu, hasil studi juga menunjukkan bahwa self-esteem memiliki peran mediasi parsial pada hubungan antara minority stress dan kesejahteraan sosial di kalangan laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian dewasa muda. Dari hasil studi ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa self-esteem merupakan faktor pelindung yang penting terhadap self-esteem laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian. Maka dari itu, penulis mendukung perubahan budaya untuk mengurangi minority stress di kalangan laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian di Indonesia. Selain itu, organisasi atau layanan profesional kesehatan mental dapat memanfaatkan self-esteem dan kesejahteraan sosial sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mental laki-laki gay dan perempuan lesbian di Indonesia

    The Impact of Information Content and Entertainment Content on Customer Engagement and Customer Loyalty: A Study on Scarlett's Customer Base

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    Purpose: The primary objective of this study is to comprehend the influence of two distinct types of content on customer engagement and loyalty, with a specific emphasis on the Instagram platform. Additionally, the research seeks to investigate how the content on Instagram can impact consumer engagement behaviors and loyalty toward Scarlett products. Method: Data for this study were collected through a survey link. The survey was distributed to 223 participants, with 176 respondents actively participating. However, only 147 questionnaires met the established criteria for inclusion, as the remainder still needed to satisfy the stipulated requirements. The data analysis was conducted utilizing the SmartPLS4 software. Result: The findings of this study indicate that both informational and entertainment content significantly influence customer engagement and loyalty. However, it is noteworthy that customer engagement, as identified in this research, has little impact on customer loyalty. Consequently, it is imperative to create and reinforce all facets of informational and entertainment-based content. Doing so will stimulate more active engagement from social media followers, directly influencing customer loyalty

    Green Horizons: Enhancing Customer Satisfaction through Quality Experiences, Mediated by Green Perceived Value and Green City Image in Kota Lebong Tourism, Bengkulu Province

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    Pupose: The objective of this research is to comprehensively analyze the relationship between experience quality and customer green satisfaction, as well as to investigate the mediating roles of green city image and green perceived value in the context of environmentally friendly tourist destinations. Method:This study employs a quantitative-explanatory approach with the population of focus being all visitors to tourist attractions in Lebong City, Bengkulu Province. The exact size of this population cannot be determined. The total sample size for this study is 360 respondents. And analysed using SEM-PLS. Result: The result of this study reveals experience quality influence green satisfaction, green city image, and green perceived value. Also, both green city image and green perceived value mediated the relationship between experience quality on green satisfaction

    CARE Principles to Encourage Adoptions of Open-Source Software in Behavioral Sciences: [Prinsip CARE Sebagai Dukungan Penggunaan Piranti Lunak Sumber Terbuka Dalam Ilmu Perilaku]

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    Open-source apps and software allow psychological science researchers to collect and analyze data in a more economical and accountable manner. For those who are not convinced yet, this short letter offers a series of arguments and recommendations for adopting open-source apps for data collection and analysis. We put particular emphasis on how using open-source apps support the open science movement by allowing researchers to share research instruments, anonymized data, and data analysis script. Sharing, in turn, facilitates audit, replication, and collaboration, which benefit science in general.   Aplikasi dan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka (open source) memungkinkan ilmuwan psikologi untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data dengan cara yang lebih ekonomis dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Bagi mereka yang belum yakin, surat pendek ini menawarkan serangkaian argumen dan rekomendasi untuk mengadopsi aplikasi sumber terbuka untuk pengumpulan dan analisis data. Kami memberikan penekanan khusus pada bagaimana penggunaan aplikasi sumber terbuka mendukung gerakan sains terbuka dengan memungkinkan ilmuwan berbagi instrumen penelitian, data yang dianonimkan, dan skrip analisis data. Berbagi data, instrumen, dan skrip analisis, pada gilirannya, akan memudahkan audit, replikasi, dan kolaborasi, yang bermanfaat bagi ilmu pengetahuan secara umum

    Fluctuations in Neuroticism Due to COVID-19: A Case Study of Four Timelines: [Fluktuasi Neuroticism Akibat COVID-19: Studi Kasus Empat Lini Masa]

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    Neuroticism is a part of the human personality which consists of several negative emotions. The level of neuroticism has a tendency to become unstable, when individuals are faced with a traumatic event, including when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. In order to obtain a more in-depth picture of the fluctuation level of neuroticism (negative emotions), this study measured neuroticism score utilizing the Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) on 1,911 subjects in the age range of 18-25 years. This measurement was carried out longitudinally, with details of measurements on four timelines. All data collection process was carried out by accidental random sampling. This study proves that there is fluctuating trend in each aspect of neuroticism. The aspects of anxiety and neuroticism have a decreasing trend, the aspect of depression has an increasing trend, and the aspect of emotional volatility has a stable trend. The occurrence of these fluctuations proves that COVID-19 affects life aspects of most individuals.   Neuroticism merupakan bagian dari kepribadian manusia yang terdiri atas sejumlah emosi negatif. Tingkat neuroticism memiliki kecenderungan untuk berubah menjadi tidak stabil, ketika individu dihadapkan pada sebuah peristiwa traumatis, tidak terkecuali ketika pandemi COVID-19. Guna memperoleh gambaran yang lebih mendalam mengenai tingkat fluktuasi neuroticism (emosi negatif) tersebut, studi ini mengukur skor neuroticism menggunakan Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) pada 1.911 subjek pada rentang usia 18-25 tahun. Pengukuran ini dilakukan secara longitudinal, dengan rincian pengukuran pada empat lini masa. Seluruh proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan accidental random sampling. Studi ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat tren fluktuasi pada tiap aspek neuroticism. Aspek anxiety dan neuroticism memiliki tren menurun, aspek depression memiliki tren meningkat, dan aspek emotional volatility memiliki tren stabil. Terjadinya fluktuasi ini membuktikan bahwa COVID-19 memengaruhi aspek kehidupan sebagian besar individu

    Facilitator Roles in Parenting Education Programs for Low-Income Families in Jakarta and Pandeglang: [Peran Fasilitator dalam Program Pendidikan Pengasuhan Bagi Keluarga Berpenghasilan Rendah di Jakarta dan Pandeglang]

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    This study explores the complexities and diversities of the facilitator roles in parenting education programs. The objective is to evaluate how these responsibilities could potentially deviate or expand beyond standard protocols, ultimately contributing to the improvement of parent or caregiver experiences within these programs. Focusing on low-income families in the Indonesian urban and rural contexts, this study emphasizes the crucial role of effective parenting education in empowering parents or caregivers to nurture their children. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and participant observation were used to collect data from both facilitators and parents involved in the program. The aim was to explore the facilitators' role in supporting the education (learning) experience of the participating parents or caregivers. This was analyzed based on the perceptions of both facilitators and parents or caregivers. Thematic analysis revealed the diverse functions of facilitators and their impact on the education (learning) experience. While facilitators typically fulfill conventional roles as managers, moderators, educators, and motivators, they occasionally take on additional roles, acting as resource providers to support parents in their parenting journey better. Two distinct patterns emerged from the study: (1) Parents receive personalized assistance and support when facilitators exceed their designated functions, resulting in increased program engagement; (2) However, this extension of certain key functions of facilitators' roles may inadvertently create challenges in maintaining the program's integrity and unique education (learning) mode, particularly in self-learning contexts.   Studi ini mengeksplorasi kompleksitas dan keragaman peran fasilitator dalam program pendidikan pengasuhan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana tanggung jawab ini berpotensi menyimpang atau meluas melampaui protokol standar, yang pada akhirnya berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan pengalaman orang tua atau pengasuh dalam program tersebut. Berfokus pada keluarga berpenghasilan rendah dalam konteks perkotaan dan pedesaan di Indonesia, studi ini menekankan pentingnya peran pendidikan pengasuhan yang efektif dalam memberdayakan orang tua atau pengasuh untuk mengasuh anak mereka. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan observasi partisipan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data, baik dari fasilitator maupun orang tua yang terlibat dalam program. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengeksplorasi peran fasilitator dalam mendukung pengalaman pendidikan (pembelajaran) orang tua atau pengasuh yang berpartisipasi. Hal ini dianalisis berdasarkan persepsi fasilitator dan orang tua atau pengasuh. Analisis tematik mengungkap beragam fungsi fasilitator dan dampaknya terhadap pengalaman pendidikan (pembelajaran). Walaupun fasilitator biasanya menjalankan peran konvensional sebagai manajer, moderator, pendidik, dan motivator, mereka terkadang mengambil peran tambahan, bertindak sebagai penyedia sumber daya untuk mendukung orang tua dalam perjalanan pengasuhan mereka dengan lebih baik. Dua pola berbeda muncul dalam studi ini: (1) Orang tua menerima bantuan dan dukungan yang dipersonalisasi ketika fasilitator melampaui fungsi yang ditentukan, sehingga meningkatkan keterlibatan program; (2) Namun, perluasan fungsi utama tertentu dari peran fasilitator dapat secara tidak sengaja menciptakan tantangan dalam menjaga integritas program dan modus pendidikan (pembelajaran) yang unik, khususnya dalam konteks belajar mandiri


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