Universitas Semarang Jurusan: SIJALU - Sistem Informasi Jurnal Ilmiah USM
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    3413 research outputs found

    The Influence of Work Discipline, Work Motivation, and Work Environment on Employee Performance at Indera Community Health Center, Central Java Province

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    This research aims to determine the influence of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the Community Sensory Health Center Office, Central Java Province. The sampling technique used a saturated sampling of 35 people. In this research, data was collected through questionnaires and data analysis tools using SPSS 27, including validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using the t-test, f-test and R2 test. The results of this research show that Work Discipline and Work Motivation have a significant effect on employee performance. In contrast, the Work Environment has no effect. It is not significant on employee performance, with coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) of 0.307 means that 30.7 percent of employee performance is influenced by the variables Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Work Environment. Meanwhile, the remaining 69.3 percent of employee performance was influenced by other variables not examined in this researc

    Strategi peningkatan layanan perizinan melalui online single submission risk-based approach (oss rba) di Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi mengenai strategi yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kemudahan layanan perizinan melalui sistem OSS RBA di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan arisp/dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data melalui reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian terdapat faktor penghambat dalam penerapan sistem OSS RBA yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal berupa kendala pada sistem, integrasi sistem dengan berbagai kementerian belum terlaksana dengan baik, adanya regulasi yang tumpang tindih, adanya jenis izin yang belum diakomodir, terbatasnya room upload persyaratan serta terbatasnya jumlah petugas layanan. Faktor eksternal berupa ketidakmampuan pelaku usaha mengakses OSS RBA. Strategi yang di gunakan dalam meningkatkan kemudahan layanan perizinan berusaha di Jawa Tengah melalui strategi teknologi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui kanal zoom, email serta kontak langsung dengan Kementerian Investasi. Strategi inovasi berupa inovasi digitalisasi layanan perizinan melalui SIAP Jateng dan Lakon-e Pandu. Strategi operasi melalui melalui Gerai Provinsi, klinik investasi dan kegiatan pendidikan serta pelatihan bagi petugas layanan perizinan.This research is a study on the strategies employed to improve the ease of licensing services through the OSS RBA system in Central Java Province, using a qualitative approach and data collection techniques including in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation analysis. Data analysis techniques involve data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research findings reveal inhibiting factors in the implementation of the OSS RBA system, both internal and external. Internal factors include system constraints, incomplete system integration with various ministries, overlapping regulations, unaccommodated types of permits, limited room for uploading requirements, and a shortage of service officers. External factors involve the inability of business actors to access the OSS RBA. Strategies used to enhance the ease of licensing services in Central Java Province include technological strategies utilizing information and communication technology through Zoom channels, email, and direct contact with the Ministry of Investment. Innovative strategies include digitalization innovations in licensing services through SIAP Jateng and Lakon-e Pandu. Operational strategies involve provincial outlets, investment clinics, educational activities, and training for licensing service officer

    Penerapan Data Mining Dalam Strategi Bisnis Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori

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    Strategi yang diambil dalam mengelola bisnis kuliner sangat penting dalam memenangkan persaingan. Data transaksi penjualan dari Chicken Brotus selama tahun 2016 hingga 2023 memberikan gambaran penting mengenai pengelolaan strategi pemasaran dan manajemen persediaan. Dalam penelitian ini, algoritma Apriori digunakan untuk mencari hubungan antar item penjualan dalam satu dataset. Hasil pengujian terhadap 11.123 record data, dengan kombinasi nilai minimum support 8% dan minimum confidence 25% serta minimum support 10% dan minimum confidence 25%, menghasilkan pola analisis frekuensi dan aturan asosiasi. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa item terlaris adalah es teh jumbo dengan nilai support 46,5%. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa jika konsumen membeli ayam geprek biasa komplit, maka 63,1% kemungkinan mereka juga akan membeli es teh jumbo. Hasil ini memberikan wawasan berharga bagi Chicken Brotus untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan pengelolaan persediaan yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Dengan demikian, Chicken Brotus dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan kepuasan pelanggan melalui strategi yang didasarkan pada data yang akurat dan analisis yang mendala

    Perbandingan Performa Lentur Balok Beton Bertulang dengan Sambungan Lewatan dan Mekanis Tipe Clamp

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    Reinforcement bars, or rebar, face length limitations, prompting the need for connection methods in construction. Techniques like overlapping splicing, welding, and mechanical clamping address this. This research investigates flexural performance in reinforced concrete beams, focusing on tensile reinforcement splice methods—overlapping and mechanical clamping with a clamp connection. Key aspects such as flexural moment, deflection, and crack patterns are evaluated through laboratory testing using a two-point loading method. Findings show that beams with overlapping splices outperform those with mechanical clamping, with nominal moments of 33.5 kNm and 32.31 kNm, and deflections of 69.37 mm and 49.02 mm, respectively. Crack patterns in both samples indicate failure at one-third of the beam span due to reinforcement splices at the midpoint, enhancing cross-sectional area. In conclusion, this research underscores the superior performance of overlapping splices in terms of nominal moment and deflection, offering valuable insights for optimizing reinforced concrete element performance in structural engineering

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Perhitungan RAB sebagai Kontrol dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Insfrastruktur di Wilayah RT 11 RW 07 Desa Mranggen

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    In building infrastructure, cost calculations are needed, organized in the form of a Budget Plan (RAB) according to government standards. The RAB provides an overview of the total cost required for building infrastructure or construction projects. Additionally, the RAB calculations can also determine the need for building materials, the number of workers required, and the duration of the project. This Community Service program aims to provide knowledge and new skills to the community on how to calculate the Budget Plan (RAB) for building both private homes and community infrastructure, such as meeting halls, neighborhood watch posts, water channels, and so on. The implementation method begins with interviews to assess understanding of creating an RAB, followed by socializing the benefits of making an RAB, training, and practical exercises on how to calculate the RAB. Subsequent steps include monitoring and evaluating the results of the calculations. This Community Service program equips the community with the skills to calculate the RAB for infrastructure development, better understand the volume of work calculations, determine material prices or unit prices for work, and prevent cost overruns during the construction phase


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    This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and empowerment on employee performance mediated by organizational commitment. The population in this study were members of the Sabhara Unit at the Semarang City Police, totaling 181 people. The sample in this study were members of the Sabhara Unit at the Semarang City Police, totaling 64 people. The sampling method used probability sampling with convenience sampling technique with the Slovin formula. The data analysis techniques used were Path Analysis and Sobel Test. The statistical tool used was SPSS 21. The results of the study are as follows: organizational culture and empowerment have a positive effect on organizational commitment, organizational culture and empowerment have a positive effect on employee performance, and organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee performancePenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh budaya organisasi dan pemberdayaan terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan dimediasi komitmen organisasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota Satuan Sabhara Pada Polrestabes Kota Semarang yang berjumlah 181 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota Satuan Sabhara Pada Polrestabes Kota Semarang yang berjumlah 64 orang. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling dengan tehnik convenience sampling dengan rumus Slovin. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Path Analysis dan Uji Sobel. Alat statistik yang digunakan yaitu SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: budaya organisasi dan pemberdayaan berpengaruh positif terhadap komitmen organisasi, budaya organisasi dan pemberdayaan berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pegawai, serta komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pegawai


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    Mitra dalam pengabdian yang akan dilakukan yaitu sebuah perusahaan distributor elektronik dan karyawan (orang pribadi) yang berada di kota Semarang. Perusahaan, biasanya mengandalkan penyusunan laporan SPT Masa PPh Ps 21 dengan menggunakan program aplikasi dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) e-SPT (SPT elektronik dalam bentuk .csv dan pdf). Program pengisian SPT Masa PPh Ps 21 sangat berpengaruh terhadap suatu perubahan dalam UU Perpajakan. Undang-Undang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan (UU HPP) telah disahkan oleh pemerintah, salah satunya tarif dan rentang penghasilan orang pribadi mengalami hal yang berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Perubahan menurut UU HPP yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2022. Dengan adanya perubahan ini, tentu saja penghitungan pajak penghasilan orang pribadi yang dibayarkan mengalami perubahan (pajak penghasilan jadi lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah). Program ini akan memberikan pelatihan dan ketrampilan dalam penyusunan laporan SPT Masa PPh Ps 21 dengan aplikasi komputer untuk perhitungan berdasarkan tarif dan rentang penghasilan di UU HPP agar dapat lebih akurat dan cepat. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini diharapkan para staf perpajakan perusahaan memperoleh pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam penyusunan laporan SPT Masa PPh Ps 21 dan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi karyawan (orang pribadi) yang ada di perusahaan dalam membuat SPT Tahunan Orang Pribadi yang akuntabe

    Mahasiswa Rantau Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Semarang : antara Persepsi Pola Asuh dan Regulasi Emosi

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    This study aims to empirically examine the relationship between parenting perception and emotional regulation in regional students of the Faculty of Psychology class of 2020, Semarang University. In this study, the hypothesis is that there is a positive relationship between the relationship between parenting perception and emotional regulation in regional students of the Faculty of Psychology, class of 2020, Semarang University. The more positive the perception of parenting in regional students, the higher the emotional regulation in regional students. This research involved regional students of the Faculty of Psychology class of 2020 as research subjects. The data analysis used in this study used the Product Moment Correlation Technique. This research data was collected using two scales, namely the emotion regulation scale and the parenting perception scale. Data analysis was carried out using the person correlation test obtained using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program version 20. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between parenting and emotional regulation in regional students of the Faculty of Psychology batch 20. With a correlation person = 0.001 with a correlation value of 0.336. Thus, the hypothesis in this study is accepted


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    Typically, migration is carried out to fulfill life goals and occurs across every generation, hence its importance in sustainable development. However, there exists an opposing phenomenon between the number of in-out migration and the Happiness Index. This research  analyze the correlation of migration, place quality, and happiness as a life goals. This research gathers primary data using Stratified Multiple Random Sampling method and analyzed the correlation and influence using SPSS. The differences in correlation results among variables were significant, where Yogyakarta City had positive correlations with migration and some components of place quality; some components of place quality and happiness. Meanwhile, Bekasi Region showed negative correlations with migration and happiness. Furthermore, migration in both locations was influenced by some components of quality of place and some dimensions of happiness. The aggregate results can depict spatial needs priority in planning, which can act as a stimulus for the distribution of migration

    Analisis Perkembangan Pengelolaan Layanan Repository Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Universitas Padjadjaran

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    Tujuan penelitian dan penulisan jurnal ‘Perkembangan Pengelolaan Layanan Repository Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Universitas Padjadjaran’ adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan perjalanan layanan repository Universitas Padjadjaran dari masa awal dibentuk hingga ke masa saat ini. Objek pengamatan yang dianalisis oleh penulis adalah layanan repository Universitas Padjadjaran, dengan ruang lingkup manajemen koleksi perangkat lunak kebijakan akses layanan repository. Dengan metode pengamatan menggunakan metode kualitatif observasi wawancara dengan studi literatur terdahulu terkait repository. Hasil pengamatan yang didapat adalah perkembangan perjalanan layanan repository Universitas Padjadjaran dari masa ke masa. Berdasarkan kesimpulan hasil pengamatan yang didapatkan, diharapkan pengelolaan layanan repository Universitas Padjadjaran lebih baik lagi khususnya manajemen birokrasinya


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