Institut Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Mataram - Open Journal System
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    This study focuses on finding the relationship between morphological awareness and English vocabulary knowledge of Sixth semester students in IKIP Mataram. Many researchers have conducted a number of studies to find out the most effective strategies in learning vocabulary.  One of them  which is discussed in this study is applying morphological awareness. The first research problem is talking about the English vocabulary size of the students. The second problem is talking about the level of the students’ morphological awareness. and the third problem is talking about the relationship between morphological awareness and the English vocabulary size of sixth semester students in IKIP Mataram.   In turn, in conducting this research, the researcher uses a mixed methods. Not only quantitative analysis, descriptive statistics and other statistical tests, but also qualitative analysis are used. The data presents the students’ vocabulary size in the form of level which is adapted from  the theory by Nation and  Beglar (2007) and also their morphological awareness in form of level which is adapted from the theory by McBride-Chang et al (2005). This data also presents the relationship between morphological awareness and English vocabulary knowledge in form of  correlation based on Pearson product-moment formula. This analysis shows that the sixth semester students in IKIP Mataram are in level 6,000 means that their results is good enough based on  Beglar and nation (2007). And the results of the morphological awareness are variant. Thence, this study also found that there is relationship between the students’ vocabulary size and their morphological awareness


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    A combination of presentation and discussion as an instruction method is excellent per se. However if it is implemented in a classroom unceasingly without any other instruction variations, it might cause discouragement of students in their learning. To vary, there are a lot of instruction methods available to improve instruction as well as students’ participation and understanding, one of which is formative quiz. A formative quiz is an informal test given to students as an assessment conducted continuously aimed at adjusting instructional practices in order to improve students’ learning. In implementing formative quizzes as an instruction method, an investigation is conducted using classroom action research design operating two cycles. The first cycle is to measure the lecturer’s instruction, and the second cycle is to measure the students’ participation and understanding. Conclusively it is found out that formative quizzes have improved lecturer’s instruction, students’ participation and understanding in academic writing course


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    Reading is still considered as a difficult skill to be taught and learnt, some students have difficulties in comprehending the text and reading also regarded as passive activities instead of active activity. This Research is aimed to know the effect of collaborative strategies towards students' learning activities and reading comprehension. This research is quasi-experimental pre-test post-test design. The data were analyzed using paired samples, independent test and correlation.  The result proved that the experimental post-learning activities are higher than pre-activities (83.27 > 61.20) and ttest 16.434. The independent test also clarified that the experimental group performed greater learning activities t (5.322 > 2.000). In Reading, the experimental post-test mean score is higher than pre-test (59.44 > 47.41), and ttest (4.237 > 2.021). The independent samples test confirmed that the experimental group ttest is higher than ttable. (3.777 > 1.980). Meanwhile the correlation analysis proved that rtest is smaller than rtable (0.134 ≤0.199) very low category. It can be concluded that collaborative strategies are effective towards students' learning activities and reading comprehension, although there is no correlation between learning activities and reading comprehension


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    This research aims to find out the effectiveness of using “Word Map” Technique in teaching vocabulary at third grades students of IKIP Mataram in academic year 2015/2016?”. This was a quasi experimental research. The sample of this research was two classes, they were A class and B class in which consist of 39 students. It takes by using cluster random sampling. The sample of the research divided into two groups namely experimental group and control group. Experimental group was taught by Word Map Technique and control group was taught by Three Phase Technique. The design of the research as follow: Pre-test, Treatment, and Posttest.The instrument was multiple choices test consist of 25 items for right answers was  4 for each item. Then, for all right answer ranged 100 for the highest and for the lowest was 0. Based on the data analysis it was found that t-test score was 7.743 and t-table was 1.668. The result showed that the value of t-test was highest then the value of t-table. So, it conclude that there was significant effect of Word Map Technique in teaching vocabulary at third grades students of IKIP Mataram in academic year 2015/2016


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    This study is aimed at find out the students’ learning strategies in English communication.Due to the learning strategies, the researcher applied qualitative method. In collecting the data the researcher used three procedures; interviewing recording and noting. Then the data was analyzed in three ways; data redaction, data display, and conclusion. The subject consists of 40 students from fifth semester. Finally, the researcher found that the strategies that the students used in learning communication are good. It means that the strategies may help them to improve their abilities in doing communication by English. It can be seen at finding of this study (chapter IV). The students‟ communication ability improves together with the process of teaching and learning in the class. There are some strategies that they used; confirmation check, clarification check, comprehension check, self-repetition. Through these strategies their mistake and also their selves-confident in expressing their ideas is better than before

    Pemetaan Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Dasar se-Kota Kupang

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    This research aimed to describe the implementation of character education in schools, in terms of planning, implementation and evaluation of the character education. This research method used survey, it was conducted in Elementary Schools of Kupang City. Samples were selected using random sampling cluster area technique so that from a population of 134 schools selected 21 schools representing 6 existing sub-districts. The instruments used are questionnaire and interview guidelines. This research uses qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. This study resulted in; (1) The planning aspect of character education began in 2011/2012 academic year. The initiator was the education office of Kupang City in collaboration with schools’ internal parties. The reason of implementing this character education were to change students’ behaviours into noble people in balance with graduates expected competencies, to help students make wise decisions, and be able to distinguish between good and bad, and to cultivate leadership and responsible characters either in family, school or society. (2) Implementation aspect involved actors of implementation and target of character education including principal, teachers, officers and students. The integration of character education in schools was done through subjects’ learning, habituation and extracurricular activities. (3) The evaluation phase covered impact of implementation, barriers to implementation and solutions to overcome those obstacles

    Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Tulis bagi Guru SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram

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    This community service activity was held in SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram, NTB Province.  This school is located approximately 6 km from the location of the team. Located in the center of Mataram city. The purpose of this activity is to make the teachers in SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram know the ways of writing and the forms of a paper and ultimately be able to automatically express their ideas, ideas and experiences during the teaching and learning process into a scientific writing eligible to be published in an ISSN journal. The training activities were held because to the collaboration of both parties namely SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram and the dedication team from IKIP Mataram


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    Permasalahan yang terjadi di lapangan yaitu pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru kurang bervariasi, yaitu hanya menggunakan metode ceramah,diskusi, danitukurang mendukung dalam proses pembelajaran dalam mata pelajaran khususnya juga kebanyakan hanya menjelaskan teori di dalam kelas dan kurang melakukan praktik sehingga menyebabkan siswa kurang mampu mengeksplorasikan sehingga motivasi belajar siswa kurang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiPengaruh Penggunaan Model pembelajaran Otentik ( Autentic Learning ) Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas VII Di SMPNegeri 3 Terara Kabupaten Lombok Timur Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019”.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah: siswa kelas VIIdi SMPN 3 Terara.Instrumen dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data.Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode angket sebagai metode pokok sedangkan dokumentasi, dan observasi sebagai metode pelengkap. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data statistik dengan rumus chi square.Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai chi square hitung lebih besar dari pada nilai chi square tabel (5,116 >3,841), karena 2 hitung lebih besar dari 2 tabel, maka penelitian ini dikatakan signifikan. Hal ini berarti bahwa hipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif diterima, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa: Ada Pengaruh Model PembelajaranOtentik ( Autentic Learning ) Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas VII di SMPN 3Terara Kabupaten Lombok Timur Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

    Kemampuan Penalaran Deduktif Matematis Siswa Melalui Modeling The Way

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    The purposes of this research were to determine: (1) is there a significant difference between the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities of students before and after learning of modeling the way (2) whether learning of modeling the way can improve the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities of students. The research was a quasi-experimental research, with one group pretest-posttest design. The location of this research was in MA NW Kabar, Sakra Sub-District, East Lombok Regency. The sample of this research were students of class XI MA NW Kabar. Instrument of this research was the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities test. The data of this research was analyzed using descriptive statistics with paired sampel t-test. The results of the research indicated as follows: (1) There is a significant difference between the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities of students before and after learning of modeling the way; (2) Based on the average and percentage of the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities test of students, the average of pretest is 49.48 with 40% of the students have the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities with good category, the average of posttest is 68.09 with 80% of the students have the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities with good category, it shows that the learning of modeling the way can improve the mathematical deductive reasoning abilities of students

    Dampak Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) terhadap Pengetahuan Metakognitif Siswa pada Topik Asam-Basa

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    Aim of this research is to investigate different impact of Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) and verification as learning approach at senior high school students’ metacognitive knowledge grade XI program IPA on acid-base topic. Research design used was quasi experimental. Hypothesis testing uses t-test with 5% (0,05) significance utilizing SPSS 21 application. Results show that (1) there is significance difference of students’ metacognitive knowledge that is taught by POGIL approach and verification, and (2) students that are taught by POGIL approach give better answer’s pattern of declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge than students that are taught by verification approach


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