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    1357 research outputs found

    Humanitarinė krizė kaip proga atnaujinti socialinės apsaugos sistemą žmogaus teisėmis

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    Koronaviruso plitimas auga, susirgimų ir mirčių kreivė pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje dar nesudaro prielaidų prognozuoti esminio pandemijos mažėjimo arba pabaigos (tekstas pirmąkart skelbtas 2020 m. balandžio mėnesį). Taigi, visuomenės kalbos ir Vyriausybės pastangos švelninti karantiną kol kas traktuotinos ne tiek kaip pandemijos suvaldymas, o labiau kaip mūsų tikėjimas iš didelio noro, kitaip Wishful thinking, kad karantinas baigtųsi kuo greičiau ir gyvenimas sugrįžtų į senas vėžes

    Abiturientų suvoktos įtampos prieš egzaminus sąsajos su jų temperamentu ir įsitraukimu į mokyklos veiklas

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    Maturity exams are important for graduates, as they determine the opportunities for further learning and career choice. Students differently respond to knowledge tests, but for many of them, this puts a lot of tension. The tension experienced in approaching final exams can depend on many personal and situational factors. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between graduates’ perceived tension before the exams, which consists of test anxiety with fear appeals, and characteristics of their temperament as well as engagement in school activities. The 128 participants 18-19-year-old graduates, 99 girls and 29 boys, from 35 Lithuanian gymnasiums, participated in the study. Respondents completed several instruments during the study: FRIEDBEN Test Anxiety Scale, Teachers’ Use of Fear Appeals Questionnaire, The Adult Temperament Questionnaire, and School Engagement Questionnaire. The results showed that graduates’ test anxiety is positively associated with fear appeals, is predicted by negative affectivity, and negatively related to effortful control; no clear ties between test anxiety and extraversion, engagement in school activities.Brandos egzaminai gali kelti mokiniams įtampą, nes svariai lemia tolesnio mokymosi ir profesijos pasirinkimo trajektorijas. Šiuo tyrimu nustatyti ryšiai tarp abiturientų suvoktos įtampos prieš egzaminus ir jų temperamento savybių bei įsitraukimo į mokyklos veiklas. Dalyvavo 128 abiturientai iš 35 Lietuvos gimnazijų. Rezultatai parodė, kad suvokta įtampa prieš egzaminus teigiamai siejasi su neigiamu emocingumu, neigiamai su valinga kontrole, o testavimo baimę prognozuoja neigiamas emocingumas

    Paranojiškasis Ričardo Gavelio posovietinis Vilnius

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    The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship that the protagonist of Ričardas Gavelis’ novel Sun-Tzu’s Life in the Holy City of Vilnius has to the place, as well as his own paranoid character in post-Soviet reality. Taking into account the previous studies of Gavelis’ work, the article applies the theory of topophilic analysis – which has not been used so far to understand the writer’s oeuvre – that French literary scholar Gaston Bachelard and his follower Denis Sobolev have developed, along with the methodology that post-modern psychoanalysis (mainly Slavoj Žižek) offers, which allows us to arrive at a number of propositions that significantly complement the literary treatment of the writer’s last piece. The Lithuanian writer Ričardas Gavelis is best known to readers in the Western world as the author of the novel Vilnius Poker. According to many reviewers of the book and numerous scholars who have studied it in Lithuania and other countries, this work is a phantasmagoric epic of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, in the late Soviet and early post-Soviet eras. Gavelis still represents, and is identified in Lithuania and in post-Soviet space with, a specific type of author who is characterized by isolation from social life, lockdown in his own home, and writing based on his previous experience of self-isolation and inwardness. This kind of writer does not maintain any communication with the outside world and, in a sense, is antisocial – but at the same time, he does not lack the ambition to make his life meaningful by writing and to write into a literary history that may one day recognize such an author as a classic.Straipsnyje analizuojamas paskutinis lietuvių rašytojo Ričardo Gavelio romanas „Sun-Tzu gyvenimas šventame Vilniaus mieste“. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas kūrinio protagonisto savimonei ir santykiui su Vilniaus miesto tikrove nagrinėti. Straipsnyje taip pat aptariami ankstesnieji tekstai, kuriuose kalbama apie minėtą Gavelio romaną: Violetos Kelertienės pokolonijinių tyrimų ir Jūratės Čerškutės disertacinio dekonstrukcinio darbo išvados. Straipsnio pabaigoje išvedama, kad pagrindinis „Sun-Tzu gyvenimo šventame Vilniaus mieste“ veikėjas yra specifiškai susijęs su pačiu autoriumi ir jo lūpomis perteikiamas galutinis, testamentinis Gavelio pasaulėvaizdis ir atsakymai į viso gyvenimo klausimus: kas nulemia neapykantą Vilniui ir koks yra individo vaidmuo istoriniame kontekste, prie kurio pritapti niekada nesiekta ir net nebandyta? Žmogiškoji būtis Gaveliui – tai permanentinis karas su tikrais ar įsivaizduojamais priešais. Paskutiniame romane ši kova vyksta daugiausia požeminiame, pogrindžio Vilniuje – alternatyvioje autoriaus tikrovėje

    Neoliberalios švietimo politikos ketinimų tyrimas: reformų poveikis mokytojų veikmei

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    During the transition to democratic society a neoliberal educational agenda was introduced to guide the reform process in Estonia. Documentary analysis was conducted for this research and six periods emerged, which showed that expectations were placed on teachers that assumed the existence of teacher agency, while the reform context didn’t support its emergence. Evidence of change can be seen in the last periods, when also a significant dichotomy arises.Neoliberalizmo paradigma turėjo didelę įtaką buvusioms Sovietų Sąjungos šalims, tokioms kaip Estija, o švietimo neoliberalizmo politika buvo siejama su mokytojų laisvės ribojimu. Kadangi neoliberalių reformų rezultatai yra giliai įsišakniję reformose, buvo sukurtas sisteminis pasakojimas, skirtas ištirti neoliberalizmo poveikį reformos struktūrai. Devintojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje, kai sovietų valdžios struktūrų kontrolė pradėjo silpnėti, atsirado galimybė mokytojų veikmei atsirasti, ir mokytojų bendruomenė tuo pasinaudojo, kad pradėtų reformų švietimo srityje procesą. Spartūs pokyčiai, kurie tęsėsi ir atgavus nepriklausomybę, dominavo ir neoliberalioje politikoje, todėl iš prigimties gana ribojo mokytojų laisvę. Nepasitikėjimas buvusiais sovietmečiu mokytojais tik sustiprino atskaitomybės priemonių formavimąsi ir taip leido susiformuoti hierarchiniam švietimo modeliui, taigi ir pažeistų mokytojų veikmei. Naujojo amžiaus pradžioje ėmė ryškėti dvejopas požiūris – atsižvelgiant į kelis tarptautinius testus, Estijos švietimo kokybė buvo puiki, vis dėlto tuo pat metu mokytojų pasitenkinimas darbu buvo labai žemas. Sisteminis pasakojimas rodo, kaip pastaraisiais metais problema tam tikru mastu buvo pripažinta reguliavimo lygmeniu ir buvo imtasi tam tikrų veiksmų siekiant mokytojų veikmės

    Nurodymai autoriams ir bibliografiniai duomenys

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    Bibliografiniai duomenys

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    This scientific article is concentrated on the issues of evaluation of effectiveness of state regulation of the fixed capital reproduction in Ukraine using the methodology of taxonomic analysis. The study of modern economic literature has shown that scientists-economists have studied and explained numerous indices that allow evaluate the present day state of reproduction of the fixed capital. The authors propose their own approach to evaluation of effectiveness of state regulation of the fixed capital reproduction through the prism of the fixed capital reproduction process. That is, the authors made a detailed description of specific indices of effectiveness at certain stages of the process of reproduction of the fixed capital, which is presented in the summary table. Comprehensive effectiveness of state regulation of the fixed capital reproduction is determined using an integrated index that characterizes effectiveness of state regulation of the fixed capital reproduction using the method of taxonomic analysis applied for multidimensional economic concepts that are described by a considerable number of indices. Calculations proved instability of the taxonomic indices during the study period which, according to the authors, indicates a decline in the efficiency of reproduction processes connected with reproduction of the fixed capital in Ukraine.


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    Introduction and optimization of the use of the energy and resource saving innovations in the production process of enterprises is one of the main conditions ensuring stable development of the economy of any country. Due to the high level of consumption of fuel, energy raw and auxiliary materials, the introduction of these innovations is relevant for processing plants. At the same time, management of the energy and resource saving innovations at these enterprises is complicated by the lack of investment in the processing industry as a whole, low efficiency of use of the enterprise own financial resources and high level of the credit risk inherent in the innovation projects. In this regard, the aim of the article is to develop a methodology for evaluating the economic efficiency of innovative energy and resource saving projects. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: system analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, abstract and logical method. The proposed as a result of the study method of assessing economic efficiency of innovative projects on the energy and resource saving can be used in the process of integrated management of the energy and resource saving innovations at the processing plants by implementing basic standards of resource management taking into account possible risks


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    As nowadays we are experiencing the boom of Bioeconomy, this paper presents the evolving results of autoetnography study. Waste and by-product use are the key issues related to the bioeconomy, so this paper seeks to present the everyday experiences linked to bioeconomy challenges, choosing to debate daily experiences as the narratives in personal level. The presented personal experiences, as short stories, reveal the complexities of daily choices, doubts and daily reflections between fun and playfulness, between guilt and uncertainty. The discussed autoetnography experiences lead to deeper discussion about the dilemma of challenging daily life living in bioeconomy times, opening up the intertwined personal narratives. As well, this study shows the importance to discuss the various research paradigms that would help researchers discover new insights and develop new studies, explaining the challenges and daily intertwining individual experiences living in bioeconomy era


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    In the context of globalization of the national economy, the agri-food sector as one of the leading business players faces a significant number of challenges, particularly the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises on both domestic and foreign markets. Implementation of management strategies aimed at the introduction of new technologies in business processes allows increasing the competitiveness of national agricultural enterprises based on digitalization. However, to succeed, it is necessary to provide an adequate personnel management strategy that meets the imperative of the integrated management strategy of the enterprise. Attention is drawn to personnel management strategies, which play an important role in the implementation of the motivational mechanism to achieve strategic goals through the effective realization of the labor potential of the agricultural enterprise. The key elements of any motivational mechanism are motivators, which are the factors of behavior and efficiency of personnel. Many theories describe the mechanisms of action of various motivators and their classifications, but the issues of using various motivators as key elements of the system of strategic personnel management at agri-food enterprises based on digitalization remain insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of the features of the application of personnel management strategies of agricultural enterprises focused on staff motivation, as well as to determine the level of influence of external and internal motivators on efficiency in agri-food enterprises based on digitalization. The research was conducted using a unique questionnaire to accumulate data. The methods of descriptive statistics were used to analyze the received data and to define the peculiarities of using the motivational mechanism in the agri-food industry. Regression analysis using an artificial neural network was performed to determine the impact of various motivators on productivity. The study has shown that national agricultural enterprises apply strategies based on motivational mechanisms that involve various motivators of both internal and external nature. However, the external motivators have been much better implemented, and above all salary as a key element of the motivational mechanism is used. At the same time, internal motivators are also important for the staff of agricultural enterprises. Therefore, the simultaneous use of external motivators and the development of internal motivators in competitive HR strategies are important.


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