UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam
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    Status Ontologis Tuhan dalam Teologi Pembebasan Hassan Hanafi

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    Abstract This article attempts to analyze Hassan Hanafi's theology of liberation. Belief in God has a great influence on human life. The direction of human life in the world is determined by his belief and understanding of God. In his theology of liberation, Hanafi positions God not as "distant" and "inaccessible", but God exists in human life in the world. Broadly speaking, Hanafi's theology of liberation is boosted by the theory of existence which believes in the absolute "Existence" of God as the "Real" which does not erase the "Existence" of Humans in the world as well as "the real". Through this view, Hanafi criticizes the thinking of classical scholars, both theologians and Sufis, who think that "Nothing is Real" except God. Hanafi gives a different view of the ontological status of God in Islamic theological thought. Hanafi's thinking encourages human life in the world to be more real and in accordance with the proposition that God created humans seriously as khalifah fi al-ard. With this in mind, Hanafi proposes and tries to shift civilization from the classical divine frame to neo-humanism. Keywords: God, Liberation Theology, The Real   Absrak Artikel ini berusaha menganalisis pemikiran teologi pembebasan Hassan Hanafi. Keyakinan kepada Tuhan memiliki pengaruh besar bagi kehidupan manusia. Arah hidup manusia di dunia ditentukan oleh keyakinan dan pemahamannya tentang Tuhan. Dalam teologi pembebasannya, Hanafi memposisikan Tuhan bukan sebagai “yang jauh” dan “tak terjangkau”, tapi Tuhan itu Ada dalam kehidupan manusia di dunia. Secara garis besar, teologi pembebasan Hanafi didongkrak oleh teori metafisika wujud yang meyakini “Ada-Nya” Tuhan sebagai “Yang Nyata” secara mutlak yang tidak menghapus “Ada-nya” Manusia di dunia juga sebagai “yang nyata”. Melalui pandangan ini Hanafi mengkritik pemikiran ulama klasik, baik kalangan teolog maupun sufi, yang beranggapan bahwa “Tidak Ada Yang Nyata” selain Tuhan. Hanafi memberi pandangan yang berbeda tentang status ontologis Tuhan dalam pemikiran teologi Islam. Pemikiran Hanafi mendorong hidup manusia di dunia semakin nyata dan sesuai dengan dalil bahwa Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan sungguh-sungguh sebagai khalifah fi al-ard. Dengan pemikiran ini juga Hanafi mengusulkan dan berusaha untuk menggeser peradaban dari bingkai ketuhanan klasik ke neo-humanisme. Keywords: Teologi Pembebasan, Tuhan, Yang Nyat

    The Interdisciplinary Approach and It’s Contribution to the Study of Living Hadith : Pendekatan Interdisipliner dan Kontribusinya dalam Studi Living Hadis

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    The term "Living Hadith" represents a new variant in Hadith studies. The author will elucidate the interdisciplinary approach that has been employed in Living Hadith studies and its contributions. This research applies literature review methodology. Data is collected from Google Scholar research within the timeframe of 2017-2023. Subsequently, the data is classified and analyzed. This study identifies three interdisciplinary approaches most commonly utilized by Living Hadith researchers: phenomenology, sociology of knowledge, and ethnography. The study also demonstrates the contributions of interdisciplinary approaches in Living Hadith studies, including preventing Living Hadith researchers from falling into subjective judgment and unilateral justifications, as well as avoiding the limitation of Living Hadith studies to the mere description of a tradition subsequently grounded in Hadith. Instead, these approaches make the study more intriguing by drawing diverse conclusions in line with the interdisciplinary approach employed

    Living Hadith: Study of Transmission and Transformation of the Practice of Reading the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad saw: Living Hadis: Studi Transmisi dan Transformasi Praktik Pembacaan Hadis Nabi Muhammad saw

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    Not only as a second guide after the Qur'an, some Muslims treat the hadith of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri in a unique and unusual manner; read in turns without explanation like the practice of reciting the Koran. In contrast to reading the Koran, which has religious values (worship, intercession, and others), there are no hadiths or the Koran that encourage the reading of hadiths. Using a social history perspective, the paper attempts to explore how the early emergence and development of the practice of reading hadith Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri in the Islamic world and how hadith (text) exists in the social practices of Muslims. As a practice that spatializes the sound of hadith texts (living hadis), this paper finds four forms of classification of transmission-transformation of hadith reading practices: 1). Hadith reading in the tradition of hadith transmission, has emerged from the beginning as a method of teaching and spreading hadith. 2). The reading of hadiths in healing practices in the 3H century, was carried out by Ahmad bin Mashur al-Ramadi. 3). In the 7H/13M century, reading appeared and the use of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri as a protective practice in the social space, as an intermediary for the personification of the Prophet to God in answering the problems faced by Muslims. 4). The reading and use of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri developed into a routine annual tradition in the 8H/14AD centuries; Rajab; Sha'ban; Ramadan; dry months. Done with big celebrations to get goodness, blessings, piety, reward, intercession of the Prophet, revive the Prophet's Sunnah, preserve ancestral traditions, hospitality, and efficacious intermediaries of prayer

    Konsep Ittiḥād dalam Fabel Mantiq at-Ṭair: Pemikiran Tasawuf Falsafi Farīduddīn ‘Aṭār (1145-1221 M)

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    This article focuses on Farīduddīn ‘Aṭār 's philosophy of Sufism, namely the concept of ittihad. His thoughts on ittihad can be explored through his work in the form of a fable entitled Mantiq at-Ṭair (The Deliberation of Birds). The fable tells the story of birds that gather and deliberate to find their King named Simurgh. Everything contained in the work is a reflection of ‘Aṭār  's own Sufistic experience in seeking God which is retold through fables. In general, the concept of ittihad was initiated by Abu Yazid al-Bustami, ‘Aṭār   developed the concept through his work. Regarding the process of ittihad, in his work ‘Aṭār   tells the story of the seven valleys that birds must pass through in search of Simurgh; ṭalab (search), ‘isyq (love), ma'rifat (knowledge), istighnā (the absurdity of things around), tawhīd (unity), hīraṭ (confusion), and fana. The valleys are described as challenges that must be overcome by a Sufi who wants to find his God. The journey ends with the transience of the birds (Sufis) towards other than the Simurgh (God) to cause devotion to Him. This research uses descriptive-analytic method with data obtained from relevant literature sources to build structured and systematic findings. The findings in this article show that the concept of ittihad developed by ‘Aṭār   emphasizes the aspects of ‘isyq and fana to find God

    Kesia-Siaan Eksistensi: Makna Kehidupan Menurut Pesimisme Klasik Abū al-ʻAlā al-Maʻarrī: Extistential Nihilism: The Meaning of Life According to the Classical Pessimism of Abū al-ʻAlā al-Maʻarrī

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    This article discusses the thought of the classical pessimist philosopher in the Islamic world, it is known as Abū al-ʻAlā al-Maʻarrī (363-449 H/973-1058 AD). The main topic studied is the biography of al-Ma'arrī and his thoughts on the meaning of human existence in this world. To exhume the data, the researcher used the works of the classical encyclopedia to reconstruct the biography of al-Maʻarrī and one of his monumental works, Al-Luzūmiyyāt, to examine his thinking. This literature research uses historical analysis methods and content analysis. The results of this study are, first, the background of al-Ma'arrī's life, which is born from a respected family with his physical condition as a blind person who forms a different person from al-Ma'arrī although he still obtained a fairly decent life. As well as the intellectual odyssey and the social conditions in which he interacted greatly influenced al-Ma'arrī's thought, making himself not complain about himself, instead reflecting it into philosophical ideas. Second, al-Ma'arrī's pessimism in interpreting human existence as futility (the vanity of existence). Human beings have been overwhelmed with evil potential from the beginning. So that his life is also full of suffering. There is nothing happier than death. Death is a great achievement and peace. While born in this world is a misfortune, suffering, and evil. In this context al-Ma'arrī has a view that humans should not need to have children (childfree).  Keywords :  al-Ma‘arrī, pessimism, the vanity of existenc

    Teologi Modernitas : Muhammad Syahrur dan Gagasan-gagasan Fundamental Ketuhanan Untuk Rekonstruksi Islam: Modern Theology: Muhammad Syahrur and Fundamental Concepts of Divinity for Islamic Reconstruction

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    Secara historis, teologi dibangun dari konsepsi pembacaan Kitab Suci agama. Maka, produksi pemahaman mengenai teologi tidak pernah tunggal dan final, sebaliknya akan ada pembacaan dan reinterpretasi yang berkelanjutan. Atas dasar itu, melalui karyanya, al-Iman wa al-Islam Mandzumah al Qiyam, Muhammad Syahrur bermaksud mengkritik teologi klasik yang terlalu disakralkan dan melahirkan ortodoksi, sembari melakukan pembacaan ulang atas teologi Islam hari ini yang dibasiskan pada kesadaran akan adanya realitas kehidupan yang obyektif. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membangun argumen pada apa yang penulis sebut sebagai teologi modernitas. Artikel ini menjadikan karya Syahrur, al-Iman wa al-Islam Mandzumah al Qiyam sebagai data utama dengan menggunakan pendekatan filsafat dan teori analisis hermeneutika menggunakan model analisis interpretatif-filosofis. Temuan dalam artikel ini menunjukkan gagasan dalam membangun teologi Islam modern yang lebih bersahabat dengan kehidupan kontemporer serta menjadikannnya sebagai spirit perubahan kehidupan ummat Islam. Syahrur memiliki gagasan fundamental mengenai teologi: 1) Tuhan sebagai dasar bagi kehidupan dunia: 2) Teologi berarti pembacaan dengan menjuktaposisikan wahyu, akal dan kehidupan: 3) Rukun dan syarat Islam ada tiga: meyakini adanya Tuhan, hari akhir dan beramal shaleh, amal soleh adalah manifestasi dari kehadiran Tuhan dalam kehidupan di dunia: dan 4) ketuhanan memainkan peran pada kehidupan ruhiyyah (al-hayat al-ruhiyyah) dan kehidupan material (al-hayat al-madiyyah), maka doktrin ketuhanan mesti dianalisis dengan nalar modernitas yang objektif.   Kata Kunci: Teologi Modernitas, Muhammad Syahrur, al-Iman wa al-Islam Mandzumah al-Qiyam,  Realitas Obyektif


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang kajian living Qur’an pada content Riko the Series, animasi Qur’ani yang diproduksi oleh Garis Sepuluh Corporation. Secara literal dalam kontennya menampilkan langsung persinggungan antara ayat dengan cerita yang termuat, story Islami dengan pesan-pesan religi dan edukasi ilmiah dengan gaya sederhana yang mudah dipahami anak-anak. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk meninjau penjelasan Al-Qurˋan yang ditampilkan dalam konten animasi Riko the Series dan mendeskripsikan resepsi Al-Qurˋan oleh pihak produksi Riko the Series. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif berupa studi lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan pendekatan etnografi secara virtual dengan teori resepsi Al-Qurˋan yang dikembangkan Ahmad Rafiq, yakni; resepsi eksegesis, resepsi estetis, dan resepsi fungsional. Hasil penelitian ini ialah setiap penjelasan Al-Qurˋan yang ditampilkan selalu dihubungkan dengan pendekatan saintis untuk memudahkan anak-anak dalam memahami kegiatan sehari-harinya. Tim produksi telah melakukan resepsi Al-Qurˋan secara eksegesis (penjelasan Al-Qurˋan dengan pendekatan saintis), estetis (sajian Al-Qurˋan yang dikemas dalam bentuk cerita animasi), dan fungsional (landasan Al-Qurˋan dalam proyek Riko the Series yang terinspirasi dari surah an-Nashr). Kata kunci: Riko the Series, Animasi Qurˋani, Pendekatan Saintis,   This article discusses the study of the living Qur'an through the content of Riko the Series, a Qur'anic animation produced by Garis Ten Corporation. Literally in its content, it displays direct contact between verses and the stories it contains: Islamic stories with religious messages and scientific education in a simple style that is easy for children to understand. The purpose of this study is to review the Al-Qur'an explanation displayed in the animated content of Riko the Series and to describe the reception of the Al-Qur'an by the production team of Riko the Series. This research is a qualitative study in the form of field research using a virtual ethnographic approach with the Al-Qur'an reception theory developed by Ahmad Rafiq, namely, exegesis reception, aesthetic reception, and functional reception. The result of this research is that every Al-Qur'an explanation displayed is always associated with a scientific approach to make it easier for children to understand their daily activities. The production team has carried out a reception of the Qur'an in an ethical manner (explanation of the Qur'an with a scientific approach), aesthetically (presentation of the Qur'an packaged in the form of animated stories), and functionally (the foundation of the Qur'an in the Riko the Series project inspired by Surah an-Nashr). Keywords: Riko the Series, Qurˋani Animation, Scientific Approac


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    In social realm, the experience of religious communities has created diverse pious space in response to the elevating number of the urban poverty. Religious expression reduces the problem of poverty. The acts gave responses to modernity challenge, as pointed out in Weberian view, that characterized in selfish individualism and egocentrism. Sedekah as a concept of almsgiving sometimes correlated to the charity and philanthropy, but it also serves as complementary vision. This article seeks to employ the deconstruction of almsgiving program among the representative of Muslim urban entrepreneur. It aims at uncover the inspiration of voluntary almsgiving program in urban setting. Applying qualitative method, the article uses empirical secondary data found in both literature and netnography. Applying social theology approach that combined the hybrid theological and sociological ones, the argument exemplifies the alternative reading on sedekah program initiated by Jusuf Hamka, one of urban Muslim entrepreneurs. The article suggests the praxis of voluntary almsgiving program gave a way to inspiration that akin to active and equal traits amid diverse socio-religious practice and social classes. The deconstruction of sedekah program constitutes the pluralist view which is needed in a more democratic and diverse type of society in urban setting

    Perayaan Sabat pada Gereja Masa Kini: Kajian Living Theology Ulangan 5: 12-15

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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ajaran Sabat secara teologis dalam Ulangan 5:12-15, dan bagaimana Gereja masa kini mempraktikkannya menjadi hari Minggu, dan larangan untuk beraktivitas apa pun pada hari Sabat. Untuk menjawab fokus penelitian ini, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hermeunetika dengan interpretasi teks atau makna tertulis untuk mendapatkan makna dari teks keagamaan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gereja masa kini mempraktikkan Sabat secara praktis menjadi hari Minggu karena argumen-argumen berikut. Pertama, Sabat dalam perspektif teks Ulangan 5:12-15  adalah Sabat merupakan hari yang diberkati Tuhan, namun yang dimaksud bukanlah 'harinya' yang berdurasi 24 jam, melainkan inti Sabat itu sendiri, yakni perhentian. Sehingga dipindah ke hari Minggu pun tetap relevan. Kedua, Sabat adalah hari untuk mengingat pembebasan Allah kepada umat-Nya. Kata Kunci: Sabat, Ulangan 5:12-15, Gereja Masa Kini   Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the theological teachings of the Sabbath in Deuteronomy 5:12-15, and how the Church today practices it to become Sunday, and prohibits any activity on the Sabbath. To answer the focus of this research, this study uses a hermeneutical approach with text interpretation or written meaning to get meaning from religious texts. This type of research is library research. The results of the research show that the modern Church practices Sabbath practically as Sunday because of the following arguments. First, the Sabbath in the perspective of the text of Deuteronomy 5:12-15 is the Sabbath is a day blessed by God, but what is meant is not the 'day' which lasts 24 hours, but the essence of the Sabbath itself, namely rest. So moving to Sunday is still relevant. Second, the Sabbath is a day to remember God's deliverance to His people. Keywords: Sabbath, Deuteronomy 5:12-15, The Church Toda

    Konsep Monoteisme Agama: Personifikasi dan Simbolisasi Tuhan dalam Kitab Suci Agama-Agama

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana simbol atau personifikasi dapat menjembatani hal-hal yang profan dari Tuhan ke dalam realitas manusia. Simbol-simbol agama sebagai perwujudan Tuhan memiliki nilai sakralitas yang tertinggi karena terbangun oleh struktur-struktur ajaran agama yang berasal dari teks kitab suci. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada tiga agama karena memiliki konsep teologis yang sama yaitu monoteisme dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan berbasis library research  dengam sumber yang terkait terutama sebagai data primer adalah kitab suci masing-masing agama yaitu Veda, Tipitaka dan Al-Qur’an. Sebagai alat analisis bantu membandingkan simbolisasi Tuhan dalam kitab suci, teori semiotik digunakan untuk menganalisis simbol dari masing-masing agama. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan, konsep teologis monoteisme dalam simbol agama Hindu, Budha dan Islam memiliki persamaan dan terdapat perbedaan pada agama Islam yang tidak menyimbolkan Tuhan ke dalam bentuk simbol atau bentuk. Pada hal perbedaan tersebut disebabkan karena faktor pola struktur keyakinan, peribadahan, dan komunal dalam ajaran kitab suci dari masing-masing agama


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    UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam is based in Indonesia
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