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    Abstrak: Kelurahan Panggungrejo di Kota Pasuruan dikenal dengan produk kerupuk ikan yang berbasis ikan laosan, namun limbah tulang ikan sering kali dibuang begitu saja, menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk mengajarkan ibu-ibu PKK di Panggungrejo mengolah limbah tulang ikan laosan menjadi stik camilan yang bernilai ekonomis. Metode kegiatan berupa workshop yang diikuti oleh 28 ibu-ibu PKK ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan: persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap persiapan meliputi identifikasi kebutuhan, uji coba resep, penyusunan materi, dan koordinasi logistik. Pelaksanaan mencakup sosialisasi konsep zero waste, demonstrasi pembuatan stik tulang ikan, dan praktik langsung oleh peserta. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengamati hasil produk akhir stik tulang ikan laosan yang dibuat oleh mitra, dengan indikator utama berupa tekstur dan rasa stik. Selain itu, dilakukan evaluasi perubahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra melalui pretest dan posttest. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 55% dan keterampilan sebesar 45% dalam mengolah limbah ikan menjadi produk bernilai tambah. Workshop ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu-ibu PKK dari kategori cukup menjadi baik dan memberikan solusi terhadap masalah limbah tulang ikan di Panggungrejo.Abstract: Panggungrejo in Pasuruan City is known for its fish cracker products based on laosan fish, but fish bone waste is often discarded, leading to environmental pollution. This workshop aims to teach the PKK mothers in Panggungrejo how to process laosan fish bone waste into economically valuable snack sticks. The workshop, attended by 28 PKK mothers, is organized into three phases: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The preparation phase includes identifying needs, testing recipes, preparing materials, and coordinating logistics. The implementation phase involves introducing the zero waste concept, demonstrating fish bone stick production, and hands-on practice by the participants. Evaluation is conducted by observing the final product of fish bone sticks made by the participants, focusing on the texture and taste of the sticks. Additionally, evaluation of the participants' knowledge and skills is carried out through pretests and posttests. The evaluation results show a 55% increase in knowledge and a 45% increase in skills in processing fish waste into value-added products. This workshop successfully improved the knowledge and skills of the PKK mothers from the adequate to the good category and provided a solution to the fish bone waste problem in Panggungrejo


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    Abstrak: Situs Purbakala Semedo merupakan destinasi wisata sejarah yang menarik banyak wisatawan dengan berbagai peninggalan purbakala, candi semedo, rumah joglo, makam kuno, dan pemandangan indah perbukitan. Museum Situs Semedo dibuka pada 12 Oktober 2022 dan dikelola oleh Direktur Jenderal Kebudayaan Kemendikbudristek. Saat ini Museum Situs Semedo menghadapi masalah dalam sektor pemasaran karena kebanyakan pengunjung hanya berasal dari Kabupaten Tegal saja. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat terkait sejarah yang terdapat pada Museum Situs Semedo melalui penerapan teknologi virtual tour. Selain itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat memberikan peningkatan ketrampilan terkait pendampingan tour guide kepada tim pengelola Museum Situs Semedo dalam memanfaatkan virtual tour sebagai strategi promosi wisata dan strategi inovasi pembelajaran sejarah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian berupa sosialisasi yang dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama dua hari dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 7 orang perwakilan pengelola Museum Situs Semedo. Hasil evaluasi menggunakan pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan dan pengetahuan peserta sebesar 30,468% dalam menggunakan website virtual tour Museum Situs Semedo sebagai media promosi wisata dan media pembelajaran sejarah.Abstract: The Semedo Archaeological Site is a historical tourist destination that attracts many tourists with various ancient relics, Semedo temples, Joglo houses, ancient graves, and beautiful hillside views. The Semedo Museum was opened on October 12, 2022, and is managed by the Director General of Culture of Kemendikbudristek. Currently, the Semedo Museum faces problems in the marketing sector because most visitors only come from the Tegal Regency. This service activity aims to apply virtual tour technology for the Semedo Museum that can be visited by the general public remotely and afford accompaniment to the management team of the Semedo Museum in utilizing virtual tours as a promotional strategy and innovative learning strategy for history around the Semedo Site in Tegal Regency. The method used in service involves socialization followed by training and mentoring activities. This activity was conducted over two days, with a total of seven people attending representing the Semedo Museum's management. Evaluation results using pre-test and post-test show that was participant’s abilities and knowledge increasing of 30,468% using virtual tour website of the Semedo Site Museum as tourism promotion platform and historical education media


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    According to Article 101 of Law Number 7 of 2017, the Election Supervisory Agency is responsible for supervising the electoral democracy process, starting from the Legislative Election (PILEG), Regional Election (PILKADA), and Presidential Election (PILPRES). As a constitutional responsibility to oversee elections, innovation is needed to increase the value of supervision to ensure quality elections. New initiative carried out by Bawaslu South Bangka Regency to oversee elections and increase public participation will be explained in this paper. This study uses an analytical descriptive approach and uses primary data obtained from the actions of the author team. The study concluded that the election supervision class program, which creates participatory surveillance agents in all sub-districts, is very effective in increasing voter participation and political awareness, especially in terms of initial elections


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    Abstrak: Kelompok "Laot Berjaya" adalah sebuah kelompok petani nelayan pemula dari desa Lubuk Damar yang bergerak dibidang usaha pembesaran dan pematangan telur kepiting bakau, namun usaha mereka mulai menurun sejak terjadi banjir besar di tahun 2021 yang membuat keramba mengalami kerusakan dan kerugian besar. Tujuan PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi kepiting biasa maupun kepiting petelur melalui aplikasi Crabbing Apartment sehingga menambah pendapatan kelompok. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, diskusi, demonstrasi, dan praktik. PKM ini diikuti oleh 12 anggota kelompok “Laot BerjayaEvaluasi dilakukan pada saat PKM berlangsung melalui kuesioner, juga saat pendampingan dan monitoring. Hasil PKM menunjukkan bahwa: (1) 81% mitra memahami materi teknologi pembesaran dan pematangan telur kepiting bakau; (2) 83% mitra memahami tentang ekonomi sirkular; (3) 82% mitra memahami dan terampil membuat Crabbing Apartment; (4) 84% mitra memahami cara pembuatan catatan keuangan sederhana yang baik dan benar; dan (5) 72% mitra mengalami peningkatan jumlah produksi kepiting.Abstract: The "Laot Berjaya" is a group of novice fishermen farmers from Lubuk Damar village engaged in the business of raising and maturing mangrove crab eggs, but their business has begun to decline since the big flood in 2021 which damaged the cages and caused major losses. The purpose of this PKM is to increase the quantity and quality of production of ordinary crabs and laying crabs so as to increase the group's income. The methods used are lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and practices. This PKM was attended by 12 members of the "Laot Berjaya", 2 extension workers, 3 lecturers, and 3 students. Evaluation was carried out during the PKM through questionnaires, as well as during mentoring and monitoring. The PKM results show that: (1) 81% of partners understand the material on mangrove crab egg rearing and maturation technology; (2) 83% of partners understand the circular economy; (3) 82% of partners understand and are skilled at making Crabbing Apartments; (4) 84% of partners understand how to make simple financial records properly and correctly; and (5) 72% of partners experienced an increase in the amount of crab production


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    Dalam sebuah perkawinan di Indonesia, mempunyai berbagai macam corak. Indonesia sendiri mempunyai keunikan di samping menggunakan hukum agama, namun perkawinan juga mempunyai syarat yang harus dipenuhi seperti penerapan aturan – aturan yang berlaku di hukum adat. Hukum adat di tiap daerah tentu berbeda – beda coraknya. Yang menarik adalah hukum adat yang berlaku di suku Sasak, dimana seorang keturunan bangsawan (Menak) tidak boleh menjalin perkawinan dengan masyarakat yang kastanya lebih rendah darinya bagi yang masih menerapkannya. Ketika hal itu terjadi, akan memberi implikasi terhadap pihak wanita bangsawan itu sendiri. Keunikan akan syarat tersebut, artikel ini ditulis. Metode yang digunakan dalam menulis artikel ini adalah yuridis empiris, dimana metode ini melihat norma – norma yang berlaku dimasyarakat, yang sumber datanya dari pustaka (library research). Kepenulisan ini juga menggunakan yuridis normatif, untuk menghubungkan norma – norma yang berlaku di suku Sasak dengan hukum Islam itu sendiri. Hasil dari penelitian ini, menemukan masih ada yang masih menerapkan hukum adat yang berlaku dan adanya juga yang sudah meninggalkannya. Dari pandangan hukum adat dan hukum Islam sendiri, adanya kesesuaian dari kedua hukum tersebut, bila dilihat dari ada hak wali untuk menolak terjadinya sebuah perkawinan, dengan menggunakan argumentasi tentang status sosial serta nasab keturunan

    Meningkatkan Partisipasi Aktif Siswa Kelas IV melalui Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning dan Strategi Pembelajaran Terdiferensiasi

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    Abstract:  This  classroom  action  study  was  designed  to  increase  the learning engagement of class IV students at SDN Wiyung 1/453 Surabaya, which previously seemed less than optimal. The intervention implemented is a Problem Based Learning (PBL) model combined with a differentiation approach. The research took place in two rounds, with each round including three phases: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection was carried out through observations of 30 students by two independent observers. Analysis involves comparing the results of observations before the intervention, during the  first round, and during the second round. The findings showed a significant increase in student learning engagement, namely from 51.36% before the intervention, increasing to an average of 58.75% in the first round, and reaching an average of 77.5% in the second round. These results indicate that the combination of PBL and differentiation strategies is successful in encouraging students' active participation in the learning process. This study provides an important contribution as a reference for teachers in efforts to increase student engagement in the classroom, especially at the elementary school level.Abstrak: Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa kelas IV SDN Wiyung 1/453 Surabaya, yang berdasarkan observasi prasiklus masih tergolong rendah. Intervensi yang diterapkan adalah model Problem Based Learning (PBL) yang dipadukan dengan pendekatan diferensiasi.. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, di mana setiap siklus terdiri dari tiga tahap: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan refleksi. Data diperoleh melalui observasi terhadap 30 siswa oleh dua pengamat independen. Analisis melibatkan perbandingan hasil observasi sebelum intervensi, selama putaran pertama, dan selama putaran kedua. Temuan menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam keterlibatan belajar siswa, yaitu dari 51,36% sebelum intervensi, meningkat menjadi rata-rata 58,75% pada putaran pertama, dan mencapai rata-rata 77,5% pada putaran kedua. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa model PBL dengan strategi berdiferensiasi berhasil mendorong partisipasi aktif siswa dalam pembelajaran. Studi ini memberikan kontribusi penting sebagai referensi bagi pendidik dalam upaya meningkatkan keaktifan siswa di kelas, terutama di tingkat sekolah dasar

    Representation of Mental Health Issues in the Film Sleep Call (John Fiske's Semiotic Analysis)

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    Abstract: A film is a complex form of mass media. The film Sleep Call provides an overview of mental health issues. Mental health is an important aspect of realizing comprehensive physical and spiritual health. The representation of depression and hallucinations in the film Sleep Call is an attempt to re-understand reality, which cannot be separated from various social issues that are currently developing in society. This research employs a descriptive-qualitative approach and applies John Fiske's semiotics method to analyze the Sleep Call film. The findings of this study demonstrate that John Fiske's semiotic theory, which employs three levels of television codes, specifically the reality level, clarifies Dina's mental health issues stemming from her imprisonment in a challenging and solitary existence. At the representation level, Dina's House is the only location where sets are used, and shooting techniques include long shot, medium shot, high angle, eye level, and slanted shots. At the ideological level, we have the materialism ideology, which places a higher value on material possessions over common sense. . Dina chose to borrow money from an illegal online loan without thinking about the future consequences


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    Abstrak: Data kependudukan merupakan unsur penting untuk mendukung Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2024 yang jujur dan adil. Namun, Pemerintah dan masyarakat Desa Penfui saat ini belum sepenuhnya memiliki kesadaran akan pentingnya tertib administrasi, ditunjukkan dari banyaknya masyarakat yang belum memiliki dokumen kependudukan yang lengkap. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran pemerintah dan masyarakat akan pentingnya kelengkapan dokumen kependudukan untuk mendukung terselenggaranya Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2024. Metode sosialisasi menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan workshop, yang diikuti oleh 35 peserta terdiri dari perangkat desa dan masyarakat Penfui Timur. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan atas pemahaman peserta mengenai pentingnya kelengkapan dokumen kependudukan menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman peserta sebesar 89% tentang pentingnya kelengkapan dokumen kependudukan, 85% peserta dapat menentukan alur pembuatan administrasi kependudukan di Pemerintah Desa setempat, 88% peserta berpartisipasi aktif dan menunjukkan kepuasan terhadap kegiatan sebesar 95%. Kendala dan hambatan terkait keterbatasan waktu dan keterbatasan internet, namun dapat teratasi dengan baik selama kegiatan.Abstract: Data Population plays a crucial role to ensure the smooth conduct of transparent and equitable elections in 2024 Despite its significance, the residents and authorities of Penfui Village have yet to fully recognize the necessity of having their administrative records in order, as evidenced by the widespread lack of complete population documentation among them. The objective of the initiative is to heighten the awareness of both the government and the citizens about the vital need for complete population records to ensure the smooth conduct of transparent and equitable elections in 2024. An interactive approach involving Q&A sessions, discussion, and workshops was employed for the campaign, which was participated in by 50 individuals, including village officials and East Penfui residents The results of the activity evaluation showed an 89% increase in participants ' understanding of the importance of completeness of population documents, 85% of participants were able to determine the flow of making Population Administration in the local village Government, 88% of participants actively participated and showed 95% satisfaction with the activities. Constraints and obstacles related to time constraints and internet limitations, but can be overcome well during the activity


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    Rimpu culture as a symbol of the existence of Islamic women in the land of Bima. Rimpu is a sarong used to cover the private parts and has been an important part of the culture of the Bima people since the beginning of the spread of Islam in the region. This research uses library methods to gain a deeper understanding of Rimpu culture. The research results show that Rimpu is made from sarong material and has existed in Bima since the beginning of the arrival of Islam, where Rimpu was applied to the Bima sultanate. Rimpu has several types, including ordinary Rimpu and Rimpu Mpida. Rimpu is usually divided into Rimpu Colo and Rimpu Cili, while Rimpu Mpida consists of Rimpu Mpida, Rimpu Gala, and Rimpu Cili.Rimpu has a dual function in responding to current developments. First, as a religious identity, where the use of Rimpu is one way for Bima women to show their religious beliefs. Second, Rimpu is also a characteristic of Bima culture which is embedded in the daily life of its people. And third, Rimpu acts as a protector for women in interacting with the opposite sex, protecting their honor and chastity. Currently, the Bima government is trying to preserve Rimpu culture by holding a cultural parade every year. This effort aims to promote and introduce Rimpu culture to the wider community and encourage understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage

    Effect of Dose and Type of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Early Growth of Cocoa Seedlings (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of dose and type of liquid organic fertilizer as well as the interaction between dose and type of liquid organic fertilizer on the early growth of cocoa seedlings. This study used various kinds of POC namely GDM, NASA, Hantu and Guano. To support the success of POC application, different doses were also used in the treatment. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of Patrang Sub-district, Patrang District, Jember Regency in 2023. This study used a complete randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors. The first factor is the dose consisting of 3 levels, namely D1 (10ml/plant), D2 (15ml/plant) and D3 (20ml/plant). The second factor is the type of liquid organic fertilizer consisting of 4 levels, namely P1 (GDM), P2 (NASA), P3 (Superior plant hormone (Hantu)) and P4 (Guano). The results showed there was no interaction between dose and various kinds of liquid organic fertilizers. The application of dose affected the wet weight of plants and leaf area. Various kinds of liquid organic fertilizers affected the number of branches of cocoa seedlings


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