Jurnal Elektronik Universitas Cenderawasih
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Perbandingan Stok Karbon Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata di Kampung Enggros dan Entrop, Jayapura, Papua.
Ekosistem mangrove memiliki peran penting sebagai penyaring gas CO2 yang berada diudara melalui proses fotosintesis. Hal ini yang menyebabkan keberadaan hutan mangrove sangat menjadi perhatian dalam menjaga siklus karbon di dunia. Hutan mangrove di Indonesia terbanyak berada di daerah Papua yang mencapai sepertiga dari total luasan hutan mangrove di Indonesia. Salah satu kawasan hutan mangrove yang cukup tebal berada di kawasan Teluk Youtefa pada Kampung Enggros dan Entrop dengan spesies Rhizophora mucronata yang ditemukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengukur kandungan karbon menggunakan rumus alometrik yang memanfaatkan nilai diameter batang. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa biomassa Rhizophora mucronata pada Kampung Entrop lebih banyak dibandingkan Kampung Enggros yang berbeda sebesar 1063.44 Kg. Kandungan dan serapan karbon juga menunjukan hasil yang berbanding lurus dengan biomassa pada Kampung Entrop di angka 19.4616 dan 71.42 Kg/m2. Rasio perbedaan biomassa dan kandungan karbon antara kedua kampung juga menunjukan perbedaan sebesar 14%
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Bank dalam Pemberian Layanan Nasabah Prima
Semakin berkembangnya inovasi layanan bank dalam menyediakan produk yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan nasabah mendorong adanya suatu segmen nasabah tertentu. Bank dapat memberikan layanan perbankan secara lebih personal dan mendapatkan tambahan layanan keistimewaan tertentu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis empiris. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Makassar Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriktif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pemberian Layanan Nasabah Prima pada lembaga perbankan dalam kaitannya dengan upaya minimalisasi risiko tindak pidana perbankan diimplementasikan dalam bentuk SOP Layanan Nasabah Prima yang disandingkan dengan SOP Mengenali Nasabah dimana SOP ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui latar belakang nasabah prima atau nasabah prioritas yang dimiliki oleh bank dan sekaligus pula untuk memantau transaksi-transaksi yang dilakukan oleh nasabah.
ABSTRAK Kampung wiyogei adalah kampung yang terletak di Distrik Kamuu Utara, kabupaten Dogiyai, Provinsi Papua. Pakaian tradisional untuk laki-laki dan perempuan Suku Mee di Kampung Wiyogei menggunakan Tumbuh-tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tumbuhan, pemanfaatannya dan upaya pelestarian tumbuhan untuk pakaian tradisional suku Mee di kampung Wiyogei, Distrik Kamuu Utara, Kabupaten Dogiyai, Papua. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Masyarakat di kampung Wiyogei memanfaatkan 13 jenis dari 4 famili tumbuhan untuk pakaian tradisional suku Mee, 12 jenis tumbuhan terdapat di hutan dan 1 jenis tumbuhan yang sudah membudidayakan yaitu buah labu (siceraria lagenaria) untuk pembuatan koteka dan nama ilmiah diperoleh dari hasil identifikasi sampel yang dibuat herbarium di Manokwari. Pelestarian budaya upacara adat yang menggunakan pakaian tradisional masih terus dilakukan bahkan dalam keseharian hidup masyarakat suku Mee di kampung Wiyogei beberapa orang masih menggunakan pakaian tradisional.Kata Kunci : Pemanfaatan, Tumbuhan, Pakaian Tradisional, suku Mee, Wiyogei, Dogiyyai, PapuaABSTRACTWiyogei village is a village located in North Kamuu District, Dogiyai district, Papua Province. Traditional clothing for men and women of the Mee tribe in Wiyogei Village uses plants. This study aims to determine the types of plants, their uses and efforts to preserve plants for traditional clothing of the Mee tribe in Wiyogei village, North Kamuu District, Dogiyai Regency, Papua. The method used for this research is a qualitative descriptive method, through an emic approach and an ethnic approach. This research was conducted in Wiyogei village, North Kamuu District, Dogiyai Regency, Papua. The population in this study is the Wiyogei village community in the North Kamuu district and the plants found in the Wiyogei village. The main sample is the community that is used as knowledge material in the utilization of plant species for traditional clothing of the Mee tribe. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The data obtained in this study were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. This study resulted in the following findings: the people in the Wiyogei village used 13 species from 4 plant families for traditional clothing for the Mee tribe, 12 species of plants were found in the forest used for making moge and noken, and 1 plant species that had been cultivated, namely pumpkin (siceraria lagenaria). ) for the manufacture of koteka and the scientific name was obtained from the identification of samples made by the herbarium in Manokwari. Preservation of traditional ceremonial culture using traditional clothing is still being carried out, even in the daily life of the Mee people in Wiyogei village, some people still use traditional clothes.Keywords : Utilization, Plants, Traditional Clothing, Mee tribe, Wiyogei, Dogiyyai, Papu
Pelatihan Pengoperasian dan Pemeliharaan Mesin Pengolah Sagu bagi Masyarakat Pemerhati Sagu di Jayapura
Training on the operation and maintenance of sago processing machines for the community of sago observers in Jayapura, is the implementation of the implementation of the science and technology application program launched by the Institute for Research and Community Service, University of Cenderawasih in 2022 on July 5, 2022 at the Central Laboratory for the Study of Sago Technology-FMIPA -Cenderawasih University. The sago machines used are sago stick threshing machine, sago stem fall extraction machine, wet sago flour pressing machine and dry coarse sago flour flour machine. The training participants have been able to operate and maintain the sago machine well, as evidenced by the results of sago processing reaching 70%. The results showed that the machine used was effective and efficient in processing sago stalks into dry sago flour. It also proves that the equipment is very easy to operate by the trainees. Keywords: sago processing machin
Eco-enzyme is a multifunctional liquid produced from the fermentation of waste or organic waste, brown sugar/sugar, and water. Eco-enzyme is a magic liquid whose benefits are very environmentally friendly, such as in the eco-enzyme production process to produce O3 gas (same as planting 10 trees), one liter of eco-enzyme solution can purify polluted rivers, like an antiseptic. and fertilize the soil. This activity has been carried out at SMA Negeri 2 Skanto in 2022, but now it is devoted to the use of eco-enzymes for hydroponics and fish pond nutrition. The purpose of this activity is to first introduce a training program on the use of eco-enzymes for hydroponics and fish pond nutrition; second, through service, it can produce output in the form of a national service journal. This activity was held on Juny 14, 2022 at SMA Negeri 2 Skanto Keerom. The target audience involved in this activity are high school students. The selection of the target audience is based on the tasks and obligations of students to build Adiwiyata High School that loves the environment. The methods used in the implementation of this activity are lectures, simulations and practice on how to harvest and use it. In conclusion, the participants were enthusiastic and knowledgeable about harvesting and using ecoenzymes. Based on the results of the evaluation showed that the level of satisfaction of participants was high when viewed from the percentage of all aspects.Keywords: antiseptic; eco-enzym; adiwiyata; keerom; hydroponi
Some community groups in Jayapura City smoke fish using iron wood, matoa wood, or coconut shells and from the roasting results it can be seen that the physical color can vary in the fish. The aim of the activity is to conduct training for a group of people with the aim of helping community groups to be able to participate in applying fish preservation from natural ingredients, namely by using liquid smoke. The training was held in July 2022 in Buton Village, Yabansai Village, Heram District, Jayapura City with lecture and practice methods. The evaluation was carried out to find out whether the participants were skilled in using liquid smoke in processing asar fish using liquid smoke. clean. The results of the activity showed that the participants were very enthusiastic and understood the training material on preserving fish from natural ingredientsKeywords: asap cair; ikan asar; Jayapura; woo
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun sebuah kisi-kisi learning continuum terkait aspek klasifikasi makhluk hidup berdasarkan pendapat guru IPA SMP dan guru Biologi SMA yang ditinjau dari level kesukaran. Kisi-kisi learning continuum ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu bahan pertimbangan dalam menyusun dan mengembangkan kurikulum di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode survei yang dilaksanakan di lima kota/kabupaten yang berada di provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, yaitu Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Sleman, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul dan Kabupaten Bantul. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa kuisioner yang disebarkan secara online melalui google form. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 111 responden dari guru IPA SMP dan guru Biologi SMA yang dipilih menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kisi-kisi learning continuum terkait aspek klasifikasi makhluk hidup yang disusun berdasarkan pendapat guru IPA SMP dan guru Biologi SMA belum menunjukan adanya tingkatan level kesukaran. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa guru IPA SMP maupun guru Biologi SMA masih belum mempertimbangkan kesesuaian antara level kesukaran dengan tingkat perkembangan maupun jenjang pendidikan peserta didik. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut yang melibatkan pendapat pakar dalam hal ini adalah dosen Pendidikan Biologi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) antara guru dan dosen untuk mendiskusikan dan mempertimbangkan hasil yang telah diperoleh. Kata Kunci : Learning continuum, Klasifikasi makhluk hidup, level kesukaran, Guru ABSTRACT This study aims to compile a learning continuum grid related to aspects of the classification of living things based on the opinions of junior high school science teachers and high school biology teachers in terms of difficulty level. The learning continuum grid is expected to be one of the considerations in preparing and developing curricula in Indonesia. This research is a descriptive study using a survey method that was carried out in five cities/districts in the province of D.I. Yogyakarta, namely the City of Yogyakarta, Sleman Regency, Kulonprogo Regency, Gunung Kidul Regency, and Bantul Regency. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire that was distributed online via Google Forms. Respondents who were involved in this study were 111 respondents from junior high school science teachers and high school biology teachers who were selected using a convenience sampling technique. The data in this study were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the learning continuum grid related to aspects of the classification of living things which was compiled based on the opinions of junior high school science teachers and high school biology teachers did not show any level of difficulty. This indicates that junior high school science teachers and high school biology teachers still have not considered the compatibility between the level of difficulty and the level of development and education level of students. Therefore it is necessary to carry out further research involving expert opinion, in this case, the Biology Education lecturer then followed by conducting FGDs (Focus Group Discussions) between teachers and lecturers to discuss and consider the results that have been obtained. Keywords : Learning continuum, the classification of living things, difficulty level, teache
Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkatkan hasil belajar IPS materi “Perjuangan Tokoh Pejuang pada Masa Penjajahan Belanda dan Jepang di Indonesia” dianggap kurang menarik dan mengakibatkan rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Hanya mencapai 21,05% (8 dari 38 siswa) sedangkan sebesar 78,94% (30 dari 38 siswa) belum mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal yaitu 68. Maka perlu melakukan perbaikan proses pembelajaran. Penelitian dilakukan tiga siklus, tiap siklus melalui empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V SD Yoka Baru Kota Jayapura, sebanyak 38 siswa. Data yang digunakan berupa tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis deskriptif kuantitatif mendeskripsikan hasil tes akhir pembelajaran dan rekapitulasi rata- rata nilai siklus pertama, kedua dan ketiga sedangkan analisis deskriptif kualitatif mendeskripsikan kelemahan dan kelebihan dalam proses pembelajaran berlangsung baik guru maupun siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar baik individual maupun secara klasikal yaitu siklus I sebesar 26,31% (10 dari 38 siswa dengan rata-rata kelas 55,77), siklus II sebesar 50% (19 dari 38 siswa dengan rata-rata kelas 69,05), dan siklus III sebesar 94,73% (36 dari 38 siswa dengan rata-rata kelas 77,61). Hasil observasi guru pada siklus I mencapai 80%, siklus II mencapai 87%, dan siklus III mencapai 93% sedangkan hasil observasi siswa pada siklus I masih kategori “cukup” yaitu 65%, siklus II sebesar 75% dengan kategori “baik”, dan siklus III sebesar 85% dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Kesimpulannya: hasil belajar siswa meningkat setelah pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan model direct instruction berbantuan media bagan garis waktu.[R11] [R11]Jumlah abstrak maksimal 250 kat
Analysis of the Decline in Indonesian Coal Exports to China during the Covid-19 Pandemic between 2019 and 2020
This study analyses the decline in Indonesian coal exports to China during the Covid-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2020. The timeframe was selected due to a decline in Indonesian coal exports to China during that period. Although literature reviews indicate that several previous articles have discussed Indonesia’s coal exports to China, they do not cover the timeframe during the Covid-19 pandemic, as is the case in this study. Consequently, this article is novel and contributes to the discussion in that area. This study was conducted qualitatively, as well as using the library research method to collect information from a variety of secondary sources. The findings of this study indicate that the decline in Indonesian coal exports to China during the Covid-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2020 occurred as the result of China’s domestic problems. These domestic problems include the decline in production in China’s industry because of the lockdown policy carried out during the pandemic. The pandemic significantly limited import activities and slowed down domestic production, in addition to the overall slowdown of the world economy which led to a decrease in demand for coal. All these factors affected supply from Indonesia.KEYWORDSCoal Export; China; Covid-19; Indonesi
Gereja Kristen Injili (GKI) Martin Luther Sentani is one of the churches located in Sentani District, Jayapura. Based on interviews with several Sunday school teachers, information was obtained that Sunday school worship is carried out online. However, in making Sunday school worship videos, there are several problems, such as the lack of professional IT staff, some Sunday school teachers can only edit videos via handphones, and the knowledge of Sunday school teachers about software for editing videos on PC or laptops is very low. Taking into account these problems, the Sunday school teachers in this case Badan Pengurus PAR GKI Martin Luther Sentani and the service team deem it necessary to hold activities that involve Sunday school teachers in editing online Sunday school worship videos so that there is a lack of IT personnel. in video editing can be fulfilled even though not professionally. The purpose of this activity is to inform or introduce filmora software for video editing and to hone the skills of Sunday school teachers in video editing. In the implementation of this service activity, several methods were used, namely: the lecture method, the question and answer method, and demonstration. Overall this activity went well. Participants enthusiastically participated in this service activity starting from introductions, delivery and explanation of material, and practice in editing and making videos. With this activity, you can increase or increase knowledge and hone the skills of trainees in editing videos using Filmora X software.Keywords: Sunday school teachers; multimedia; video; video editing; filmor