Jurnal Online Universitas Pekalongan
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1524 research outputs found
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Ditinjau dari analisis hasil belajar dan respon secara umum peserta didik menunjukan sikap senang dalam mengikuti pembelajaran materi sistem koordinat polar dan mudah memahami dalam konsep materi yang diberikan dengan memanfaatkan pembelajaran terpadu tipe connected ini sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk memaparkan peningkatan hasil belajar dan respon dari peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas VIII.F MTs Muqimus Sunnah Palembang Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023 berjumlah 23 orang dan merupakan subjek dalam penelitian. Jenis dari penelitian adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), prosedur dalam penghimpunan data dilakukan melalui cara mengamati kegiatan pembelajaran dan tes. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran peserta didik dikelompokan menjadi 5 kelompok berdasarkan kemampuan yang berbeda-beda dan diberikan LKPD yang menarik, setiap kelompok mempresentasikan hasilnya. Peningkatan aktivitas belajar matematika dalam setiap siklusnya dilaksanakan dengan cukup efektif karena bisa meningkatkan prestasi belajar dalam matematika dan respon peserta didik. Peningkatan dan respon tergambar dari persentase hasil tes peserta didik yang didapat baik dari siklus I ataupun siklus II secara berturut-turut yaitu ketuntasan belajar sebesar 65% dan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 77%. Sedangkan hasil pengelohan data respon peserta didik menunjukan respon yang sangat positif tentang pembelajaran dengan penggunaan pembelajaran terpadu tipe connected pada sistem koordinat polar di kelas VIII.Fconnected, Hasil Belajar, Respon, PT
Dayak Ngaju Traditional Marriage, Central Kalimantan: Concept and Juridical Review
This study aims to provide an explanation of the marriage system that exists in the Dayak Ngaju tribe, Central Kalimantan, and to explain that the Dayak Ngaju tribe has redundant customary institutions that have been recognized in the Regional Regulation of Central Kalimantan Province Number 16 of 2008 concerning Central Kalimantan Dayak Customary Institutions. Traditional marriages carried out by the community are used as a cultural characteristic of the Ngaju Dayak people, the existence of a Dayak Traditional Institution can strengthen traditional marriage because Dayak Traditional Institutions have rules and conditions that must be fulfilled by both men and women. If the rules or conditions are violated later will be obliged to pay a material fine. The purpose of holding a marriage agreement because it is to maintain the preservation of customs so that no divorce occurs. Because basically in all religions divorce is prohibited in a marriage, and the existence of a marriage agreement can be used as a guideline in a household so that they have the fear of not easily carrying out a divorce, because, in the marriage agreement, the parties must carry out the contents of the marriage agreement one way or another. parties must be able to pay the fine or singe
Green Economy Financing According to Fiqh Al-Biah as Part of Maqashid Sharia
Economic development in the 20th century had a huge impact on the sustainable development of mankind. On the other hand, however, it has a negative impact on living ecosystems. In many aspects such as the orientation of the interests of sustainable development, the economy and the environment are considered as two opposing aspects. Sustainable Development Based on this, a relatively new concept emerged, namely the green economy. The green economy is a concept that supports human well-being and cares about environmental and ecosystem sustainability in economic development. But on the negative side, economic development can also have an impact on the reduction of natural resources through over-exploitation, industrial pollution, oil, water, and air pollution due to flooding, and the impact on climate change. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are fundamental rules for supporting sustainable development, namely the implementation of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid sharia for the management of Islamic resources in the economy. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are basic rules to support sustainable development, namely the application of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid Sharia law to manage Islamic resources in the economy
The Portrayal of Beauty Myth in I Feel Pretty Movie (2018)
The main object of this article is the movie script entitled I Feel Pretty. The purpose of this research are to find out the types of beauty myth portrayed by Renee as the main character in the movie and the influences of beauty myth on Renee in the movie. The researchers used the theory of beauty myth by Naomi Wolf to analyze the types of beauty myths portrayed by the main character in the movie. The theory of narrative and non-narrative by Boggs and Petrie was also used to analyze the aspects that influenced by the beauty myth of the main character in the movie. The method to analyze the data in this study is descriptive qualitative. To collect data, it was used two kinds of sources. The primary data of this study is taken from the movie script. The secondary data are taken from previous studies, books, journals, and other resource. In the results of this research, it was found the types of beauty myth portrayed by the main character namely beauty myth in work, beauty myth in culture, beauty myth in religion, beauty myth in sex, and beauty myth in hunger. It was also found the influence of the beauty myth on Renee as the main character, there are Renee's appearances and Renee's behavior. From the findings, it could be concluded that the beauty myth of Renee's life is complicated, both in her work and relationship.
Indonesia as a country that has abundant natural resources, especially waters, causes the fishery sector to become one of the sectors with great potential in development. One of the efforts to improve the human resources of coastal communities is to form institutions at the farmer level, but there is a lack of insight and knowledge about the function of farmer institutions as a forum for the organization. The purpose of this community service is to increase and increase knowledge for the community about the importance of institutions in managing businesses in the fisheries sector, especially in investing. The method used by explaining directly or presenting to community groups who attended the counseling with participants was the MAPAN group from Degayu Village, Pekalongan City with 25 members. The result was that 80% of participants were able to capture knowledge about the importance of institutions for developing fishery businesses after being given counseling and the community was able to compile data on investment in institutions that were formed after receiving counseling. Keywords: Organization, Investment, Societ
Cases in Indonesia are still very high with an average prevalence in 2021 of 24.4%. According to the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status (SSGI) in 2021, 20.9% of children under five (toddlers) in Central Java are stunted, where for Pekalongan City it is ranked 18th out of 34 districts/cities in Central Java with stunting prevalence in toddlers. 20.6%, this figure is still far from the 14% target to be achieved in 2024. Interventions in efforts to reduce stunting rates in Setono Village are carried out by the community service team through 6 forms of intervention in community empowerment activities: 1) GENTING (Youth Movement) Prevent Stunting), 2) GOSTING (Stunting Gossip), 3) TEKAAT (Practice of Giving Healthy Snacks), 4) ISI (Giving MPASI), 5) NAMPOL CULTURE (Cultivation of Plants in Polybags), and 6) SOGIMIL CENTING (Socialization of Maternal Nutrition Pregnant Prevent Stunting), The results of the intervention activities that have been carried out are increasing public understanding about stunting, creating changes in parenting for toddlers for the better, and creating good nutritional food intake for toddlers in order to increase the level of public health as high as possible.Keywords: community service, community empowerment, stunting
Implementation Of The Contrarius Actus Principle In Revocation Of Land Certificate Without A Court
Proof of ownership of land is a land certificate. Often in the issuance of land certificates, there are problems. Land certificates that have been issued usually cause problems and must be canceled. One of the causes of the revocation of land certificates is invalid data which contains administrative defects. The problem arises that often the Head of the Land Office is reluctant to cancel the land certificate and prefers the applicant for the revocation of the land certificate to file a lawsuit in court or through litigation. This was suggested by the Head of the Land Office because of his misunderstanding of the Contrarius Actus principle. The Contrarius Actus principle is a principle in administrative law where the State Administrative Officer who makes State Administrative Decisions is automatically authorized to change, replace, revoke and cancel the documents he has made. and juridical defects must be revoked by the Head of the Land Office without having to wait for a court decision if they have fulfilled the revocation requirements
Legal Protection Against Abortionists Of Rape Victims
Rape is a crime that causes trauma to the victim, besides the trauma of rape can also cause pregnancy in the victim. Pregnancy from rape behavior is certainly a pregnancy that the victim did not expect, so that not a few have abortions for their pregnancies. This study aims to determine the legal protection for abortion perpetrators who are rape victims. This study uses a normative legal research method with a normative juridical approach, while data collection techniques are carried out by exploring journals, books and applicable laws and regulations. The results of the study show that legal protection for abortion victims of rape is with the policy of Article 76 of the Health Law which considers the condition of rape victims so as to allow abortion with certain conditions stated in the law in it
The Attachment Of Client Photo During The Signing Of The Authentic Minutes Deed
This study aims to analyze the urgency of attaching the photo of the person at the time of signing the deed in the minutes of the deed and to examine more deeply the position of the photo as evidence in the trial. The form of this research is juridical-normative which relies on written legal sources with a research typology that is explanatory and in the form of prescriptive. The type of data used in the form of secondary data sourced from primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials with qualitative data analysis methods. Attaching a photo of the person at the time of signing the deed in the minutes of the deed is expected to further guarantee the Notary in carrying out his obligations in the deed inauguration process, so that he does not only adhere to the presence of fingerprints which also have the potential to be taken at different times, because essentially the role of affixing fingerprints on the sheet separate evidence is as additional evidence if the appearer denies his signature and guarantees that the appearer is actually dealing with the notary at the time of signing the deed, but does not guarantee that the signing is done at the same tim
The Role of Intelligence in Law Enforcement for Combating Terrorism Cases in Indonesia
Intelligence is defined as information or knowledge needed to guarantee national security. Intelligence information is needed to read and analyze the movements of terrorist groups, to prevent and minimize the impacts that arise in counter-terrorism efforts. Preliminary evidence from intelligence reports authorizes Special Detachment 88 to arrest suspected terrorists. This research is a case study research that aims to analyze the role of intelligence in countering terrorism in Indonesia in the Thamrin Bombing, the Poso violence, and the Bombing in front of the Cathedral, Makassar. This research finds that intelligence has a very significant role in countering terrorism in Indonesia. However, this role is hampered by the limits of authority and responsibility that can be carried out by the Intelligence Agency or Agency. This condition can be overcome by the synergy between intelligence organizations and counterterrorism agencies in Indonesia. In addition, intelligence can also be given the authority to take priority actions for early prevention