JP Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unsoed (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Journal & Proceeding)
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2085 research outputs found
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Identification Of Potential And Specialization Of Economic Sector In Brebes District
In order to realize equitable development and community welfare, it can be achieved by utilizing the potential and spatial advantages possessed by each region. The difference in the amount of contribution from each sector indicates that there are leading and weak sectors that need attention from the government. This study aims to determine the potential of economic sectors in Brebes Regency from 2018 to 2023. The research method used is quantitative method through Location Question (LQ) Analysis, Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Shift-Share, Growth Ratio Model (MRP), Overlay, and Klassen Typology. The results of LQ analysis show that there are basic and non-basic sectors, while the results of DLQ are all prospective sectors. In the overlay analysis there are sectors that have positive growth and contribution, negative growth and positive contribution and vice versa. The results of Klassen's typology show that the manufacturing sector is a prime sector, the agriculture and trade sectors are potential sectors, the mining and financial services sectors are underdeveloped sectors and other sectors are developing sectors. The implication of these findings is that local governments need to strengthen the dominant leading sectors for economic growth, develop specialized and competitive leading sectors, revitalize sectors that have experienced setbacks and diversify stagnant sectors to encourage growth.Keywords: Economic Growth, Economic Sector, Class Typology
The Influence Of CSR, ROA, And Company Size On Palm Oil Stock Prices In Indonesia: A Causal Analysis (2019-2023)
Palm oil is one of the plantation commodities which plays an important role in Indonesia's economic activities. This research analyzed the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and other variables on companies' share prices in the oil palm plantation sub-sector. The research started in 2019 to 2023. This type of research was causal research, with the dependent variable being stock prices and 5 independent variables. The first three independent variables were CSR components: Economic CSR Disclosure, Environmental CSR Disclosure, and Social CSR Disclosure. Company Performance/Return on Assets (ROA) and Company Size (SIZE) were the following variables. The analysis tool in this research uses SEM-PLS. This is because the data are not normal. The research results show that only the Company Size (SIZE) variable negatively influences the share prices of palm oil companies listed on the IDX. This means that investors do not yet view CSR and ROA as determining factors in share prices.Keywords: CSR, Economic CSR Disclosure, Environmental CSR Disclosure, Social CSR Disclosure, Stock Pric
Analysis Of Factors Affecting Regional Capital Expenditure In The Barlingmascakeb Region
This study aims to determine the effect of Local Taxes, Local Levies, Transfer to the Regions (TKD), and Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) on Regional Capital Expenditure in the Barlingmascakeb Region for the period 2018-2023. This research uses panel quantitative data sourced from the official website of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance of the Ministry of Finance and using the panel data regression analysis method and E-views 12 software. The results of this study are: (1) local taxes have a negative and significant effect on regional capital expenditure, (2) local levies have a positive and significant effect on regional capital expenditure, (3) transfers to the regions (TKD) have a positive and significant effect on regional capital expenditure, (4) the labor force participation rate (TPAK) has a negative effect on regional capital expenditure, (5) local taxes, local retributions, transfers to the regions (TKD), and the labor force participation rate (TPAK) simultaneously affect regional capital expenditure in the Barlingmascakeb Area for the years 2018-2023.].Keywords: Capital Expenditure, Local Tax, Local Retribution, Transfer to Local Government, Labor Force Participation Rate
Stock Return Volatility Of Indonesian Stock Exchange: The Effect Of Macroeconomic, Corporate Performance, And Behavioral Factors
: This research aims to examine fundamental factors consisting of macroeconomic variables and company performance as well as behavioral factors regarding stock return volatility on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2016-2023 period. The population in this research is all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange based on 2020 data, totaling 724 companies. Based on calculations using the Slovin method, it was concluded that the minimum sample that must be taken from the population is 88 companies. The sampling method uses proportional stratified random sampling. Data analysis uses panel data regression. The results of data analysis show that from macroeconomic factors, gross domestic product and interest rates have a negative effect on stock return volatility, exchange rates have a positive effect on stock return volatility, while inflation has no significant effect on stock return volatility. The results of statistical tests on company performance factors show that return on equity has a negative effect on stock return volatility, while earnings per share and price to book value do not have a significant effect on stock return volatility. The results of statistical tests on behavioral factors show that the political risk index has a negative effect on stock return volatility, while the perception index has a positive effect on stock return volatility.Keywords: Stock return volatility, macro economic variabel, corporate performance, behavioral facto
Analysis Of Strategic Performance Measurement System On Managerial Performance With Role Stressor As A Mediator
An organization in carrying out its activities cannot be separated from employees. The performance of an employee can be influenced by various factors such as the work environment, infrastructure, production, health, work safety level, and mutual understanding that will lead them in one direction so that they have a maximum level of performance to achieve organizational goals. The theory used in this research is goal setting theory. This type of research is quantitative research which will also be explained through descriptive statistical analysis. The population and sample of this research are Open University employees with a minimum of education and located in Central Java - Yogyakarta. This research instrument uses a questionnaire calculated on a Likert scale, then the data will be processed using an application called SmartPLS. The results of this study state that strategic performance measurement system variable have a significant effect on role stressors. Furthermore, role stressors have a significant effect on managerial performance. Then, overall role stressors can mediate the relationship between the influence of the strategic performance measurement system on managerial performance. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for organizations to continue to improve their managerial performance while still paying attention to the variables that can affect it.Keywords: Managerial Performance, Organizational Goals, Role Stressors, Strategic Performance Measurement System.
Consumer Preference for Mid-Cost Housing Based on Their Social Stratification in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Owning residential property with ideal location, physical characteristics, neighborhood, legal documents, amenities, proximity to public services, etc., on a housing development requires consumers to have the ability and willingness to pay for such attributes. However, the cost is relatively high while the budget is often restricted. In Special Region of Yogyakarta, housing backlog is caused by supply and demand gap for mid-cost housing, limited capacity of developers, and low housing affordability for low-income people. This research aims to analyze the influence of social stratification on consumer preference for mid-cost housing on housing developments and on non-clustered housing areas (on which the houses are not constructed by a single developer) as well as the desired attributes of mid-cost housing. This research employed descriptive and inductive statistics with chi-square test. Test of independence was used to analyze the variables to determine whether social stratification influences consumer preference for mid-cost housing on both areas. Purposive sampling was employed with a sample size of 220 respondents. The result showed H0 was rejected as χ² = 12.35 > χ² α; (r-1)(c-1) = 5.991, meaning social stratification influences consumer preference for mid-cost housing on both areas. The desired attributes included location, physical characteristics, legal documents, neighborhood, and amenities. In order that residential areas may contribute to regional development, it is important for the local government to implement relevant policies and mortgage financing policies as well as provide supporting infrastructure and facilities for its development
A Conceptual Framework For Assesing Sustainable Production And Consumption Behaviour In The Lampung Coffee Industry
The campaign on sustainability needs to be strengthened in order to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts on this planet. Behavioural researchers have conducted numerous studies on environmental issues. The commonly used theory of Behaviour is one that predicts ongoing intentions and Behaviours. However, existing research is still predominantly focused on the internal aspects of Behaviour, while the external aspects of Behaviour are given less attention. Therefore, the general aim of this research is to elucidate the integration of social cognitive theory and the method employed in this study is literature review. The Social Capital Theory is used to measure sustainable production and consumption Behaviour in the coffee sector. The integration of these two theories accommodates both the internal and external aspects of an individual's Behaviour, particularly for coffee farmers as producers and coffee consumers. The coffee sector is important to study given that coffee is a very vulnerable context in terms of sustainability aspects. This conceptual framework contributes to the development of sustainable Behaviour measurement.Keywords: Sustainable Consumption and Production, Social Capital Theory, Social Cognitive Theor
Female Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Justice Influence On MSME`S Employee Performance
Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises have a number of human resource-related difficulties, among them is the poor caliber of their labor force. Employee performance suffers as a result of this inadequate quality, which further impacts MSMEs' overall performance. Each employee's performance plays a major role in determining the success of these businesses. The goals and objectives of MSMEs are more easily attained when employees work effectively. This study aims to determine the variables that influence employee performance. The study's factors include female leadership, perceived organizational support and organizational justice. The survey method was employed in this study. A questionnaire was used as a tool to gather data. Employees of female-led Banyumas Regency's Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises made up the research population. The purposive sampling approach, a non-probability sampling methodology, was employed in the sample process. A sample size of 100 was calculated using the Cochran formula; however, only 81 were processed. According to the findings, female leadership significantly influence employee performance, perceived organizational support does not significantly influence employee performance, organizational justice significantly influences employee performance.Keywords: Female Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Justice, Employee Performanc
Changes In Audit Opinions And Internal Conditions Of Regional Government: During The Covid Pandemic
The audit opinions for local governments in 2021-2022 show that some regencies/cities experienced a downgrade in audit opinions from the previous year. This study seeks to empirically investigate how internal factors within local governments affect changes in audit opinions. The population of this research is 514 districts or cities. The data analysis techniques used include logistic regression analysis. The study results indicate that neither the effectiveness ratio nor the efficiency ratio influences changes in audit opinions. However, the level of wealth in local government and weaknesses in the internal control system (ICS) have a significant negative impact. Regencies/cities with increasing levels of local government wealth may experience a downgrade in audit opinions. Recommendations linked to this study propose that local authorities should further explore their potential and manage it optimally for the welfare of the community while being transparent and accountable.Keywords: Change in Audit Opinion, Local Government, Internal Control Syste
Factors From Accountability Of Village Financial Management
The purpose of this research is due to information related to village funds being misused by village officials in the Sukomoro sub-district area. Researchers use a quantitative approach with a type of statistical description. The sample was taken with a saturated sample of 98 employees. Primary data sources and instruments use questionnaires which will be processed using Likert scale scoring. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics, instrument tests, classical assumption tests and multiple linear regression analysis.The results of the research are that the village financial system has a positive influencelence on the accountlntability of village financial management in SulComoros District. Second, internal control has a positive influenzalence on the accountlntability of village financial management in SulComoros District. Third, commulnity participation has a positive influenzalence on the accountlntability of village financial management in SulComoros District. Foulrth, the village financial system, internal control system and commulnity participation have a positive influenzalence on the accountlntability of village financial management in SulComoros District.Keywords: Village Financial System, InternalControlSystem, CommulnityParticipation, Financial Accoulntability.