Biota: Jurnal Biologi dan Pendidikan Biologi
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    108 research outputs found

    Relative Expression of mRNA BARF1 Epstein-Barr Virus from Tumor Tissue Biopsy in Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant tumor originating from nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. NPC is endemic in some regions, especially in Southeast Asia countries. NPC is also a multifactorial disease involving environmental factors, genetic factors, and infection from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). According to WHO classification, Undifferentiated NPC is histopathologically associated with EBV infection and categorized into WHO subtype 3. EBV has two phases in its infection cycle: the lytic and latent phases. The BARF1 gene is a mediator of the transition from the latent phase to the lytic phase. Previous studies suggest measurement of EBV mRNA activity at the primary tumor site in the nasopharyngeal reflects the pathogenesis of NPC rather than measuring circulating EBV DNA or serological diagnosis. This study aimed to determine the relative expression potential of BARF1 mRNA at different tumor stages in NPC patients as a predictor of NPC pathogenesis. This research design was a descriptive research method in the form of a cross-sectional study. The samples used were 22 patients diagnosed as NPC WHO class III at the Anatomical Pathology Section of Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo, Purwokerto, who met the inclusion criteria. The relative expression of BARF1 mRNA was carried out using the one-step real-time RT-PCR technique and then calculated using a formula of 2-ΔCt. The T-test was used to compare the relative expression of early and late-stage BARF1 mRNA. The relative expression of BARF1 mRNA in the late-stage advanced stage (n = 6; 0.708292-0.840177; med = 0.7164655) was increased compared to the early stage (n = 2; 0.708841-0.712423; med = 0. 710632)

    Piper crocatum and Aloe vera Difference Effectiveness in Complementary Treatment of Perineal Wounds

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    Indonesia, with a maternal mortality rate (MMR) of 305 per 100,000 live births, is directly caused by post-partum hemorrhage (30.3%) and hypertension (27.1%). At the same time, post-partum infection ranks second as a contributor to maternal death after bleeding. Data from the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) showed that the incidence of perineal laceration or rupture was experienced by women who gave birth vaginally (75%). The prevalence of women who experience perineal tears is in the 25-30 years (24%) and women aged 32-39 years (62%). This study aimed to examine the differences in the effectiveness of Piper crocatum and Aloe vera in the complementary treatment of perineal wound healing in post-partum mothers. This study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design with a total sampling method with a ratio of 1:1:1 for as many as 30 post-partum mothers with grade I and II injuries according to inclusion criteria with Intervention group red betel stew, aloe vera, and the Control group with perineal injuries at Gunung Sari Health Center and Sesela Health Center. The data observed were the degree of perineal wound healing using the REEDA scale (Redness, Edema, Ecchymosis, Discharge, and Approximation). The results showed differences in the effectiveness of Piper crocatum and aloe vera on perineal wound healing. The average results of the Mann-Whitney statistical test were on the 5th and 7th days (p-value< 0.005). This study shows that Piper crocatum can accelerate the healing of perineal wounds and become an alternative, complementary therapy in perineal wound healing

    Study of Environmental Parameters on Lobster (Panulirus spp.) Enlargement with Fixed Cage at GWD, Banyuwangi

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    One of the marine commodities, Lobster (Panulirus spp.), has unabated demand in the global market, while, Lobster production remains static due to the difficulty of implementing its rearing activities. Relative rearing of lobster (Panulirus spp.) is usually performed using the floating net cage method with calm water conditions. In contrast, areas with extreme weather conditions tend to have difficulty applying this method. The potential of using the fixed cage method was assessed by rearing the Lobster at Pesona Bahari Banyuwangi Fish Cultivation Group. This research aimed to investigate the feasibility of the environmental conditions in the waters of GWD, Banyuwangi. The study was conducted for three months. Data such as temperature and light intensity through the help of a pendant was collected. Water quality parameters were recorded during this study, including salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and current velocity. Sampling was conducted four times to see the relationship between length and weight. The results showed that the GWD environmental parameters were very supportive for lobster rearing, with temperature values ​​ranging from 27.2oC - 30.1oC, DO around 4.6 mg/l - 5.2 mg/l, salinity 28o/oo - 30o/oo, pH 7 - 8.2, the current speed is 0.468 m/s, and the light intensity is 0 lux - 3,616 lux. The growth pattern of all sampling results except sampling 2 (isometric) has a negative allometric result, with length and weight having a solid relationship. The fixed cage method is considered suitable for lobster rearing activities because the environmental parameters follow their natural habitat and the Fulton condition factor (K) value of more than 1. The greater the value of the Fulton condition factor (K), the healthier the condition lobster

    Making Liquid Sugar Preparations from Lombok-Traditional Sugarcane Juice and Its Potential as Anti-Diabetic Sugar

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    The prevalence of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus remains on the rise worldwide. Diabetes is a multifactorial disorder that emboils genetic and environmental factors such as an unhealthy diet by consuming white sugar crystals. White crystal sugar consists of less chromium content that induces glucose in the blood to the cells, which can trigger hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels. Chromium works by increasing the activity of insulin receptors to enhance glucose translocation to the cell. Previous studies showed sugarcane Nira had a high level of chromium compared with those processed into white crystalline sugar. However, it could not be used as a sweetener substitute since its storage age was only 2 to 3 days. This study identified that the treatment process of Lombok's Nira sugarcane into local liquefied sugar should be addressed to maintain chromium levels compared to the processing of Nira into the white crystalline sugar requiring optimum sucrose and omitting several minerals. Hence, sugarcane Nira as a refined sugar product can substitute for white sugar consumption in diabetes patients

    Comparison of the Effectiveness of Piper Crocatum and Sour Turmeric Acid for Healing Time

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    Maternal mortality (MMR) is still 359 per 100,000 live births, and the expected target is still far from what was proclaimed in 2030, the number of 70 per 100,000 live births. Based on data from WHO (Word Health Organization), in 2015, the deaths were around 2.7 million cases caused by perineal injuries. According to IDHS data (Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey), in 2017, the maternal mortality rate (MMR) was 305 per 100,000 live births caused by an infection in the perineal wound. The total maternal mortality rate (MMR) in various provinces in Indonesia has decreased from 4,226 to 4,221. In 2019 the maternal mortality rate (MMR) was most contributed by bleeding (30.3%) and postpartum infection (5%). This study aimed to determine the differences in the effectiveness of red betel and turmeric acid in the complementary wound healing treatment in postpartum women. This study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design with a total sampling method by giving three intervention and control groups, as many as 30 postpartum women with perineal wounds grades I and II according to the inclusion criteria with the group given red betel, tamarind, and turmeric. Control group at Anutapura General Hospital Palu. Perineal wound care using the REEDA scale (Redness, Edema, Ecchymosis, Discharge, and Approximation). The results showed a difference in the effectiveness of red betel and turmeric acid on perineal healing. The average Mann-Whitney statistical test results were on the 5th and 7th days (P-Value < 0.005). This study shows that Piper crocatum can accelerate perineal wound healing and become an alternative for complementary therapy and perineal wound healing

    Community Structure of Dragonfly (Anisoptera) and Damselfy (Zygoptera) at The Gunung Sigogor Nature Reserve, East Java, Indonesia

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    Gunung Sigogor Nature Reserve is a conservation forest administratively located in Ngebel District, Ponorogo Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The dragonfly and damselfly community structure, which includes diversity, abundance, evenness and dominance, can be used as an early indicator of changes in environmental conditions, especially in aquatic ecosystems. This study aimed to determine dragonfly and damselfly’s community structure, diversity, evenness, dominance, and habitat preference. This study uses the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) observation and transect methods. This method is carried out by tracing all predetermined observation stations by recording the diversity of dragonfly species and counting the number of individuals. The study conducted in the Gunung Sigogor Nature Reserve area showed 15 species from 8 families consisting of 9 species of Suborder Anisoptera and six species of Suborder Zygoptera. In the results, the highest diversity index value was in the Small Stream (S3) with H'= 1.84. The evenness index, Goa Jepang Stream (S5), has the highest value with a value of E=0.9, and the dominance index of Watu Bandar Stream (S6) location has the highest value with a value of C=1. &nbsp

    Hematological Test: Predicting Incidence Dengue Shock Syndrome

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by the Dengue virus. DHF cases in Mataram City from 2016 to 2020 tend to increase where most of the DHF patients are treated at the Mataram City Hospital. Death due to DHF infection mostly occurred in patients with Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) and mortality from DSS was reported to be 50 times higher than in DHF patients without DSS. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important determinants for the prevention and control of dengue cases, so knowing the predictors of risk factors can prevent/reduce deaths from dengue virus. This study used a case-control design. Cases were DHF patients diagnosed with DSS by the treating doctor, while the controls were DHF patients diagnosed not DSS by the treating doctor. The research data was obtained from the results of laboratory tests stored in the medical records of patients treated at the Mataram City Hospital from January 2016 to December 2020. The design of the analysis was aimed at obtaining the odds ratio (OR) value followed by multivariate analysis to determine the risk factors that could detect DSS earlier. The variables that were statistically significant in the prediction of the final model were the increase in hematocrit value > baseline with OR= 17.1 (95% CI: 4.033-72.600), a decrease in platelet value < 100.000/µL with OR = 6 (95% CI). : 2,306-15,699), and decreased leukocyte value < baseline with OR= 5.1 (95% CI: 2,209-11,838). While the most dominant variable is the increase in hematocrit value > baseline with OR = 17.1 (95% CI: 4.033-72.600) and p value = 0.000

    Antibacterial Potention and pH Analysis of Kombucha with Anna Apple (Malus domestica) Peel as Its Substrate

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    This study aimed to determine the antibacterial abilities of Kombucha with Anna apple peel as the substrate. This study was conducted on the antibacterial assay of Kombucha with the formulation of 10g (formulation A), 15g (formulation B), and 20g (formulation C) apple peels. Each formulation then made three different test concentrations of an antibacterial test by the Kirby Bauer method. There was a decrease in the pH value measured before and after fermentation of kombucha apple peel due to the production of acetic acid formed from metabolic activity between bacteria and yeast as a culture of kombucha beverage. The results of the antibacterial test showed that all of the test concentrations could inhibit the growth of the test bacteria until they were in the category of medium and high inhibition. The largest diameter of the inhibition zone was shown by formula C with a concentration of 100% (17 mm). The diameter of the inhibition zone is directly proportional to the amount of apple peel contained in the formula and the concentration of the sample being tested

    Studi Etnobotani Mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni) di Desa Cowek Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) is a plant that has many benefits ranging from stems, leaves, tree bark, fruit and seeds. The purpose of this study was to explore public perceptions regarding aspects of the utilization and distribution of mahogany in Cowek Village, Purwodadi District, Pasuruan Regency. The method used is descriptive exploratory which consists of: literature study, observation, interviews, data analysis using a questionnaire that has been tested for validation and reliability. Utilization among others, in the hamlet of Selowinangun, mahogany is used for 10% protection plants and 90% plant cultivation. In Krajan hamlet, mahogany is used as 20% medicine, 35% as a protective plant, 25% firewood and 20% animal feed. Then in the hamlet of Putuk as a protective plant 15% and building materials 85%. In Sumbersari hamlet, mahogany is used as 50% furniture, 40% building material, and 10% protective plant. In the Sempu hamlet itself, mahogany is used as a 50% protection plant, 25% medicine, and 25% animal feed. The most distribution of mahogany plants is in Sempu Hamlet with 13 location points, Krajan Hamlet with 10 location points, Selowinangun Hamlet with 8 location points, while in Putuk Hamlet and Sumbersari Hamlet there are 5 location points.Mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak manfaat mulai dari batang, daun, kulit pohon, buah dan biji. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali persepsi masyarakat mengenai aspek pemanfaatan dan distribusi tanaman mahoni di Desa Cowek Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Pasuruan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif eksploratif yang terdiri dari: studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, analisis data menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validasi dan reliabilitasnya. Pemanfaatannya antara lain pada Dusun Selowinangun, kayu mahoni digunakan untuk 10% tanaman lindung dan 90% budidaya tanaman. Di Dusun Krajan, kayu mahoni digunakan sebagai 20% obat, 35% sebagai tanaman pelindung, 25% kayu bakar dan 20% pakan ternak. Kemudian di Dusun Putuk sebagai tanaman pelindung 15% dan bahan bangunan 85%. Di Dusun Sumbersari, kayu mahoni digunakan sebagai 50% furniture, 40% bahan bangunan, dan 10% tanaman pelindung. Di Dusun Sempu sendiri, kayu mahoni digunakan sebagai tanaman pelindung 50%, obat 25%, dan pakan ternak 25%. Sebaran tanaman mahoni terbanyak terdapat di Dusun Sempu dengan 13 titik lokasi, Dusun Krajan dengan 10 titik lokasi, Dusun Selowinangun dengan 8 titik lokasi, sedangkan di Dusun Putuk dan Dusun Sumbersari terdapat 5 titik lokasi

    Kelimpahan Mikroba Tanah Asal Rizosfer Tanaman Sukulen

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    Plant host symbiosis is close related to soil microbial abundance. Soil microbial abundance will affect soil quality and fertility, thus will improve plant growth.  Studies on soil microbial abundance in succulent plant rhizosphere, especially in Indonesia, are scarce.  This study aims to observe soil microorganisms' existence and their abundance on succulent plant rhizosphere. This research used two primary methods to isolate Arbuscule Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) and actinomycetes. The spore extraction (soil separating) method was used to obtain AMF spores, followed by the root staining method to observe AMF infection on the plant roots. Serial dilution and pour plate method were used for isolation of Actinomycetes. The isolation results showed a high number of Actinomycetes distribution up to 3.3 x 106 Actinomycetes CFU/g from the plant Echinocactus grusonii, while AMF spores displayed the most elevated number up to 47 spore/25g from the plant Deuterocohnia sp. The percentage of AMF root infection is covered by 27,9% median. AMF identification was based on spore. The result showed an abundance presentation of Actinomycetes in each soil sample. AMF and Actinomycetes existence displayed symbiotic interaction between succulent plants and soil microorganisms. AMF and actinomycetes play the role of endophytes that help the growth of cacti, generally have a dry growing environment, and limited nutrition by this symbiotic interaction. Actinomycetes distribution in rhizospheric soil will increase plant growth-promoting factors activity. Eventually, the implications of research results are to explore the abundance and biodiversity of soil microorganisms from succulent plant rhizosphere that lacked exploration


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