Al-Jami'ah - Journal of Islamic Studies (Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta)
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783 research outputs found
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Critical Study on The Concept of al-Ṣaḥāba Kullahum ‘Udulun in ‘Ilm al-Ḥadīth
Sahabat adalah orang-orang muslim yang hidup sezaman dengan Nabi Muhammad saw dan pernah bergaul dengan beliau secara langsung dan ketika mati mereka itu masih tetap sebagai orang yang beiman. Mereka ini merupakan generasi awal yang beriman kepada ajaran Nabi Muhammad dan yang menerima ajaran Islam (hadis-hadis Nabi) secara langsung dari beliau. Mereka ini sangat taat kepada Nabi sehingga tidak mungkin mereka itu berani berkhianat dan berbohong dengan sengaja dalam meriwayatkan hadis Nabi. Mereka pada umumnya bersifat ‘adil, ṣiqah dan .dābiṭ. Akan tetapi karena sahabat Nabi itu adalah sebagai manusia biasa maka kemudian jika ditemukan sekelompok kecil dari mereka yang tidak ‘adil, ṣiqah dan .dābiṭ karena menurut data historis mereka ini terbukti termasuk golongan orang munafik atau fasik, maka periwayatan hadisnya harus ditolak. Hal ini dimaksudkan tidak lain untuk menjaga kemurnian ajaran Islam yang berasal dari Nabi. Jadi dengan demikian kaidah al-Ṣaḥāba Kullahum ‘Udulun tidak berlaku secara umum
Wasiat untuk Ahli Waris: Kritik Ekstern dan Intern Autentisitas Hadis-hadis Iarangan Wasiat untuk Ahli Waris
As one of the Islamic sources of law, hadith is always confronted with two challenges: reinterpretation and origination. Either of these two will appear any time the teaching it contents considered fail adjusting to social need and change. This holds true, for instance, in the matter of bequest to an heir. As is well-known, Islamic law of inheritance prescribes two restrictions upon bequest: first, a bequest may not exceed one-third of the estate and second, a bequest may not be made in favour of an heir. However, modern Muslim personal law, like in Egypt and Sudan, shows the contrary especially to the second restriction. Muslims of these two countries may legally make a bequest to whom he will, whether heirs or non-heirs. This directly runs counter to the hadith: "la waṣiyyah li-wārith" (no bequest to an heir). But the reforrners argue that the hadith is poorly attested. David S. Powers even suggest that the hadith is a false one. The hadith scientific approach Proposed in this article to the hadiths, as shown in al-kutub at-tis'ah, proved to corroborates the argument, albeit differs slightly with Powers' suggestion
Gaining a Competitive Advantage by Integrating Islamic Values within Company Behavior
Dewasa ini terutama pengalaman di Indonesia, banyak sekali terjadi praktik-praktik bisnis yang tidak mengindahkan norma-norma etika ekonomi yang normal. Hasrat meraih keuntungan dan menjadi pemenang dalam persaingan pasar, seringkali tidak menggunakan strategi-strategi bisnis yang bertumpu pada nilai-nilai religius yang sebenarnya merupakan salah satu sumber keunggulan kompetitif bagi perusahaan. Tulisan ini membahas nilai-nilai dalam Islam yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan kultur perusahaan. Nilai-nilai tersebut diintegrasikan melalui pembentukan karakter sumber daya manusia dalam perusahaan, yang digali dari sifat-sifat kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad Saw dan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an yang relevan dengan topik sebagai dasar pembahasan. Impak yang diharapkan dari terbentuknya kultur yang Islami dalam perusahaan, akan menghasilkan produk-produk dan jasa-jasa yang valuable dan halal bagi pelanggannya
Athar al-Islām fī Taṭawwuri Ma’ānī al-Alfāẓi fi al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah
Language is one of the distinguishing factors between human and other creatures in the universe. It is also the identity of a society as there is no society without a language. Both language and society have close relationship that could not be separated as they are interrelated. Every single change in any society has a certain effect ot its language, either in its words or in its meanings. This is also happened to Arabic in the Arab world. Islam that came to the Arabs brought about some significant change in their faith, religious services, attitude and also some other new traditions. To articulate all these new things, the social construct some new terms that are adapt from the existing language by some process, i.e., changing, shifting, broadening and even narrowing the meaning. However, those changes did not remove the original meaning of a word. It means that, many times, a word has two meaning which we knows later as etymological and terminological meanings. This article tries to reveal those changes and distinguish the pattern of the charge
Dalālah al-Khafī wa Āliyāt al-Ijtihād: Dirāsah Uṣuliyyah bi Iḥālah Khāṣṣah ilā Qaḍiyah al-Qatl al-Raḥim
This article deals with an uṣūlī concept known among the Hanafi legal theoretician under the name of dalālāt al-khāf (the denotation of an obscure text) and its relation to the mechanism of ijtihād with special reference to the case of euthanasia. The author examines the meaning of the obscure text (al-khāfiy) and discusses the mechanism followed by the uṣūlī in clarifying the ambiguity in it, taking euthanasia as an example. From this, the author concludes that the process of legal reasoning in founding out a legal rule for a case involves three poles which have dialectical relations to one another: the text, the reality, and the objective of law. The text with its symbolic characteristic and its relying upon generalization and abstraction in expressing an object enables the mujtahid to add a new meaning to it and this meaning is produced through an adequate understanding of the case and the spatio-temporal space in which it happens in the one hand and through considering the objective of law as meaning space on the other hand. The reality of the case shades light in our understanding of the text, while the text in the same time gives us a clear orientation in coping with the reality
Islamologi Terapan dan Problema Aplikasinya: (Mengkaji Pemikiran Mohammed Arkoun)
This article is trying to elaborate Arkoun's thought on the applied Islamology, which is an effort to evaluated, develop and activates some deficiencies of Western traditional islamology. In Arkoun's point of view, the studies of classical islamology are so rigid and inflexible. They tend to restrict their studies on certain and selected works of Islam, so their works are not empirical, unfruitful, could not answer the Muslims need in the contemporary world. Therefore, the applied islamology should leave the shackle of classical episteme of medieval era that is colored by romanticism in the past and develop to toward the modern episteme with the religious anthropological tool. The problem is how to link the methodological and Epistemological gap between Islamic thought that has been cut from its old tradition and the progressive modern thought. To link this gap, according to Arkoun, the bath should be dealt with by applied islamology, i.e., al-turāth (tradition or cultural heritage) and modernity.
Book Review
Harald Motzki, The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence: Meccan fiqh before the Classical Schools, Leiden: Brill, 200
Ṣu’ūbāt al-Tarjamah min al-Nāḥiyah al-Dalāliyyah
The main problem in the proses of language transfer is to find the precise word between two languages. To transfer a word of a language into another language require some conditions, i.e., word classification, socio-cultural background, metaphor, etc. It is mistaken to say that the meaning of words in any language lies in the pattern of the word used t0 express particular purpose. Instead, the meaning of a word we used as a mean to construct our knowledge is the meaning that suit to the culture of a country. Therefore, the concept of a word in a culture may not be able to be found in other cultures. It is also the cases of Indonesian language in relation to other languages. In particular, the difficulties of translating Arabic words into bahasa Indonesia or vice versa, from the semantic point of view, could be classified into some categories: (1) the semantic difference of two similar words, (2) the differences in using an expression, (3) the classification differences of words, (4) the differences in using taboo words and the softness of expression, and finally (5) the socio-cultural differences between two nations/ countries
New Horizons of Islamic Studies Through Socio-Cultural Hermeneutics
Pemikiran dan sejarah Islam adalah dua dimensi pokok Islam teologis yang telah mendorong munculnya berbagai kekuatan, sikap keagamaan dan ideologis. Akhirnya, Islam mengandung beberapa makna: Islam sebagai teks (naskah) dan teologi/kalam; Islam sebagai pemikiran kemanusiaan, Islam sebagai sejarah, dan Islam sebagai suatu "lembaga". Dengan berbagai pengertian Islam di dalam benak para pengamat sosial keagamaan tersebut, lalu orang sah menyebut atau mengangkat isu bahwa Islam memang "problematik". Dari sinilah bermula muncul pentingnya metode dan pendekatan dalam studi atau kajian keislaman. Metode ini berbeda dengan yang sudah dikembangkan tahun 70-an, karena metode ini lebih menekankan corak pendekatan (approach) berikut kerangka teori yang digunakan. UIN/IAIN/STAIN (Universitas Islam Negeri/Institut Agama Islam Negeri/Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri) adalah lembaga akademik yang paling bertanggungjawab di tanah air untuk menjelaskan kepada masyarakat luas dengan menggunakan metode dan pendekatan rnutakhir yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Mengingat perkembangan Islam di tanah air dalam hubungannya dengan dunia internasional serta pertemuan dan pertautan keilmuan Islamic Studies dengan ilmu-ilmu lain yang tergambar dalam peta horizon keilmuan Islamic Studies kontemporer, maka fungsi pendidikan pada level Strata satu dan lebih-lebih Pascasarjana Studi Keislaman adalah sangat penting dan strategis
A Defender of an “Existence": Mullā Ṣadrā on Mumkin
Untuk memudahkan pembahasan tentang penggunaan filosofis (ontologis dan metafisik) terma "mumkin" dalam wacana Mullā Ṣadrian, dalam tulisan berikut ini akan disajikan penelusuran historisitas ide dimulai dari penggunaan konsep tersebut dalam struktur bahasa; terutama sekali adalah makna kata mumkin secara ontologis dan metafisik. Termasuk dalam pembahasan berikut adalah terma "mumkin" jauh sebelum terma tersebut dimasukkan dalam wacana Mullā Ṣadrā, seperti dalam karya-karya filosof Yunani: Aristoteles, Neoplatonisme dan filsafat Islam klasik. Historisitas ide mumkin dan konsekuensi konsepnya akan dipaparkan. Mumkin versi Mullā Ṣadrā sendiri akan dikupas terakhir setelah perbandingan-perbandingan dengan konsep mumkin yang mendahului Mullā Ṣudrā diungkap