Kampung Jurnal IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
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4039 research outputs found
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Latar belakang dalam penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap penggunan gadget terhadap perilaku sosial anak usia sekolah dasar di Desa Pegagan Kidul Cirebon. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dampak penggunaan gadget terhadap perilaku sosial anak usia sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, Metode kualitatif digunakan sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi (observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi), dan hasil penelitian kualitatif bersifat memahami makna, keunikan, mengkontruksi fenomena. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan gadget tanpa kontrol dan pengawasan orang tua memberikan dampak negatif terhadap perilaku sosial anak usia sekolah dasar. Dalam penelitian ini 10 anak di kelas usia anatar 6- 12 tahun yang menggunakan gadget dengan durasi lebih dari 6 jam sehari baik di rumah maupun di temapt penyedia layanan wifi dan mengalami perubahan perilaku. Dampak yang ditimbulkan yaitu lebih ke dampak negatif yaitu : Membuat Video joged-joged dengan aplokasi tiktok di tempat-tempat umum tanpa mempemedulikan sekitar, mudah marah dan tersingguung, menirukan adegan-adegan tidak senonoh di depan orang lain entah saat becanda ataupun sengaja ngerjain temannya, tidak mau menuruti perintah orang tua, sering memusuhi dan bahkan membuli teman yang tidak mau menurut kepada kelompok
Analisis Implementasi Pelatihan Komunikasi Interpersonal Penggiat Anti Narkoba
This study aims to analyze the implementation of interpersonal communication training for anti-drug activists in entrepreneurial circles, Cirebon city. The research method uses a combined method evaluation model between quantitative methods and qualitative methods (mixed-method), precisely explanatory mixedmethod design. Data collection uses interpersonal communication instruments which include: 1) openness; 2) empathy; 3) support; 4) positive attitude; 5) equality of will and communication. Overall it can be said that the interpersonal communication skills of anti-drug activists in the entrepreneurial environment of Cirebon City are in the "Fair" category with the acquisition of 45.49%. Interpersonal communication barriers experienced by anti-drug activists are semantic and psychological, physical barriers, status, frame of mind, and culture
KAWIN TANGKAP (studi sosiologi tentang makna dan praktik kawin tangkap di desa mareda kalada, kec. Wewewa timur, kab. Sumba barat daya)
Selain menggunakan tradisi Perkawinan secara umum, dipulau Sumba pada umumnya termasuk, di Kab. Sumba Barat Daya juga mengenal prosesi kawin tangkap (paneta mawinne. Praktik kawin tangkap merupakan jenis perkawinan yang dilakukan dengan cara menangkap perempuan dengan paksa untuk dikawinkan dengan seorang pria yang tidak dicintainya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penilitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan tujuan mendapatkan informasi lebih detail tentang makna kawin tangkap di desa mareda kalada. Disini penelitii ingin menjelaskan makna dan perubahan kawin tangkap Masyarakat Desa Mareda Kalada, Kec. Wewewa Timur, Kab. Sumba Barat Daya. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian sosiologi konsep makna perkawinan dalam sistem patriarki sudut pandang teori feminisme eksistensialis dari Simone De Beauvoir. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa makna kawin tangkap dalam mengangkat derajat atau untuk menghilangkan rasa malu kepada keluarga laki-laki, di Sumba budaya patriarkinya sangat tinggi sehingga sistem budaya atau adat di dominasi laki-laki. Makna kawin tangkap tidak semata-mata terjadi begitu saja, dapat dilihat bahwa pergeseran makna kawin tangkap yang duluh dan sekarang sedikit berbeda karena kawin tangkap secara paksa ini sebenarnya sudah terjadi dari saman raja-raja dengan sedikit perbedaan yang sekarang, tetap menempatkan perempuan sebagai koban dan objek
Evaluasi Kualitas Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Membantu Perkembangan Siswa di Sekolah
Improving the quality of guidance and counseling services in schools can be enhanced through the implementation of accountability principles as well as continuous training for counselors to improve their competencies in this field. Continuous training for counselors to improve their competence in this area. In addition, involving parents, students, and the psychological team in the evaluation process can help gather diverse perspectives and improve the effectiveness of services. It is also important to consider the qualifications and experience of school guidance counselors, as well as their level of participation in supervision and professional organizations. In addition, recognizing and highlighting the contributions of school guidance counselors to student well-being and academic achievement can provide a clearer understanding of their role and impact. Active collaboration in a community of support, both among fellow counselors and with other stakeholders, can also enhance therapeutic benefits and learning opportunities during counseling sessions. This study is to determine the quality of Guidance and Counseling teachers in improving student learning success at Vocational High Schools
Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sosial melalui Permainan Tradisional pada Anak Tunarungu di SLB-B Beringin Bhakti Talun
Anak tunarungu merupakan anak yang memiliki hambatan dalam pendengaran. Keterampilan sosial erat kaitannya dengan kompetensi sosial yang diperlukan untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan orang lain. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial anak tunarungu melalui permainan tradisional gobak sodor di SLB-B Beringin Bhakti. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatak kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah obervasi dan dokumentasi. Informan atau subjek penelitian ini yaitu 10 anak tunarungu. Berdasarkan perubahan perilaku yang terlihat, permainan tradisional gobak sodor berdampak pada peningkatan keterampilan sosial anak tunarungu di SLB B Beringin Bhakti yang ditandai dengan terlihat adanya kerja sama, aktif berpartisipasi, dan beradaptasi dengan rasa empati, simpati, dan disiplin, melatih sikap mandiri, bertangung jawab, dapat mengambil keputusannya sendiri, bekerja sama dengan saling membantu antar sesama, jujur, sikap kontrol diri, patuh terhadap aturan, ketetapaan saat bertindak dan berpikir, berani dan bertindak sopan
Counseling Guidance Program Development in Indonesian Elementary Schools
This study aims to find out and understand the importance of the counseling program in elementary schools (SD), aiming to produce individuals achieving optimal development in accordance with their potential, interests and values that become their way of life, many elementary schools (SD) currently have guidance and counseling services not implemented , and there is no guidance counseling program with class teachers, because elementary school (SD) teachers lack knowledge of counseling guidance programs. The implementer of the BK program in SD is the class teacher in charge of carrying out guidance and counseling services in the class for which he is responsible. This research is a qualitative research with the method of literature review which is used as a reinforcement of the literature that is relevant to the things you want to study. Development of counseling guidance programs in elementary schools (SD). Guidance and counseling programs in elementary schools greatly influence the development of students' potential, interests and talents. So from this the guidance and counseling program in elementary schools (SD) must be considered so that the provision of services to students is also effective and the results are in accordance with what is desired
Interpretasi Makna Hidayah Dalam al-Quran (Telaah Pemikiran Al-Rāgib al-Aṣfahānī)
This article explains the meaning of hidayah in the Qur’an from the perspective of al-Rāgib al-Aṣfahānī. Verses about hidayah are presented in the Qur'an in various ways. In some places, they seem contradictory. Through of descriptive-analytical, the author tries to explain about hidayah in the Qur’an from al-Rāgib's presentation recorded in his magnum-opus Mufradāt alfaẓ al-Qurān. He was one of the commentators in the 5th century H. The verses about hidayah described in the Qur’an are classified by al-Rāgib into four stages; the first stage is hidayah obtained by all living things on this earth (garizah, natural nature and thinking power), the second stage is hidayah given to humans in the form of preaching from the prophets and apostles, the third stage is hidayah given special by Allah to those who ask and want guidance (taufiq), the fourth stage is hidayah obtained by humans in the hereafter, namely the guidance of Allah in the beauty and pleasures of heaven
Bibliometric Analysis: Research on Articulate Storylines in Mathematics Learning
Articulate Storyline is part of the media authoring tools that can be used in making a product, especially for teaching tools that have been combined into one that contains images, videos, text, sound, drafts, and learning animations. This study aims to capture the landscape of previous research that is relevant to the Articulate Storyline in mathematics learning in the last decade, from 2013 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis. The data taken from the Google Scholar database was refined so that it became 111 publications. The publication trend related to Articulate Storyline in mathematics learning has increased every year, starting from 2019 to 2022, the most publications occurred in 2022 with 58 documents. Publications in 2020 have been cited in more than 180 citations. The focus of research related to Adobe Flash in learning mathematics is 1) critical thinking ability and motivation; 2) understanding mathematics, technology and elementary school; 3) development and junior high school; 4) mathematics and outcome
An Analysis of Personality Styles; Does mathematics anxiety change with adversity Quotient?
This research aims to categorize the mathematics anxiety and adversity quotient in students and describe the profile of mathematics anxiety in students based on the adversity quotient. This research method is qualitative with a case study design. The subjects of this study were 45 students of SMPIT Sabilul Huda. The data collection instruments used were the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (TMAS), the Adversity Quotient Response Profile (ARP) scale, and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. From this study, it was found that (1) the level of mathematics anxiety at SMPIT Sabilul Huda was in the category of severe anxiety, (2) the level of AQ at SMPIT Sabilul Huda was in the category of campers, (3) the profile of mathematics anxiety based on AQ was divided into 9 categories, namely the category of severe anxiety and climbers (B-Cl), severe anxiety and campers (B-Cm), severe anxiety and quitters (BQ), moderate anxiety and climbers (S-Cl), moderate anxiety and campers (S-Cm), moderate anxiety and quitters ( SQ), mild anxiety and climbers (R-Cl), mild anxiety and campers (R-Cm), mild anxiety and quitters (RQ
Fostering Autonomous Learning Through Peer Feedback
Peer assessment appeared in social constructionism theory since peer assessment activity involves the joint construction of knowledge through discourse. This study focuses on one product that arises from peer-assessment activity: feedback from peers. Besides, this study linked peer feedback from the peer-assessment activity and learners' autonomy in language learning. Autonomous learning is regarded as a desirable goal in an educational context. In exploring this issue, the study used the case study method. The first-semester students in an academic writing class in the English language teaching department at a university in Indonesia are the participants in this study. The researchers qualitatively analyze students' feedback from the peer-assessment process and conduct follow-up interviews to answer how peer feedback from peer-assessment activity fosters students' autonomous learning. The results show that peer assessment could engage the students with their peers in giving and receiving feedback. Furthermore, giving feedback to peers requires students to have prior and new knowledge that must be studied independently. In responding to peer feedback, the students believe that peer feedback is essential in fostering their autonomy. Educational practitioners may use this assessment for junior to higher education students to activate their autonomous learning