Direktori jurnal elektronik Politeknik Negeri Padang (PNP)
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    524 research outputs found

    Analisa Tegangan Maksimum Pada Desain Struktur Mesin Pengering Bekatul dengan Tebal 0.7 mm dan Variasi Material Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

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    Rice bran is one of the parts produced from rice milling, this part contains more than 20% dietary fiber. Rice bran has many useful substances, but its use is hampered by bran itself because it is easily damaged due to hydrolytic and oxidative activity. To overcome this problem, another method is needed so that the Bekatul can last longer. A drying machine is a machine used to reduce the air content in a substance. The aim of this research is to design the structure of a rice bran drying machine with various types of selected materials to obtain stress and cooling values. The method used in this research is finite element simulation. The materials varied in this research were AISI 304, Aluminum alloy 6061 and Galvalume Steel with thickness 0.7 mm. From the test results, it can be stated that all materials are safe to be used as the main material for making structure. However, there is one best material that produces the best maximum stress values and the smallest displacement, namely Galvalume Stee

    Sistem Kontrol Pneumatik pada Inlet Guide Vane Turbin Air Mikro Hidro

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    Indonesia has 377 MW of micro-hydro potential as an energy source for electric power generation, with the main component being water turbines. Important parameters controlled in electricity generation are generally the rotation and frequency of the turbine-generator which are regulated automatically in this case through a guide vane. This research explores the potential use of pneumatic control with an Arduino microcontroller as an alternative in regulating the Inlet Guide Valve (IGV) opening in a low-power Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHP). Hydraulic systems that are generally used in large power water turbines have constraints on maintenance costs and high processing time. By utilizing pneumatic control, this research uses Arduino to control the guide vane movement through a pneumatic cylinder. Tests were conducted with separate programs to read the turbine rotation, activate the solenoid valve, and adjust the power on the guide vane simulator. The test results show that the system successfully controls the rotation of the water turbine effectively. The conclusion of this research is that there is an inversely proportional relationship between the opening of the guide vane and the rotation of the water turbine, as well as successful control through a pneumatic system with Arduino. This research contributes to the development of low-power MHP technology with more efficient maintenance costs

    Sosialisasi Sosialisasi Perbanyakan Jamur Trichoderma Sebagai Pencegah Ganoderma Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Pada Lubang Tanam Sebelum Menanam Kelapa Sawit

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    Tanaman kelapa sawit memiliki dampak positif yang signifikan pada perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia, salah satunya terlihat di Masyarakat Desa Kwala Pesilam, yang terletak di Kecamatan Padang Tualang, Kabupaten Langkat, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Meskipun begitu, budidaya kelapa sawit di sana juga dihadapkan pada masalah serius, yakni penyakit ganoderma (busuk pangkal batang) pada tanaman kelapa sawit. Untuk mencegah masalah ini, salah satu langkah preventif yang dapat diterapkan adalah mengintroduksi jamur Trichodema sp ke dalam lubang tanam kelapa sawit. Dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan kepada Masyarakat Desa Kwala Pesilam dan mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia tentang teknik perbanyakan jamur Trichoderma sp menggunakan padi dan jagung, dilakukan sebuah program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM). Kegiatan ini dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada Kamis, 11 September 2023, di aula kantor Desa Kwala Pesilam, Kecamatan Padang Tualang, Kabupaten Langkat, dengan tujuan agar penyebaran pengetahuan ini dapat membantu mengatasi permasalahan Ganoderma di lahan yang digunakan untuk budidaya kelapa sawit

    Pembuatan Video Promosi Ekowisata Kampung Manggis, Pauh, Padang

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             Video profile is a short video designed to introduce an individual, company or organization to the public. It is information about the existence of an object such as  product, service, or area which has its own uniqueness, aimed to increase public awareness and trust through a clear picture of the subject being presented. Such video could be published on various media as a part of a marketing campaign. English Department of Politeknik Negeri Padang carried out activity to create  a profile/promotional video in one of the thematic villages in Padang City, namely Kampung Manggis, which is located on Limau Manis sub-district, Pauh District. Being potential area in Padang city, this thematic village is the central area of mangosteen fruit in which 80% of the mangosteen productions in the city are from this area. Kampung Manggis is the second-largest mangosteen producer in West Sumatra, providing high-quality mangosteen for both domestic and international markets. Moreover, as an area that is also potential to become one of Padang City's agro tourism destinations, it is necessary to introduce and recommend the place to broader public through right media. There were three stages implemented in creating the video profile; pre-production, production, and post-production. The result was a five minutes-twelve second-video profile, which hopefully, will grade the existence of this thematic village to public after being uploaded to social medi

    Pelatihan Aplikasi Cad Cam ZW3D berlisensi Bagi Siswa SMKS Dhuafa Padang

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    Artikel ini memuat kegiatan Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat bagi dosen di jurusan Teknik Mesin, dalam rangka memenuhi Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi Politeknik Negeri Padang tahun anggaran 2023. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah memberikan Pelatihan Aplikasi Cad Cam ZW3D berlisensi bagi Siswa SMKS Dhuafa Padang, serta beberapa pengajar yang bertugas di sekolah tersebut. Aplikasi ZW3D adalah sebuah alat yang dapat memberikan kemudahan, dalam perancangan gambar teknik dan program G code pada pemesinan computer numerical control (CNC). Alat ini dapat menggambar 2 dimensi, 3 dimensi  assembly komponen dan simulasi kerja perkakas bantu. ZW3D juga dapat melanjutkan dari pekerjaan gambar kerja menjadi program G kode pada mesin yang menggunakan NC. Gambar kerja sebuah komponen yang dibuat dengan 2D dan 3D, kemudian ditentukan material serta mesin yang akan digunakan. Menentukan alat potong serta pekerjaan potong yang dilakukan sehingga menghasilkan simulasi pengerjaan dan program G kode yang akan dimasukan ke mesin cnc. Import data g kode ke mesin cnc yang akan digunakan. Permasalahan yang ada pada mitra saat ini adalah masih rendahnya informasi tentang pemakaian aplikasi – aplikasi gambar desain dan kerja yang digunakan di industri pemesinan. Pelatihan Aplikasi Cad Cam ZW3D berlisensi bagi Siswa SMKS Dhuafa Padang, adalah sebagai bentuk transfer informasi dan pengetahuan tentang gambar Teknik dan program g code pada mesin CNC

    Analisis Karakteristik Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas pada Ruas Jalan Nasional Nagari Sungai Lansek Kabupaten Sijunjung dengan Menggunakan Metode Angka Ekivalen Kecelakaan (AEK) dan Teknik Korelasi

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    The national road through Nagari Sungai Lansek, Sijunjung district (3 km long with an effective width of 7 meters) has a relatively high accident frequency where the total traffic accidents in the 2020-2022 range are always increasing. The aim of this research is to identify the factors that contribute to accidents at the research location. Specifically, the research locations are divided into three areas, namely Jorong Cilacap, Jorong Sikayan, and Jorong Sungai Ampang. The characteristics of the accidents observed are the type of accident, time of the accident, type of vehicle, and location of the accident. The analytical approach used in this research is the AEK (Accident Equivalent Analysis) method and correlation techniques. Based on the time of occurrence, the most diverse accidents were found between 06.00-19.00 with a total of 20 cases. Based on the type of vehicle most frequently involved in accidents, data was obtained on private cars and trucks for 17 cases. The type of accident that occurred most frequently was frontal collision with 11 cases. Based on the geographical context of the incident, a total of 11 incidents were observed in the Sungai Ampang area where driver factors contributed to a total of 17 incidents. The age range of drivers involved in accidents ranges from 16-30 years. Efforts to mitigate traffic accidents in the research area include implementing traffic education initiatives as well as implementing strict sanctions for road users who violate traffic regulations. Providing education regarding correct driving techniques and etiquette in traffic, as well as understanding the importance of traffic signs needs to be carried out in line with the provision of signs and improving road lighting at the study location. &nbsp

    Peningkatan Workability Pasta Beton Modifikasi Dengan Pemanfaatan Abu Sekam Padi Menggunakan Superplasticizer

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    Infrastructure development in Indonesia is the main focus of the government, especially in the construction sector with toll road projects, airports, high-speed rail lines, and smart cities in the new capital city. Concrete is becoming the main material in infrastructure because of its high compressive strength and relatively low cost. Aggregates, especially natural and artificial, play a key role in concrete structures. The growth in demand for natural aggregates has an impact on environmental damage due to mining. Innovations using Rice Husk Ash instead of natural aggregates emerged as an environmentally friendly solution. However, it is necessary to optimize the mix design and handle workability reduction with superplasticizers. The percentage of superplasticizers used is 0%, 0.52%, 0.54%, 0.56%, 0.58% of the total use of cement. In concrete workability tests, such as Flowability, Passingability, and Viscosity, it was found that a 0.54% SCCRHA mixture showed optimal performance. The Flowability test showed a Slump Flow runoff value of 77.5 cm (SF3 category), while the J-Ring test showed a runoff of 75 cm with 2.5 cm blocking (No Blocking). The Viscositytest showed T-500 and V-Funnel times of 1.8 seconds and 2.18 seconds, respectively, with VF1 and VS1 (good filling) classifications. The results showed that this mixture achieved the most effective design with a compressive strength of 25.17 MPa, showing an increase of 13% compared to the plan mixtur

    Analisa Kapasitas Mesin Pencacah Multi Mixer Pakan Ayam KUB

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    In this study, the capacity analysis of the multi mixer chopper machine was carried out with the parameters applied such as: rpm, time and input and output of the machine in terms of the weight of the input material and the output of the feed produced in order to calculate the performance and capacity of the KUB chicken feed multi mixer chopper. (Balitbangtan superior native chicken). In the process of analyzing the capacity of the multi mixer chopping machine for kub chicken feed, the preparations made include preparing tools and materials for testing, testing, data collection, analysis and proceed with drawing conclusions. In data collection, enumeration and mixing tests will be carried out, where the samples of the test materials used are vegetable waste, bran and water. The largest chopped output at the initial input with a weight of 1 kg is obtained from the engine speed of 2895 rpm with a chopped weight of 0.95 kg. A suitable ratio for the feed mix is ​​1 kg of vegetable waste, 1 kg of bran and 2 kg of water. So the capacity of the multi-mixer chopping machine is known to be 239.521 kg/hour with a material ratio of 1 kg of chopped vegetable waste, 1 kg of bran and 2 kg of water

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos dalam Menunjang Pertumbuhan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGa)

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    Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGa) memberikan kontribusi terhadap pendapat tambahan. Kontribusi pendapat yang diterima berasal dari hasil panen. Bila dibiarkan saja tanpa pemberian pupuk bisa berdampak pada lamanya waktu panen. Penambahan pupuk kompos dapat berkontribusi terhadap percepatan pertumbuhan TOGa. Penggunaan pupuk kompos dapat mengurangi keberadaan sampah organik di lingkungan sekitar. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang terjadi, maka dilakukan pendampingan pembuatan pupuk kompos. Tahapan pengabdian dilakukan melalui persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian menjadikan terjadi peningkatan tingkat peserta pengabdian terhadap pembuatan pupuk kompos. Hasil pengujian statistik menggunakan korelasi dan regresi diketahui bahwa nilai r = 0,949 dan Fsignifikasi < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel lama waktu pengabdian dan tingkat pengetahuan memiliki hubungan positif serta hubungan sebab akibat. tambahan

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pemotong Stik Kentang dengan Penggerak Motor

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    Potatoes are one of Indonesia's horticulture products and are among the top five global staple foods. Indonesian MSMEs still use manual manufacturing technologies to produce potato sticks. Due to limited production capacity and short production times, this business faces significant challenges. After identifying the issues, an idea emerged to create a motor-driven tool capable of cutting potato sticks. The manufacturing of potato stick-cutting tools is expected to enhance business efficiency. This potato stick-cutting machine has a capacity of 336 kg/hour, a potato shear stress of 0.006 N/mm2, a working cutting force of 132 N, and a motor power of 33.84 watts


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