e-Journal Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah (UIN Raden Fatah Palembang)
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Menjamin Tumbuh Kembang Narapidana Kelompok Rentan Anak di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak
Penelitian ini membahas tentang apa yang seharusnya tetap didapatkan anak di dalam Lembaga pembinaan khusus anak dengan anak pada umumnya. Anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum kemudian berakhir di Lembaga Pembinaan sudah pasti harus diberi perhatian khusus untuk menjamin tumbuh kembang anak tersebut. Untuk tetap menjaga tumbuh kembang anak , sebagai penyelenggara pembinaan untuk narapidana anak, Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak harus tetap memenuhi apa yang seharusnya didapatkan oleh anak. Baik dari segi Kesehatan fisik, mental, dan juga mendapat gizi yang baik harus tetap diberikan kepada anak di dalam Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak. Tak lupa dengan pendidikan yang seharusnya tetap didapatkan anak sesuai dengan usia nya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan positif agar terjamin hak narapidana anak yang seharusnya didapatkan oleh anak di dalam Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak
Functional 3D Structure Analysis of Quasispecies Variants of Hepatitis B Virus Surface and Core Protein in Advanced Liver Disease and Chronic HBV Infection Patients in Indonesia: In Silico
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an endemic virus and belongs to Hepadnaviridae family. This virus can result in variations of quasispecies due to its high rate of mutation. A quasispecies variant is a small population and develops as a result of mutation and can become a wild-type population. This research aims to study and carry out 3D modeling on 12 in-house full sequence HBV genome isolates from Indonesia and obtain predictive visualization data to become a reference for further research leading to the production of anti-virals and natural treatments for HBV. 12 in-house full HBV genome sequences obtained from previous research were used to carry out 3D modeling and structural analysis of the surface protein, core protein, and polymerase protein. Analysis was carried out in silico using programs available online. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using MEGA11, translation of nucleotides into protein sequences using the ExPAsy Translate portal, physiochemical analysis using ProtParam portal, and functional domain testing using the MOTIF tool from GenomeNet. Then 3D modelling using Phyre2 and SWISS-MODEL. The major mutation of the S protein occurs in L21S and mutations in the C protein mainly occur in P79Q and S87G. The model for S Protein from homology structure prediction is not reliable thus it still needs more templates from experimental techniques. While C Protein structure prediction can provide information for further research in alternative natural antiviral treatment.Virus Hepatitis B (HBV) adalah virus endemik dan termasuk dalam keluarga Hepadnaviridae. Virus ini dapat menyebabkan variasi quasispecies karena tingkat mutasinya yang tinggi. Variasi quasispecies adalah populasi kecil yang berkembang sebagai hasil mutasi dan dapat menjadi populasi tipe liar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan melakukan pemodelan 3D pada 12 isolat genom lengkap HBV dari Indonesia dan memperoleh data visualisasi prediktif sebagai referensi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut yang dapat mengarah pada produksi antiviral dan pengobatan alami untuk HBV. Dua belas urutan genom HBV lengkap yang diperoleh dari penelitian sebelumnya digunakan untuk melakukan pemodelan 3D dan analisis struktural protein permukaan, protein inti, dan protein polimerase. Analisis dilakukan secara in silico menggunakan program yang tersedia secara online. Analisis filogenetik dilakukan menggunakan MEGA11, translasi nukleotida menjadi urutan protein menggunakan portal ExPAsy Translate, analisis fisikokimia menggunakan portal ProtParam, dan pengujian domain fungsional menggunakan alat MOTIF dari GenomeNet. Kemudian pemodelan 3D menggunakan Phyre2 dan SWISS-MODEL. Mutasi utama pada protein S terjadi pada L21S dan mutasi pada protein C terutama terjadi pada P79Q dan S87G. Model untuk Protein S dari prediksi struktur homologi tidak dapat diandalkan sehingga masih memerlukan lebih banyak templat dari teknik eksperimental. Sementara prediksi struktur Protein C dapat memberikan informasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dalam alternatif pengobatan antiviral alami
Pengaruh Green Brand Positioning, Green Brand Knowledge, dan Green Advertising terhadap Green Purchase Intention Produk Lipstik Wardah Di Kota Bandung
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perempuan di Kota Bandung yang berusia 18 tahun ke atas mempersepsikan dan berniat melakukan pembelian ramah lingkungan dalam kaitannya dengan positioning merek ramah lingkungan, pengetahuan merek ramah lingkungan, dan periklanan ramah lingkungan. Analisis inferensial yang meliputi uji asumsi tradisional (uji normalitas, multikolinearitas, dan heteroskedastisitas), regresi berganda, dan uji hipotesis merupakan teknik analisis yang digunakan. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen juga dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa niat pembelian ramah lingkungan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh faktor positioning merek ramah lingkungan dan periklanan ramah lingkungan. Di sisi lain, rencana untuk melakukan pembelian yang bertanggung jawab secara ekologis tidak dipengaruhi oleh kesadaran merek. Temuan studi tersebut menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pelanggan terhadap merek kosmetik ramah lingkungan dan kecenderungan mereka melakukan pembelian ramah lingkungan, wardah perlu memberikan lebih banyak informasi tentang kecantikan ramah lingkungan
Pengaruh Beauty Vlogger terhadap Repurchase Intention Melalui Brand Image Sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Pengguna Produk Kosmetik Bedak Padat Pixy di Kota Bandung
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel beauty vlogger terhadap repurchase intention yang dimediasi oleh brand image pada produk bedak padat Pixy di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kueioner. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini telah dinyatakan lulus uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: Uji validitas, uji reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, dan uji hipotesis. Pada penelitian ini pengujian instrumen menggunakan IBM Statistic 25. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa beauty vlogger dan brand image berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap repurchase intention.
Study of the Efficacy of Different Concentrations of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer in Preventing Pathogen Transmission Through Palms
An integral part of the human body is the hands, which most frequently come into contact with various items; they can be an intermediary for spreading infections from hands to food and potentially eaten by humans. Maintaining hand hygiene is the right strategy to avoid this spread, which includes using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. This study examines the potential for varying concentrations of alcohol-based hand sanitizer to transmit pathogens through the palms. The form of research is a laboratory experiment with an appropriate research design. Test the antibacterial potential of variations in alcohol-based hand sanitizer concentrations of 40, 50, 60, 70, and 70% using well diffusion and dilution methods. The tests were done in quadruplicates. The test bacteria used are Escherichia coli, Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus. The results of the research showed that of the four variations in the concentration of alcohol-based hand sanitizer, the bacteriostatic ability against Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria was at a concentration of 40% to 80%. The bactericidal activity at a concentration of 80% was demonstrated by Escherichia coli, Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. Bactericidal activity was demonstrated against Escherichia coli, Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus at an 80% concentration
Variety of Qira\u27at in the Qur\u27an (Study of Surah Al-Fatihah Qira\u27at \u27Asyrah Shughra and \u27Asyrah Kubra)
The results of this study are that the differences and varieties of qira\u27at contained in the Qur\u27an are not the result of one\u27s ijtihad in determining the type of reading in the Qur\u27an, but must be based on and based on following the sanad and history that is directly connected to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. because qira\u27at is a discipline of science that is alone. As for the qira\u27at asyrah shughra and qira\u27at asyrah kubra in Surah Al-Fatihah, that there are differences in almost all verses in Surah Al-Fatihah according to qira\u27at and their respective histories. As for the qira\u27at asyrah shughra is a qira\u27at that there are ten imams qurra\u27 and each imam imam qurra\u27 has two narrators, and each of these narrators has one thariq (path) which is commonly called the path of shathibiyyah, so that the total history and path is twenty history and twenty thariq (path). While what is meant by qira\u27at asyrah kubra is qira\u27at which is attributed to ten imams qurra\u27 which in each imam qira\u27at has two narrators, in addition to each History has fifty thariq, so the total is twenty History and a thousand thariq (paths)
Validation of Problem-Based Learning Videos on Environmental Pollution Material for Class VII SMP NU Palangkaraya
Media in the form of problem-based learning videos (PBL) is very necessary when learning material related to environmental pollution. This research aims to see the feasibility of learning videos based on material problems related to environmental pollution, as proven by the evaluation results of validation experts, namely material validators and media validators. This research was conducted on 26 class VII students at SMP NU Palangkaraya. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) which adopts the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evalute) development model. The media developed by researchers is designed based on the parameters of problem-based learning activities. The validation results from the material and media validators show that the criteria are feasible, with percentages of 74% and 88.9 % respectively. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that problem-based learning videos on environmental pollution material are suitable for use in learning.
Integration of Various Digital Media with Flipped Classroom Models in Chemistry Learning: An Analysis of Student Activities
This study aims to analyze student activity in flipped learning environments and their response to chemistry learning. The variations of digital media used in this research are YouTube, Miro, Wizer.me, Quizizz, Google Form, and Google Classroom. Participants are 11th grade public high school in Depok city, West Java, Indonesia. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation sheets, teacher diaries, interviews, reflective journals, and student activity questionnaires. The activity questionnaire in this study used StRIP, adapted from DeMonbrun, et al. Activity indicators consist of two dimensions: student response to instruction and instruction type dimensions. Student activity data is processed using a Likert scale. The results showed that the majority of students responded positively to the second dimension. The results showed that students\u27 responses to instructions and types of instructions developed well during the learning process. This is consistent with the results of the student questionnaire data, which shows a percentage of >70% in each dimension. The affective domain shows that some students have a good attitude of responsibility and discipline. They actively express their opinions and work together in groups. In the psychomotor domain, the students show that they are careful in carrying out and compiling the practicum reports. This study concludes that the flipped classroom learning model using various digital learning media can help develop students\u27 activities in chemistry learning
Perbedaan Self Control Mahasiswa Dalam Belajar Ditinjau Dari Perlakuan Orang Tua Dan Jenis Kelamin
This research focuses on the lack of self-regulation in students during the learning process. Students who have good self-control skills will be able to solve the problems they face. Parental treatment and gender are important factors in student self-control. The level of self-control demonstrated by individuals can vary based on their gender and the way they were raised by their parents. Variations in student self-control are shaped by many internal and external influences. Students\u27 self-control allows them to effectively manage and regulate their behavior in the learning process, preventing them from giving in to temptation and engaging in negative or deviant actions. This research examines parental treatment and gender to analyze student self-control. This ex post facto research used a 3 x 2 factorial design. Students of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Da\u27wah and Communication, UIN Ar-raniry were the research population. Proportional random sampling was used. The instrument used was a questionnaire with validity test results > 0.304 and reliability test results for the self-control instrument were 0.903 and the parental treatment variable was 0.933. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. The results of research on the interaction between the variables parental treatment and gender, the Fcount value obtained was 0.238, so it can be concluded that Fcount < Ftable, in accordance with the criteria for hypothesis testing via Anava, so this shows there is no interaction between parental treatment and gender. Gender in influencing students\u27 self-control in learning
Pelaksanaan Manajemen Kewirausahaan Sosial Melalui Peternakan Generasi Lestari Farm Dalam Perspektif AlQur’an
Implementation (Actuating) as one of the functions and stages of management, is often interpreted as an effort to move or carry out. In an institution, organization or company, actuating can be interpreted as moving or giving direction to theresourcesin theinstitution,whether human resources or otherresources. Mobilizinghuman resources is a process that goes through starting from human resource planning, recruitment, education and training of human resources, as well as themotivation provided by those resources. while mobilizing otherresourcesis an effortto maximize the use of existing resources or mobilize organizational elements tocarry out all planned activities. In the context of implementing this management,the author discusses social entrepreneurship carried out by Generasi Lestari Farmwhich focuses on animal husbandry, namely sheep and goats. Socialentrepreneurship is a community-based alternative that hasthe potential to perfect the development process. combining innovative ideas for social change, carried out by applying business strategies and skills. And of course seeing how the social entrepreneurship journey process contains Islamic values as in the verses of theKoran which provide direction to Muslims to carry out a business or buying and selling (livestock) that is halal and good.