Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling (IJEC)
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179 research outputs found
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Academic Hardiness Level of Guidance and Counseling Study Program Students Post Covid 19 Pandemic
The purpose of this study is to inform the condition of Academic hardiness of Ahmad Dahlan University Guidance and Counseling Study Program students after the Covid-19 pandemic. Academic hardiness is a personality that is resilient in various obstacles, especially stress. Academic hardiness is a variable that must be possessed by students in order to achieve achievement while studying. The research population is 152 active students for the 2019-2021 academic year. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive. Data were obtained using an academic hardiness scale developed based on Kobasa's theory and Dweck's theory related to academic motivation. The scale developed refers to 3 aspects of academic hardiness namely commitment, challenge, and control. The developed scale was analyzed using the Rach Model. The results of the analysis stated that the 17 items developed contained several notes and needed to be revised. The results showed that the level of student academic hardiness of 89.5% was in the high category, 10.5% was in the medium category, and 0% was in the low category. Based on the research results, it is recommended that further researchers develop a counseling model to develop students' Academic hardiness, especially those who are still in the moderate category
Konseling Behavioral Teknik Self-Management untuk Meningkatkan Penyesuaian Diri pada Siswa
The problem in this study is the lack of self-adjustment in first year students at public junior high schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of individual counseling with a behavioral approach to self-management techniques to improve self-adjustment in first-year students at state junior high schools. The experimental research design used in this study was Single Subject Research (SSR) with a single subject type (single subject design). The subjects of this study were two class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Kelapa Dua. Data collection techniques used the Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) instrument and interviews. The results showed that there was an increase in self-adjustment to students who were given individual counseling services using a behavioral approach to self-management techniques to improve self-adjustment in first-year students at state junior high schools. This is evidenced by the changes in the two subjects after the implementation of counseling. It can be concluded that individual counseling with a behavioral approach to self-management techniques is effective in improving self-adjustment in first-year students at public junior high schools.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik
This research aims to see the extent of the influence of the family environment on the formation of student character. The family is the first and main educational environment for children. The birth of the family as an educational institution since humans were still in the womb and then existed in the world. The duties and responsibilities of parents in the family environment are to lay the foundation of moral values for the formation and development of children in the future, so that children can grow and develop well because it is in the family environment that children first receive the basic knowledge about values. kind. The research method used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative survey approach. The results of this research show that the regression coefficient value for the family environment variable is 0.753 or 75.3%, so it can be said that the family environment has an influence on the formation of student character at SD Negeri 2 Arjawinangun by 75.3%. This shows that the family environment has a big influence on the formation of students' character, while the remaining 24.7% of students' character formation is influenced by other factors
Behavioral Approach Through Assertive Training in Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills of Students: A Systematic Literature Review
First-year students encounter new and latest things that they might not have gotten before entering college. One of the main concerns is interpersonal communication skills, which are either mandatory or simply necessary for them to know in order to communicate in the campus environment. Interpersonal skills have many benefits, including making them more confident, able to speak in public, accepting of themselves, and able to build healthy relationships with others. Various types of bullying that occur in the environments of students and college students are influenced by many factors, including low self-acceptance. This can make them less accepting of themselves, unable to accept rejection or criticism, and even closed off to others. Therefore, the researcher wanted to find literature sources related to how to improve interpersonal communication skills through assertive training in 2023. The method used was systematic literature review (SLR). The results show that assertive training for students can improve interpersonal communication skills
Kajian Filsafiah dan Ilmiah Bimbingan Spiritual untuk Mengembangkan Welas Asih Mahasiswa Broken Home
This article contains a study of spiritual guidance to develop compassion in Broken Home students. Having an incomplete family makes some children become victims so they have bad experiences and cause problems both physically and psychologically, such as blaming themselves, trauma, blaming their parents, etc. The highest cognitive experience that has a major impact on individual psychology is meaning. Through meaning (spirituality), individuals find and believe in their life purpose, which has an impact on the way they live their lives, including the way they solve problems. Spiritual experiences can help individuals understand problems and make the best decisions to solve them, related to transcendent experiences and related to awareness of sacred and eternal things, thereby increasing feelings of compassion, love and affection towards oneself and others. The methodological procedure used is understanding literature from various sources. It is hoped that the results of this paper will contribute to research and development of spiritual guidance models to develop students' compassion
A Psychological Pressure in Novels: “MENYUSU CELENG”
The content of the research aims to: 1) find out what factors or causes of psychological pressure are contained in the novel "Menyusu Celeng" 2) knowing the forms of psychological pressure contained in the novel "Menyusu Celeng". 3) find out what the effects of psychological pressure are contained in the novel " Menyusu Celeng". In this study, the researcher used the mixed method used to analyze documents in the novel "Menyusu Celeng". The researcher use Qualitative Data Analyze Miner (4.0) as an application to help classify and analyze data. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was found: 1) The psychological pressure factor that has the greatest percentage in the novel "Menyusu Celeng" derived from the environment around a person or individual. 2) The greatest impact of psychological pressure identified in the novel "Menyusu Celeng" the emotion which is also divided into positive emotions (eustress) and negative emotions (distress). 3) Psychological pressure received by individuals is most revealed in the novel " Menyusu Celeng" with aggressive behavior.
Keefektifan Konseling Kelompok Teknik Self-Instructional untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Akademik Menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Semester
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of group counseling with self-instructional techniques in increasing academic self-efficacy in facing the Final Semester Assessment. The research method used is a quantitative experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest research design. The sample consisted of six students from class X at SMKN 5 Madiun who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used is an academic self-efficacy scale with a Likert scale model. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and parametric statistical tests, namely the paired sample t-test. The results of this study indicate that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest scores. The level of academic self-efficacy from the pretest average score of 66.50 increased to 90.00 on the results of the posttest average score. Based on the paired sample t-test, a significance value (sig.2-tailed) of 0.000 is obtained, which results indicate less than a probability of 0.05. So it can be concluded that group counseling with self-instructional techniques is effective in increasing academic self-efficacy in dealing with the Final Semester Assessment in class X students of SMKN 5 Madiun
Strategi Pusat Kajian Perempuan Solo dalam Memberikan Edukasi mengenai Pendidikan Seksualitas pada Remaja di Kota Surakarta
Teenager are in transitional period that requires appropriate information according to their needs and changes they experience regarding sexuality issues. Problems found in the field such as sexual violence, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, and taboo perceptions about sexuality issues are the background of the importance of comprehensive sexuality education. The solo women's study center as one of the communities actively engaged in educating teenagers about the importance of sexuality education by considering the Comprehensive Sexual Education curriculum with the aim of increasing knowledge, making preventive efforts, and providing a safe space for adolescents. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study type, data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then tested for credibility using source triangulation, then analyzed using liberal feminist theory. The results showed that the strategies carried out by PUKAPS such as sea-project, femstride class, femstride safer space project, making the film “Payung Dara”, campaigning through social media, and advocacy services have a positive influence on the fulfillment of reproductive rights and the improvement of more inclusive sexuality education
Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal Terhadap Kemandirian Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas X SMAN 6 Semarang
This research seeks to explore the impact of classical guidance services on the learning independence of tenth-grade students at SMAN 6 Semarang. Using a quantitative experimental method, this research examines whether there is a significant impact of classical guidance services on students' learning independence. The study involved a sample of 43 students selected through simple random sampling. Data was collected using a Likert-scale questionnaire assessing learning independence. The experimental design included a one-group pretest-posttest approach. Results showed that prior to the classical guidance intervention, 79.1% of students exhibited low learning independence. Post-intervention, there was a notable improvement, with 20.9% of students reaching a moderate level. The paired sample t-test indicated a significant difference in learning independence before and after the intervention (sig = 0.000 < 0.05). Results of the paired sample t-test analysis revealed a significant positive impact of classical guidance services on learning independence. Additionally, the calculation of a normalized gain score of 0.72 indicates that classical guidance services are effective in enhancing students' learning independence. This study supports previous research indicating that classical guidance services effectively increase students' motivation, concentration, and self-confidence. In conclusion, classical guidance services contribute significantly to developing students' potential and achieving developmental tasks, particularly in fostering independent learning within the school environment
Media Permainan Ular Tangga dalam Mereduksi Kecanduan Game Online di Sekolah Dasar
Online game addiction is a common problem among students. This study aims to determine the effect of using the Snakes and Ladders game in reducing online game addiction among 5th-grade students at SD Negeri Serang 3. An experimental method with a nonequivalent control group design was used. The results showed that the experimental group, which received the Snakes and Ladders game intervention, experienced a significant reduction in online game addiction compared to the control group. The average pretest score for the experimental group was 75.6, and the posttest score was 58.3. The t-test showed t-value -5.669 with Sig. < 0.05, thus accepting Ha. The Snakes and Ladders game is effective in reducing online game addiction among elementary school students