Western Connecticut State University
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1741 research outputs found
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Integration of Trauma Based Education in Counselor Education
In recent years, there has been growing awareness of the widespread prevalence of trauma experiences. Knowledge of the prevalence and effect of trauma has led to a greater need for counselors to be competent and confident in working with clients’ trauma; therefore, a needs exist for counselor educators to prepare students for trauma work. Improving competency and self-efficacy among counselors-in training may lead to better client outcomes and prevent vicarious trauma. The authors provide a brief overview of the prevalence of trauma and the importance of trauma training. Then, they discuss ways counselor educators can infuse trauma education within five counselor preparation courses: counseling theories, assessment, developmental counseling over the lifespan, family counseling, and group supervision for clinical experiences. They also discuss implications for practice and research
Examining the 2016 CACREP Standards: A National Survey
The U.S Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) both recognize national, regional, and programmatic accreditors across the country. However, there is a lingering question about whether accreditation is linked to the quality of education. In an effort to address this question, we conducted a study to examine the accreditation standards of the Council for Accreditation and Related Educational Program (CACREP). Based on the paucity of existing empirical studies specific to the CACREP accreditation standards, we developed a national survey to gather faculty members’ perceptions of the relevance and clarity of the accreditation standards for counselor education. The results provide insight into the perceptions of educators, directions for future revisions of the accreditation standards, and implications for the counseling profession
The Science of Intolerance: Puritans and Dissention in Seventeenth-Century New England
This thesis examines the relationship between science and Puritanism in colonial New England during the seventeenth century and early eighteenth century by examining outbreaks of opposition to Puritan hegemony. It examines how the trans-Atlantic world of early modern science shaped the mind of Puritan elites to think concurrently in scientific and theological terms in defense of their faith, specifically how the application of scientific principles supplanted inward experience in pursuit of knowledge. Focusing on certain Puritan luminaries, such as John Winthrop, Increase Mather, and Cotton Mather, this thesis demonstrates that throughout the seventeenth century, Puritan leaders exceedingly defended their traditional form of congregationalism against opposition with a scientific mind . Additionally, this thesis utilizes a combination of sermons, journals, pamphlets, and publications, to uncover that for a short while in the colonial history of New England, science and religion coalesced for the betterment of both
The Effect of Affect: Krathwohl and Bloom’s Affective Domains Underutilized in Counselor Education
Bloom\u27s (1956) Taxonomy cognitive domains have proven useful for decades. Counselor educators are experts in affect, and yet most are unfamiliar with Bloom\u27s affective domains that correspond to the cognitive domains. The affective domains focus on attitudes and values that can help counselor educators assist students to more successfully navigate Bloom\u27s cognitive process by harnessing the effect of affect through combining Bloom\u27s affective and cognitive domains. Since Bloom\u27s cognitive domains are already widely and effectively utilized, perhaps it is time for counselor educators, the experts in affect, to use the affective domains in conjunction with the cognitive domains as initially intended. By studying the correlation between the Cognitive and Affective domains, and further researching the impact of both on the development of CITs, counselor educators can embrace a best practice approach to their work within the already established and widely utilized structure of Bloom\u27s Taxonomy.
Keywords: Counselor-in-Training Affect; Bloom’s Affect; Supervision; Counselor Preparatio
The Research Self-Efficacy, Interest in Research, and Research Mentoring Experiences of Doctoral Students in Counselor Education
Doctoral programs in counselor education are believed to be developing effective researchers, yet there are few studies that examine the research constructs within counselor educator programs. The purpose of this study is to investigate a national sample of doctoral counselor education students’ research quality by measuring three constructs: 1) research self-efficacy, 2) interest in research and 3) research mentoring. A cross-sectional, correlational research design was used to test if doctoral students programs could predict these constructs. Also, the study investigated whether students’ research practices, (e.g., publishing refereed journal articles, et al.) correlated with their response levels.
Keywords: counselor education and development, interest in research interest, research self-efficacy, research mentorin
Phenomenological Experiences of Masters Students with University-Based Supervisors using a Cognitive Development Process
The researchers qualitatively investigated the individual supervision experiences of nine masters’ students who were supervised by university-based supervisors, who used a cognitive developmental supervision process. The participants indicated that supervisors using Deliberate Psychological Education (a) provided a supportive environment, (b) cultivated counselor identity development, (c) encouraged personal growth, and (d) offered a space for concurrent development. The authors discuss the implications and limitations for counselor educators and clinical supervisors
From Isolation to Communication: Connecting Adults Who Have Hearing Loss With Their Communication Partners
As Baby Boomers enter the late adulthood stage of life, hearing loss continues to be one of the most prevalent, chronic, and isolating conditions facing older adults today. Research has focused on the negative consequences of hearing loss on the health and the person’s well-being, but it is equally important to recognize that hearing loss also leads to communication loss. The resulting social isolation and the collateral effects of hearing loss on the communication partner are the focus of this mixed-method study that explored the hearing loss-related quality of life for both parties. Five overarching themes emerged from the analysis, presenting salient features of the hearing loss-related quality of life for both participants. Moreover, self-reported assessments revealed that communication partners significantly underrated their spouses’ social/situational effects of hearing loss compared to their spouses’ ratings. The findings showed how the participants’ quality of life had been shaped by the challenges of communication as exacerbated by hearing loss. The participants remarked that the interview process served to increase their awareness of needed communication strategies to reduce social, emotional, psychological, and communication isolation, and improve quality of life for both parties
The purpose of this study was to understand how educators perceive their role with meeting the social and emotional needs of students, as well how educators and students experience participation in a school-based social emotional learning (SEL) program, with particular focus on the experience of educators and students participating in the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Enrichment Program. As part of this analysis, educators and students were asked to share their views regarding the implementation of this particular SEL program. Data were collected through a qualitative multiple case study design. Study participants were invited to share their views through individual and small group semi-structured interviews. Interview transcripts along with other data sources (program artifacts, classroom observations, demographic surveys) were analyzed and coded. The coded data presented the following themes: Perceived Role of SEL in Schools, Purpose of SEL Instruction, SEL Implementation Requirements, and Benefits of SEL. The findings of the study suggest the following: Educators view SEL as playing an important role in schools, while educator opinions regarding who should deliver SEL instruction vary; Educators and students alike view SEL Instruction as having a multi-faceted purpose that is critical to supporting students; Educators and students feel that schools must meet various implementation requirements in order for an SEL program to be successful; SEL programming offers a vast array of benefits for both educator and student participants
Reasonable Accommodation For Workers Who Are Deaf: Differences in ADA knowledge Between Supervisors And Advocates
Despite the existence of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), workers who are deaf still struggle with reasonable accommodations in the workplace. The challenges relate, in part, to knowledge and training deficits among hearing supervisors. In order to understand the difference between supervisor knowledge and advocate knowledge around reasonable accommodation, focus groups were conducted with two populations: (1) supervisors in retail and food service who were all hearing, and (2) advocates engaged in training and education around deaf accommodation needs, who were either deaf or hearing. Findings identify similarities and disparities between the groups, highlighting that, while specific legal knowledge of reasonable accommodation may be low among supervisors, willingness to accommodate creatively and learn adaptive strategies is high among both supervisors and advocates. Working relationships that simultaneously foster familiarity with hearing loss and general collegiality contribute to understanding of reasonable accommodation. These insights may serve as guidance for the development of training tools and expand knowledge about deafness in the workplace