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279 research outputs found
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Implementation of Smart Farming in Horticultural Cultivation Aquaponics Method in Ngeposari Village
Ngeposari Village, Semanu District, Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY, is 40 km from the campus. Most people work in the agricultural sector. In particular, the community uses a rain-fed agricultural system. Rain-fed agriculture has limited water availability and relies on rainwater as a source. Rain-fed agricultural land is at high risk of drought. Therefore, through the PPK ORMAWA program, students are trying to contribute, educating the public on agricultural development, through the concept of smart farming in cultivating horticultural plants. The community can implement the concept of smart farming, horticulture, and tilapia cultivation through the aquaponics method. This is an effort to meet the need for healthy food and increase the income of village communities. The program uses a community empowerment system through 3 stages, namely awareness, capacity building and empowerment. The awareness stage is intended to provide understanding and awareness for the community regarding the potential they have and the sectors that can be developed. The community awareness stage is a crucial first step and is the basis for community empowerment. At the capacity building stage, the community is given counseling and assistance to be able to actively implement smart farming as an empowerment stage. Activities were carried out well until the end of the third stage
Digital Marketing Strategy Applied to Expand MSME Market Reach in Rungkut Menjaga Village
The development of science and technology (IPTEK) has made all aspects of human life turn to digitalization, including in the field of marketing. Digital marketing is a marketing technique that is carried out by utilizing electronic media or the internet, which can connect one person to another without time and distance limits. In this era, digital marketing is very important for MSME actors in expanding their market reach. Several MSME actors in Rungkut Menanggal Village have not used digital marketing due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of digital marketing. The purpose of this activity is to help solve the problems faced by MSMEs in the field of marketing and find and develop digital marketing strategies to expand the market reach of MSMEs. With this community service, MSMEs in Rungkut Menanggal Village can expand market reach through the dissemination of digital marketing strategies so that they are expected to increase sales of their products
Evaluation of Shredded Duri Lele Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) in UMKM XYZ
Sanitary procedures play an important role in achieving food safety. The application of sanitation in the food industry has a standard procedure, namely the Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP). SSOP is important to apply, not only in large industries but also in small and medium enterprises. XYZ UMKM is located in Mojokerto, East Java. This MSME is engaged in processed catfish. UMKM XYZ products in particular are shredded catfish meat and spines. There are problems related to sanitation in these MSMEs, such as the use of untested water for production, workers who do not understand the principles of sanitation, the layout of the storage room that is integrated with the production room, to the workers' sanitation facilities that are not properly maintained for cleanliness. This situation can be corrected by evaluating the SSOP in the production process which is the scope of this community service activity. The method of implementing this community service activity consists of internal coordination and coordination with partners, carrying out SSOP reviews by observation and through partner interviews, to evaluating the results of the review and Focus Group Discussion between teams and partners. Data analysis was carried out based on 8 key aspects of SSOP requirements. Observation results are described using tables and explained in narrative form. The implementation of SSOP in the scope of the production area and toilets at UMKM XYZ is in accordance or meets the SSOP of 57.57%. Other SSOP parameters need to be improved by improving the quality of sanitation, through the application of solutions provided according to SSOP, so it is hoped that this evaluation can guarantee quality and increase product competitiveness in the market
Collaborative Digital Marketing for Community Service to Support Promotion and Sales of Bogor City MSME Products with IBIK and UTHM
Digital marketing not only makes it easier for MSMEs to display their products to consumers but also expands their customer base. The limited knowledge of business actors, generally adults to old age, causes many businesses to experience setbacks and are forced to stop their business because they cannot compete in marketing. Therefore, training and assistance related to digital marketing need to be carried out to provide solutions for business actors so they can survive. This activity is a collaborative community service program between IBI Kesatuan (IBIK) with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and Bogor City MSMEs. The result of this activity is increased insight from business people regarding the use and use of digital platforms and other knowledge related to the requirements for selling products overseas
Training and Assistance in Recording Financial Reports Using the Buku Warung Application for MSMEs at Condongcatur and Beringharjo Markets
Financial statements are beneficial for business actors, including MSMEs. From these financial statements, the position and financial condition of the business can be known, so it can be used as an evaluation material in determining the direction of the business or strategies to face competition. The majority of MSMEs in Condongcatur Market and Beringharjo Market still record financial statements manually, which is vulnerable to the risk of losing transaction data/files. This makes the financial statements incomplete. In this digital era, many applications offer ease of recording financial statements for MSMEs, however many have not been able to use them properly due to limited digital knowledge. This activity aims to help overcome these problems by providing training and mentoring for recording MSME financial statements using the Buku Warung application. The method used is a survey, providing material on the importance of financial statements for MSMEs, training and mentoring on using the Buku Warung application, and evaluating the activity. The results show that this activity helps MSMEs record financial statements efficiently and avoid losing transaction data again. Suggestion givens it is hoped that this community service activity will continue to help more MSMEs
PKM Digital Literacy to Improve Ethics and Digital Security for SMKS PGRI 3 Denpasar Students
This article is based on the Community Partnership Program (PKM) which seeks to increase digital literacy knowledge for students. This knowledge is an asset to have the ability to sort and evaluate digital media content sharply and thoroughly. It is hoped that this knowledge will enable students to utilize information according to their needs. The method used is lectures to explain material related to digital literacy and the practice of applying several digital security methods to the WhatsApp application. Discussions were also held with students regarding material or experiences regarding digital literacy that they had. The target of the activity was 70 students of SMKS PGRI 3 Denpasar. The results of this activity indicate an increase in knowledge about digital literacy. This increase can be seen from the comparison of the pre-test and post-test results of 1.9
Perkembangan Mutu Dan Benchmarking Internal Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Bogor
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi pentingnya mutu atau kualitas perguruan tinggi dalam proses pelaksanaan pendidikan tinggi sebagai upaya untuk membawa perbaikan di pendidikan tinggi sistem pendidikan. Untuk mengungkapkan bahwa setiap program yang dilaksanakan oleh perguruan tinggi sesuai dengan standar kualitas dan keunggulan, istilah tersebut dikenal dengan akreditasi. Selain itu, perlu melakukan benchmarking agar tercapai peningkatan kualitas berkelanjutan yang diadopsi organisasi untuk menilai kekuatan dan kelemahan internal mereka. Salah satu yang dapat diterapkan ialah benchmarking internal karena peningkatan tampak lebih realistis ketika tujuan tersebut telah dicapai di tempat lain dalam organisasi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diambil dari berbagai sumber seperti: internet, Kemdikbud, peraturan dan perundangan yang relevan, dipadukan dengan penelitian kualitatif pada studi kasus Perguruan Tinggi “Institut Bisnis dan Informatika”. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik analisis dokumen.
Dalam hal menjaga dan mengembangkan mutu, IBI Kesatuan terus berupaya meningkatkan kinerjanya. IBI Kesatuan berupaya membangun keunggulan dengan meningkatkan berbagai aspek, beberapa hal yang dilakukan guna mencapai nilai akreditasi secara maksimal: Seminar pendidikan Internasional, beberapa mahasiswa dinyatakan lulus sidang skripsi dengan penguji internasional, kerjasama internasional dalam pelaksanaan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyakarat, KKN internasional di Thailand, pagelaran produk UMKM Batik di thailand
Training on Using White Turmeric to Make Noodles in Argorejo Village, Yogyakarta
Empon-empon plants such as white turmeric are plants that grow widely in Indonesia. One of the areas producing white turmeric is Argorejo Village, Yogyakarta. In this village, white turmeric is only used fresh, and a small portion is processed into herbal drinks which have a short shelf life. Previously, there has been a lot of research regarding the benefits of empon-empon, especially white turmeric, as anti-diabetic and anti-tumor because of its high antioxidant content. The results of this research show the importance of consuming white turmeric. The use of white turmeric can be innovated into functional food products such as noodles, which are people's favorite food. The aim of this community service is to train and practice how to develop white turmeric noodle products in the Argorejo Village environment. The activity stages included counseling by students from the Faculty of Agroindustry, which was attended by more than 20 participants, followed by training activities on making white turmeric noodles, and closed with sensory testing to determine the community's acceptance. The public is enthusiastic about participating in this series of programs and understands that the product has sales value and has good market potential
Graphic Design Practices for the Women's Community Nies World Learning House as a Media for Self-Development and Creativity in an Effort for Entrepreneurship
Graphic design is a skill that is much needed today. With the existence of a women's community at the Nies World learning house, it is a good opportunity to open graphic design classes for young women only. Classes will only focus on making desk calendars and wall calendars, both print and digital. The method used is giving lectures related to introductory material and direct practical assistance. Products that were successfully designed by the participants were very good, seen from the type of template chosen, the type of writing, the color of the writing and the selection of images that were appropriate and balanced between existing elements. Some of the best calendars were printed and given back to the participants concerned. With this training, it is hoped that young women can express ideas and be creative in providing their best designs to create quality products. This potential can be beneficial for oneself, as entrepreneurial capital through selling production results or opening design services
Dissemination of Evacuation Routes for Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards in the Red Zone of Johan Pahlawan District at the Aceh Health Polytechnic
This community service activity provides information related to disaster and tsunami evacuation routes in the city of Meulaboh, West Aceh Regency, especially in the red zone area. Poltekkes is a vocational college located in Meulaboh, West Aceh District, which is in the red zone area. Communities in the red zone are prone to earthquakes and tsunamis, so they must carry out an evacuation process. The method of implementing this community service activity consists of socializing evacuation routes consisting of 7 routes in Johan Pahlawan District and 5 routes in Meureubo District. Measuring the achievements of socialization activities was carried out by distributing questionnaires to students, including filling in suggestions and input for planning earthquake and tsunami disaster evacuation routes. The results of the questionnaire showed that the Poltekkes students, after the socialization was carried out, already knew the 12 evacuation routes provided. On average, students understand the current condition of the evacuation routes that have been socialized. Students also mostly answered agree from each question given. For questions related to problems encountered during the evacuation process, 63.8% answered that there was congestion at the intersection because each vehicle met from a different direction, 53.2% mixed residents who evacuated with vehicles and people who ran during the evacuation process ongoing, and 29.8% answered that the capacity of the road section exceeded the capacity of the community conducting the evacuation