Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulabo: Open Journal Systems
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    948 research outputs found


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    Zakat, sebagai salah satu rukun Islam, memiliki peran yang penting dalam kehidupan umat Muslim. Dalam Al-Quran, zakat disebutkan sebagai kewajiban bagi umat Muslim yang mampu untuk menyisihkan sebagian dari harta mereka untuk diberikan kepada yang membutuhkan. Namun, makna zakat dalam Al-Quran tidak hanya terbatas pada aspek keuangan semata, tetapi juga mencakup dimensi sosial, ekonomi, dan spiritual yang mendalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis makna zakat dalam Al-Quran, dengan fokus pada konsep, tujuan, dan implikasi praktisnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang prinsip-prinsip yang mendasari zakat dalam ajaran Islam dan relevansinya dalam konteks masyarakat modern. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan hermeneutika Al-Quran, yang melibatkan studi mendalam terhadap teks suci dengan memperhatikan konteks historis, linguistik, dan budaya. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan analisis perbandingan antara ayat-ayat yang terkait dengan zakat dan interpretasi dari berbagai tafsir Al-Quran yang ada. Analisis makna zakat dalam Al-Quran mengungkapkan kedalaman konsep ini dalam ajaran Islam. Zakat bukan hanya merupakan kewajiban keuangan, tetapi juga instrumen penting dalam menciptakan keadilan sosial, memperkuat solidaritas sosial, dan memajukan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat. Dengan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang makna zakat dalam Al-Quran, diharapkan umat Muslim dapat melaksanakan kewajiban zakatnya dengan lebih efektif dan memberikan dampak yang positif bagi masyarakat secara keseluruhan


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    In facing education challenges in the modern era, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning at MA Nahdlotut Tholibin seeks to integrate religious values relevant to the times' needs. The PAI curriculum, which still uses many traditional methods, is considered less effective in attracting the interest of students who grow up in the era of globalization, which further erodes moral and ethical values. Surveys conducted in several educational institutions found that although students understand religious concepts, they often have difficulty implementing them in real life. This research aims to develop a more relevant and applicable learning methodology which is theoretical and supports the practice of students' daily lives. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis to evaluate the application and suitability of 21st-century learning methods. Participants in this study include PAI teachers, students, and administrators from MA Nahdlotut Tholibin. The data was analyzed using content analysis techniques. The study results show that learning methods with 21st-century skills such as Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Creativity and Innovation can increase students' understanding and motivation to learn. This approach helps students become critical thinkers and practitioners of good religious values in modern society. This research provides insight into the importance of designing a curriculum responsive to changing times. It supports the development of students' interpersonal skills and strengthens their ability to integrate religious teachings into daily decision-making

    Pengenalan Nilai Budaya Aceh Melalui KPM Syedara Serumpun di Malaysia

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    Aceh and Malaysia have very close historical, social, cultural and intellectual relations. This relationship between the two then continued in the modern era and formed an increasingly strong bond. The KPM Syedara Serumpun Student Service Lecture is intended to reaffirm Aceh-Malaysia (Malay) ties so that it is hoped that more productive cooperation can be achieved. KPM Syedara Serumpun's activities then produced several activity outputs which were carried out at several locations in Malaysia such as at Pondok Taufiqiyah Khairiah Al-Halimiah (Pondok Pak Ya), Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah International Islamic University (UniSHAMS), Pantai Murni Yan, Kampung Yan, Malaysian NPK Fertilizer Sdn. Bhd. (MNFSB) and Bujang Valley Archaeological Museum. Activities will be carried out for 18 days from November 10 2023 to November 27 2023.Aceh dan Malaysia memiliki hubungan sejarah, sosial, budaya dan intelektual yang sangat dekat. Hubungan demikian menjadikan diantara keduanya kemudian berlanjut pada era modern dan membentuk ikatan yang semakin kuat. Kuliah Pengabdian Mahasiswa KPM Syedara Serumpun, dimaksudkan untuk mempertegas kembali ikatan Aceh-Malaysia (Melayu) sehingga diharapkan tercapai kerjasama yang lebih produktif. Kegiatan KPM Syedara Serumpun kemudian menghasilkan beberapa output kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di beberapa titik lokasi di Malaysia seperti di Pondok Taufiqiyah Khairiah Al-Halimiah (Pondok Pak Ya), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), Pantai Murni Yan, Kampung Yan, Malaysian NPK Fertilizer Sdn. Bhd. (MNFSB) dan Muzium Arkeologi Lembah Bujang. Kegiatan dilaksanakan selama 18 hari dari tanggal 10 November 2023 sehingga 27 November 2023


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    The title in this paper is about the Principles of Moderation in Islam. Moderation is one of the main values developed by Islam. This is one of the purposes of sharia that came to spread it in the lives of Muslims. As Ibn Ashur said, "Moderation is the first and foremost goal of the Shari'ah", giving rise to a formulation of the problem, namely What are the principles of moderation in Islam. The method in this study is to use the type of literature research using qualitative data types and by using primary, secondary and tertiary data sources related to the problem under study about the Principles of Moderation in Islam, with the aim of this study to analyze the Principles of Religious Moderation in Islam. Islam. The results of the study concluded that the Principle of Moderation in Islam is based on the meaning of tolerance, simplicity, and justice. The importance of moderation is that it symbolizes the position between the two extremes of exaggeration (ifrat) and neglect (tafrit); Thus it is the backbone of all virtuous qualities. The concept of moderation has many manifestations. This has to do with the way a Muslim deals with other Muslims, as well as the way he deals with non-Muslims as indicated by 4 indicators of religious moderation that are measured in practice for every individual in Indonesia, namely: 1) national commitment; 2) tolerance; 3) non-violence; and 4) accommodating to local culture

    Komparasi Return dan Risiko Saham Syariah dan Konvensional Pada JII dan IDX30 Periode 2019-2023

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the average return and risk of Islamic stocks and conventional stocks on the JII and IDX30. Data was taken from the IDX website which provides data on companies listed on the JII and IDX for the 2019-2023 period and Yahoo Finance which provides monthly stock closing price data on the JII and IDX during the 2019-2023 period. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method so that 3 sharia stocks and 5 conventional stocks were obtained. Data analysis uses descriptive and inferential statistics using a t-test to draw conclusions. The results of the Independent Sample T Test showed that the return variable obtained a significance value of 0.777>0.05 and the risk variable obtained a significance value of 0.209>0.05. So it is concluded that Islamic stocks and conventional stocks do not show significantly different levels of return and risk


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    The research aims to explore the process of strengthening akhlak tasawuf material in akidah akhlak subjects in madrasah. The research utilized a library research method involving the stages of collecting, reviewing, and analyzing existing relevant literature pertaining to the topic. The data analysis procedure was conducted by evaluating and synthesizing research data, which could either support or oppose the initial argument. Through conducting a literature synthesis, the researcher compiled a comprehensive picture of the pattern of strengthening akhlak tasawuf, highlighting key findings, and identifying trends that emerged from existing literature. The results of the research show that strengthening akhlak tasawuf in akidah akhlak subjects can be done by adding material on akhlak tasawuf, providing space for students to engage in contemplation in the form of collective remembrance, involving parents to apply akhlak tasawuf values ​​in the family environment and conducting regular evaluations. Providing space for collective remembrance will refine students' feelings in understanding the moral teachings of tasawuf. Contemplation for students will help in correcting wrong morals. Involving parents will strengthen the akhlak tasawuf values ​​that have been instilled. Evaluation is useful for finding out programs that need to be strengthened


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    The Keuchik/Village Head is the one who sets the wheels in motion to organize village government,  carry out village development, foster village community, and empower village community. The Keuchik has the authority to lead the implementation of village government and carry out other authorities in accordance with statutory regulations. In this research, an in-depth analysis was carried out on the role of Keuchik in the development of Teluk Ambun Village, Singkil District, Aceh Singkil Regency. The research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. In this research, it is described and analyzed in more depth regarding the topics raised. The Keuchik's Role in the Development of Teluk Ambun Village, Singkil District, Aceh Regency. Singkil has carried out his duties and roles well as expected, both as a motivator, mobilizer and facilitator. The role of the keuchik is very important in determining the progress of the development of Teluk Ambun Village. The obstacles found in the community's participation in the village are still less active. The low level of education in Teluk Ambun Village is one of the reasons for the lack of involvement of the village community in development, the village community believes that the task of village development is only delegated to the Keuchik and the apparatus as a whole without any community intervention. Apart from educational factors, work is also an obstacle that the keuchik finds in development in Teluk Ambun Village.Keuchik/Kepala Desa adalah yang menggerakkan roda untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintah desa, melaksanakan pembangunan desa, pembinaan kemasyarakatan desa, dan pemberdayaan masyarakatan desa. Keuchik memilki wewenang memimpin terselenggaranya pemerintahan desa dan melaksanakan kewenangan lain yang sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa secara mendalam bagaimana peran Keuchik dalam Pembangunan Kampung Teluk Ambun Kecamatan Singkil Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini dideskripsikan dan menganalisa lebih mendalam terkait topik yang diangkat. Peran Keuchik dalam Pembangunan Kampung Teluk Ambun Kecamatan Singkil Kabupaten Aceh Singkil sudah menjalankan tugas serta perannya dengan baik sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, baik sebagai motivator,mobilisator dan fasiliator. Peran keuchik sangat menentukan progres pembangunan Kampung Teluk Ambun, Kendala yang didapati terhadap partisipasi masyarakat di Kampung tersebut masih kurang aktif. Rendahnya angka pendidikan di Kampung Teluk Ambun menjadi salah satu dasar akan tidak keterlibatan masyarakat kampung dalam pembangunan, masyarakat kampung beranggapan bahwa tugas pembangunan kampung hanya dilimpahkan kepada Keuchik dan Aparatur seutuhnya tanpa ada campur tangan masyarakat. Selain faktor pendidikan, pekerjaan juga menjadi kendala yang didapati keuchik dalam pembangunan di Kampung Teluk Ambun


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    This research aims to examine human resource development programs in Blitar City in the field of education. SERENADA (Sekolah Religius Nasionalis Berbudaya) program is an innovative character education strengthening program implemented by Blitar City. This program aims to form students with good morals and KEREN character that includes aspects of diversity, religion, and nationalism. The implementation of SERENADA relies on strategies and collaboration between three main pillars: family, school, and community. The program focuses not only on academic activities, but also on character education integrated in intracurricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature study and interview data collection techniques. The results showed that SERENADA program has the potential to improve students' religious, nationalist, and cultured characters. However, it is necessary to conduct periodic evaluations to ensure the effectiveness of the program

    Analisis Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Terhadap Penerapan Sistem Pembayaran Cicilan (Paylater) Pada Marketplace Shopee

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    Kecanggihan teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat, memunculkan berbagai macam aplikasi belanja secara online. Diantara aplikasi belanja online yang paling dikenal masyarakat adalah shopee. Shopee memiliki beberapa alternatif metode pembayaran, salah satunya pembayaran dengan dicicil yang dikenal dengan shopee paylater. Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui serta menganalisis praktik penggunaan shopee paylater berdasarkan hukum ekonomi syariah pada aplikasi Shopee. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa praktik penggunaan metode pembayaran Shopee paylater ini tidak diperbolehkan atau dihukumi haram dikarenakan transaksi hutang antara pembeli dan Shopee terdapat bunga atau manfaat yang diterima oleh Shopee, hal ini masuk dalam kategori riba yakni Riba Qardh. Penerapan denda keterlambatan pembayaran tagihan paylater dalam transaksi jual beli di Shopee juga belum sesuai karena terdapat penambahan nominal saat pembayaran denda tersebut, hal ini masuk dalam kategori Riba Jahiliah, maka hukumnya haram


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    Environmental crimes have become a pressing global concern amidst industrial growth and population expansion. Within this context, the Islamic legal perspective or Fiqh Jinayah offers a unique view on criminal liability for environmental violations. From the perspective of Fiqh Jinayah, the preservation of the environment is a moral and ethical obligation. The principles of hifz al-’ardh (preservation of the Earth) and amanah (responsibility) place a significant responsibility on humans to maintain the harmony and balance of nature. In this regard, criminal punishments and sanctions are applied as means to rectify the behavior of offenders, restore damages, and uphold justice in society. By employing a literature review methodology, the conclusion drawn is that criminal sanctions are imposed in the form of Ta’zir by ulil amri (authority figures) because, from the perspective of Fiqh Jinayah, they provide a holistic framework for comprehending and addressing environmental crimes. By integrating religious, ethical, and legal principles, this approach can assist in shaping responsible behavior towards the environment and creating a sustainable society for the future


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    Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulabo: Open Journal Systems is based in Indonesia
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