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Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja BPRS Jawa Timur dengan Maqashid Sharia Index dan Profitability
Sharia banking in order to win the competition needs to establish trust in stakeholders both in terms of financial performance as well as sharia and social performance. This study aims to determine the performance of East Java BPRS with the Maqashid Sharia Index and Profitability. The method used is through non-statistical quantitative research techniques and qualitative descriptive techniques. by analyzing the financial reports of BPRS East Java for the period 2017 to 2021. Research shows that measuring the performance of maqashid sharia BPRS in East Java in the period 2017-2021 in terms of the Maqashid Syariah Index (MSI) aspect, produces an average MSI value of 3.55226. The BPRS that received the highest score for MSI achievement was BPRS Amanah Sejahtera with a score of 0.33048, while the BPRS that received the lowest score for MSI achievement was BPRS Karya Mega Sentosa with a score of 0.20953. Meanwhile, the measurement of BPRS sharia financial performance in East Java in the 2017-2021 period in terms of Profitability yields an average value of 0.046
Nata De Coco Production with Addition of Antocyanin from Mangosteen Peel Extract
Mangosteen peel is rich antioxidant compounds which are very beneficial for human health and this potential is being utilized by the community. Mangosteen peel extract contains anthocyanin compounds. Anthocyanin are considered as active compounds whose consumption is associated with beneficial health effects. Nata de coco has many benefits for health, especially digestion, because of its high fiber content, low calories, and does not contain cholesterol. This research examines the optimum operating conditions of the nata de coco production process with the addition of mangosteen peel anthocyanin extract and the characteristics of the resulting nata de coco. This research study was carried out with various variables including: The ratio between mangosteen peel extract and coconut water (1:19 and 9:1 (v/v)), fermentation time 10 and 13 days), and Acetobacter xylinum volume (2,5% and 10%). During the research, the water content of the mangosteen peel was analyzed for yield and Total Anthocyanin Content. The result product were tested in thickness, weight, organoleptic, pH, crude fiber content, and Total Anthocyanin Content of Nata de Coco
Food loss is currently a global problem for both developing and developed countries. Food loss is defined as the loss of a portion of food that is still raw but cannot be processed into a food product because the resulting material does not meet the desired quality. Food loss occurs in livestock production, and one focus is the milk supply chain. Food loss in milking usually occurs due to activities carried out during the harvest, post-harvest, and distribution processes. Food loss in the milk supply chain is caused by decreased milk quality and the farmer's attitude. Problems regarding the attitude of farmers that often occur are farmers' low attitude of responsibility to conduct something. This study aims to determine the effect of farmer attitudes to food loss in the milk supply chain. The method used was quantitative by collecting data from a survey of 46 milk farmers in Bayumas. Then, data were analyzed using the ANOVA approach. The results showed that demographics significantly affect farmers’ attitudes toward food loss in the milk supply chain. The food loss is due to farmers' treatments, including feeding, filtering milk into milk cans, and depositing milk in the shelter. Most farmers are over 50 and need more attention and knowledge about food loss in the milk supply chain. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct regular counseling programs for farmers in the supply chain regarding food loss mitigation. The stakeholders can provide the program to add new insights related to food loss. There should be intervention from the deposit shelter and cooperative in helping to increase farmers' awareness of food loss in quantity and quality
Population growth in Semarang City has an impact on the emergence of a food security issue and the high rate of unemployment. The Indonesian government issued a program named the Pekarangan Pangan Lestari or Sustainable Food Yard (SFY) that is expected to solve these problems through urban farming activities. However, the SFY is still experiencing many problems in the field that could threaten its sustainability. This study aims to analyze the sustainability status of the SFY program in Semarang City which consists of the Growth Stage and the Development Stage. The study is descriptive research with a survey method. The study was conducted on 130 sampling farmers in Semarang City that obtained the benefit of the program between 2020-2021. Sample determination used a proportional random sampling method. The data was collected by interview and analyzed using multidimensional scaling. Study results showed that the social, economic, and ecological dimensions of the Growth Stage are less sustainable than the Development Stage’s dimensions. The most sensitive attributes for the social dimension are farmer’s working hours and farmer’s independence. The most sensitive attributes for the economic dimension are product affordability and market demand. The most sensitive attributes for the ecological dimension are water availability and LEISA application. Improvement of sensitive attributes in those dimensions needs to be done to increase the sustainability status of all dimensions in the Growth Stage and the Development Stage of the SFY program in Semarang City
Kajian pemanfaatan pakan maggot (Hermetia illucens) sebagai pakan alternatif terhadap pertumbuhan benih ikan gabus (Channa striata)
Research on the utilization of maggot feed (Hermetia illucens) as an alternative feed for the growth of snakehead fish (Channa striata) fry is rarely conducted until now. Therefore, observation of using maggot feed in this research is necessary to obtain the appropriate usage techniques. This study aims to determine the effect of adding maggot feed (H. illucens) on the growth of snakehead fish fry (C. striata). The research follows a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 1 replication. The treatments in this study consist of Treatment 1 as the control with 100% commercial feed, Treatment 2 with 25% maggot meal and 75% commercial feed, Treatment 3 with 50% maggot meal and 50% commercial feed, and Treatment 4 with 75% maggot meal and 25% commercial feed. The size of the snakehead fish fry is 5-7 cm, and they are placed in Container Boxes with a stocking density of 10 fish per treatment. Test feeds for Treatments B, C, and D are prepared by mixing commercial feed and 1% egg white as a binder, while the control feed is prepared using 100% maggot feed with egg white. The test fish are reared for 28 days and fed the test feed three times a day. The research parameters consist of specific growth rate (SGR), absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, and fish feed conversion ratio (FCR). The provision of maggot feed with good content results in optimum growth of snakehead fish fry. The optimum results are obtained in Treatment C
Pengaruh Pelepasan Wave Trap terhadap Operasi Sistem Transmisi
Wave trap merupakan suatu peralatan yang dipasang secara seri pada saluran transmisi dan berfungsi menyaring arus frekuensi tinggi yang dikirim dari gardu induk lawan maupun dari gardu induk sendiri. Penyaringan arus frekuensi tinggi berguna agar pancaran tidak mengganggu peralatan gardu induk yang lain, sehingga penyaluran listrik dan komunikasi tidak saling mempengaruhi. Pada gardu induk Pegangsaan terpasang wave trap hanya pada fasa R dan T, pemasangan wave trap ini diduga menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan arus yang mengalir pada ruas tersebut. Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak pelepasan wave trap yang terpasang pada saluran terhadap operasi sistem. Metode yang dilakukan adalah memasang alat power quality monitoring pada ruas tersebut guna mengetahui karakteristik power quality (ketidakseimbangan arus dan harmonisa) sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pelepasan wave trap sekaligus dilakukan perhitungan ketidakseimbangan hasil pengukuran lapangan. Hasil studi kasus didapatkan ketidakseimbangan arus sebelum pelepasan wave trap adalah 29,19% sedangkan setelah wave trap dilepas turun menjadi 15%. Harmonisa tegangan total sebelum pelepasan wave trap sebesar 1,433% dan setelah pelepasan wave trap 1,481%. Harmonisa arus sebelum pelepasan wave trap sebesar 22,53% dan setelah pelepasan wave trap sebesar 46,61%. Dari hasil yang sudah didapatkan, dapat disimpulkan pelepasan wave trap berdampak pada ketidakseimbangan arus, tetapi tidak berdampak pada harmonisa arus dan tegangan. Kata kunci: wave trap, monitoring, ketidakseimbangan arus, harmonisa, power qualit
Seiring perkembangan teknologi, informasi, sosial, dan budaya, fungsiperpustakaan yang awalnya sebagai tempat penyimpanan informasi danpengetahuan, saat ini mulai mengalami perubahan fokus sebagai ruang sosial bagimasyarakat. Perubahan fokus ini dapat dikategorikan ke dalam dua hal yaitu peransosial dan komunitas, serta format informasi yang disimpan dalam perpustakaan.Selain itu, keberadaan perpustakaan secara fisik di tengah era digital saat ini, masihmenjadi sesuatu yang penting. Perpustakaan sebagai tempat ketiga memiliki peransebagai bangunan publik vital untuk mewadahi peningkatan peran sosial. Melihatadanya pergeseran fokus perkembangan fungsi perpustakaan, saya melihat adanyapotensi untuk mengembangkan desain perpustakaan umum. Ruang sosial yangmenjadi fokus utama pada perpustakaan umum dapat menjadi wadah parakomunitas dalam berbagi ide, sehingga menghadirkan perpustakaan umum yangdapat mewadahi kebutuhan sosial masyarakat merupakan tantangan saat ini. Dalammewujudkan perpustakaan yang dapat memenuhi ruang sosial masyarakatmemerlukan kriteria-kriteria pendukung yang didapatkan dari esensi sebuahperpustakaan dengan metode studi tipologi yang kemudian menjadi basis desaindalam perancangan ini. Dari studi tipologi ini menunjukkan bahwa ruang sosial pada perpustakaan dapat dikategorikan sesuai tingkat intensitasnya mulai dari low-average intensive, high intensive, dan format informasi yang berupa digital (virtual space). Ketiga unsur tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor boundaries, persebaran area, openness, enclosure, dan natural light. Oleh karena itu, perancangan perpustakaan umum ini mempertimbangkan beberapa potensial keyword yang telah dianalisis sehingga dapat mendukung interaksi sosial masyarakat sekitar
Kawasan Wisata Guci merupakan salah satu obyek wisata yang terletak di kaki Gunung Slamet dan masuk ke wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Tegal, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kawasan wisata ini memiliki potensi unggulan berupa sumber air panas alami yang bermanfaat untuk relaksasi. Oleh sebab itu, Kawasan Wisata Guci banyak didatangi oleh wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara yang ditunjukkan dengan naiknya angka pengunjung dari tahun 2021 hingga 2022. Akan tetapi, keberadaaan kawasan wisata ini terus berkembang tanpa memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar, termasuk keberadaan cagar alam yang harus berganti status menjadi taman wisata alam akibat terjadinya penurunan kualitas lingkungan sehingga tidak lagi memenuhi kriteria cagar alam. Dengan dilakukannya studi lapangan dan literatur, didapatkan berbagai data mengenai kurangnya jumlah fasilitas penginapan yang ada pada kawasan ini, khususnya pada hotel berbintang. Tidak hanya itu, ditemukan pula fenomena berupa kepadatan bangunan dan pelanggaran pembangunan pada kawasan cagar alam yang mengakibatkan degradasi lingkungan pada Kawasan Wisata Guci. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan pembangunan fasilitas penginapan berupa Health Resort and Spa untuk mewadahi kebutuhan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Kawasan Wisata Guci, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan relaksasi dan rekreasi dengan tetap memperhatikan keadaan alam sekitar yang diwujudkan melalui penggunaan pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologis untuk membuka lahan baru demi meminimalisir dampak pembangunan yang terjadi terhadap lingkungan
Evaluation of the Productive Age Health Services Implementation in Bekasi City
AbstractIntroduction: Productive-age health services in Bekasi have not reached the standard target of 100%. By 2023, the percentage of productive-age health services was 27.96%. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a formative evaluation of the implementation of productive-age health services in Bekasi City based on the logical framework, especially in the Mustika Jaya Community Health Centre and Rawa Tembaga Community Health Centre.Methods: This was a qualitative study with a case study design conducted over two weeks. The data were collected through in-depth interviews. The informants were selected based on the principles of appropriateness and adequacy.Results: The study found that while health equipment, funding, and human resources are generally adequate, challenges persist in data management and human resource capacity-building. The recording and reporting system, SI-PTM, requires improvement in integrated data management. There is a need for increased awareness among the target population through innovative outreach programmes. The short-term goal of productive-age health services aligns with the long-term vision outlined in RPJMD.Conclusion: The implementation of productive-age health services in Bekasi City requires further improvement to achieve the 100% minimum health service standard. Community Health Centers in Bekasi City can enhance cross-program and cross-sectoral collaboration with productive-age health services, increase people's awareness with an innovative outreach, and ensure that human resources in productive-age health services receive training.
Relationship of companies’ characteristics to foreign ownership: Studies on emerging market stock exchange in seven countries from ASEAN and Middle East
This study explores the relationship between company’s characteristics and foreign ownership within the emerging market stock exchanges from 7 countries in the ASEAN and Middle East. The objective is to provide an understanding of determinants that influence foreign investors to invest in companies in emerging markets. This study uses panel data of publicly traded companies from Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar within Q3 2020 – Q4 2022 period with the econometric robust regression model approach. Employing a quantitative research approach, this study utilizes a robust regression analysis. Various company characteristics, such as size, profitability, liquidity, leverage, dividend yield, and book-to-market value, are examined as potential determinants of foreign ownership. Results show that size has strong significant positive relationship to foreign ownership, profitability has positive not significant relationship to foreign ownership, liquidity has positive not significant to foreign ownership, leverage has negative weak significant to foreign ownership, dividend yield has positive significant to foreign ownership, and book-to-market has positive moderate significant to foreign ownership. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of foreign ownership dynamics within the emerging market stock exchanges in the ASEAN region and Middle East, providing a solid foundation for informed decision-making and strategic planning