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    [[abstract]]大學社會責任 (University Social Responsibility, USR) 已是全球趨勢,教育部也鼓勵大 專院校多提供校外社區服務課程,或是校內的服務學習課程。本研究目的包括:(一)、了 解學校提供服務學習的課程目的和學生的態度。(二)、了解大學社會實踐結合課程教學採 用服務學習的價值,及學生的學習態度、阻礙和成效。(三)、調查學生對服務學習態度和 參與課程教學採用服務學習的關係。針對服務學習的學生、大學社會實踐結合休憩課程融 入服務學習學生,進行訪談和問卷資料收集,整合多方資料來源和交叉分析。訪談結果顯 示服學的價值是可以提供服務,幫助弱勢,獲得成就感和實際經驗。但參與課程融入服務 學習是比較被動的,主要因為分數和課程的要求。所安排的服務學習活動時間、地點、內 容、是否有專人指導,會影響參與。問卷分析得知學生對於服務學習的態度,影響課程融 入服務學習活動的參與態度、阻礙和學習成效,而參與態度和學習成效有高度正相關。[[note]]吳婉


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    [[abstract]]現今的檸檬產業正面臨著滯銷的危機,本研究依循剩食循環經濟觀點,將原 本要丟棄的檸檬製作成相關休閒食品,使滯銷的檸檬可以發揮到最大的效益。另 外,近幾年食品安全事件頻傳,消費者對於食品添加物存在疑慮。故本研究在製 作過程中,除了將整顆檸檬從果皮至果肉都物盡其用,提高檸檬之附加價值外, 亦不添加防腐劑及香料色素於產品之中。最後,以網路行銷搭配節慶行銷活動開 發出新的銷售通路來促進檸檬農夫與消費者之間的連結。[[note]]吳翊


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    [[alternative]]Teaching and Reflection on Combining Advertising Music with Leisure Life in Music Appreciation Courses:Taking a Junior High School in Taichung City as an Example

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    [[abstract]]廣告音樂是商業廣告中不可或缺的音樂元素。近年來受到越來越多人關注,並進行相關研究。本研究旨在探討廣告音樂結合休閒生活於音樂欣賞課程教學對學生學習表現和音樂休閒活動之影響。本研究採行動研究法,以研究者任教之學校,國中二年某班27位學生為研究對象,進行為期九週的課程教學。透過教學觀察、學生回饋、音樂學習單、問卷調查等方式進行資料蒐集,以瞭解學生對課程內容、教學方法的感受度和學習成果。本研究之結論如下:一、休閒教育能提升國中生對休閒生活的重視。二、應用廣告音樂教學策略於國中音樂欣賞,學生學習興趣普遍提升。三、廣告音樂結合休閒生活於音樂欣賞課程能拓展音樂休閒廣度。四、應用廣告音樂於音樂欣賞教學能提升教師專業成長。[[abstract]]Advertising music has attracted more and more attention in recent years. The research aims to explore the influence of advertising music combined with leisure life in music appreciation course teaching on students' learning performance and music leisure activities. Twenty-seven junior high school students received a nine-week course teaching, and collected data through teaching observation, student feedback, questionnaire surveys and interviews. The conclusions of this study are as follows:1.Leisure education can enhance junior high school students' emphasis on leisure life.2.Applying advertising music teaching strategies to middle school music appreciation, students' interest in learning has generally increased.3.Combining advertising music with leisure life in music appreciation courses can expand the breadth of music leisure.4.The application of advertising music in music appreciation teaching can enhance the professional growth of teachers

    [[alternative]]Using the Decision Making and Trial Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) Analysis Method to Explore the Key Factors for Successful Transformation Among Taiwan's Phalaenopsis Operators

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    [[abstract]]本研究主題為應用決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)探討台灣蝴蝶蘭經營業者轉型成功關鍵因素,提升發展競爭力,源自中部蘭花生技產業做分析研究,從蘭花經營管理角度台灣是有蘭花王國的名稱,而在隨著高價趣味栽種到組織培養大量生產的外銷主力,升級成經營模式為產業帶來新的樣貌,並針對該產業提出蘭花經營策略等建議,作為蘭花產業規畫及發展參考。本研究提出七項評估準則,是以DEMATEL為評估方法,經由訪談中可以獲得專家資料,再經由DEMATEL方法中計算,並得到準則間因果關係。從七準則中分別為「價格」、「交貨」、「生產」、「品質」、「服務」、「包裝」、「運送成本」。整合關聯度、原因度,蘭花經營才能突破現狀經濟發展的困境。將結果分析,進而發展經營策略,可提供給台灣蝴蝶蘭經營業者之經營策略參考建議。[[abstract]]The subject of this research is to apply the Decision-Making and Trial Evaluation Laboratory Analysis Method (DEMATEL) to explore the key factors for the success of the transformation of Taiwanese Phalaenopsis operators and to enhance their development competitiveness. The research originates from the analysis and research of the orchid biotechnology industry in central Taiwan. From the perspective of orchid management, Taiwan has the orchid kingdom beauty Over the years, the main force of export sales from high-priced interesting planting to organized cultivation and mass production has been upgraded to a business model to bring a new look to the industry, and put forward suggestions such as orchid business strategies for this industry, as a reference for the planning and development of the orchid industry . This study proposes seven evaluation criteria, using DEMATEL as the evaluation method, obtaining expert information through interviews, and then calculating through DEMATEL method to obtain the causal relationship between the criteria. The seven criteria are "Price", "Delivery", "Production", "Quality", "Service", "Packaging", and "Delivery Cost". Integrating the degree of relevance and reason, the orchid business can break through the dilemma of the current economic development. Analyzing the results, and then developing business strategies, can provide business strategy reference suggestions for Taiwan Phalaenopsis operators

    [[alternative]]IoT Power Socket Design Based on MQTT Communication for Smart Home Applications

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    [[abstract]]物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)已經改變了我們與家居互動的方式,使其更加智能和高效。在本論文中,我們提出了一種基於MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)通訊的物聯網微功率插座設計,專為智慧居家應用而設。該設計的主要目標是提供一個可靠和高效的通訊協議,即MQTT,以實現智慧居家環境中電源插座的無縫連接和控制。所提出的微功率插座設計注重能源效率和與現有物聯網系統的兼容性。通過利用MQTT,一種輕量級且高效的消息傳輸協議,插座可以與其他物聯網設備和平台進行通訊,讓用戶通過集中管理系統遠程控制和監控電源插座。該設計的關鍵功能包括功率監測能力、實時狀態更新和遠程控制功能。用戶可以監測連接設備的功耗,在出現異常或能源過度使用時接收通知。遠程控制功能使用戶可以開關電源插座並設定特定操作時間,提高便利性和節能效果。此外,該微功率設計確保在閒置期間能源消耗最小,有助於整體能源效率和節省成本。通過與現有智慧家居生態系統的整合,基於MQTT通訊的物聯網微功率插座設計無縫適應互聯智慧家居環境,提供了一個全面且用戶友好的智能家居自動化解決方案。總之,本文提出了一種新穎的基於MQTT通訊的物聯網微功率插座設計,特別針對智慧居家應用而設。該設計結合了能源效率、無縫連接和遠程控制能力,促進了智慧且可持續的家居環境的實現。進一步的研究和開發可以在此設計基礎上推動物聯網技術在智慧家居領域的能力和應用的進一步發展。[[abstract]]The Internet of Things (Internet of Things, IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with our homes, making them smarter and more efficient. In this paper, we propose a design for an MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport )-based IoT low-power socket specifically tailored for smart home applications. The main objective of this design is to provide a reliable and efficient communication protocol, MQTT, for seamless connectivity and control of power sockets within a smart home environment.The proposed low-power socket design focuses on energy efficiency and compatibility with existing IoT systems. By utilizing MQTT, a lightweight and efficient messaging protocol, the socket can communicate with other IoT devices and platforms, allowing users to remotely control and monitor their power sockets through a centralized management system.Key features of the design include power monitoring capabilities, real-time status updates, and remote control functionality. Users can monitor the power consumption of connected devices and receive notifications in case of any abnormalities or excessive energy usage. The remote control feature enables users to turn on/off the power socket and schedule specific operation times, enhancing convenience and energy savings.Additionally, the low-power design ensures minimal energy consumption during idle periods, contributing to overall energy efficiency and cost savings. By integrating with existing smart home ecosystems, the MQTT-based IoT socket design seamlessly fits into the interconnected smart home environment, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for intelligent home automation.In conclusion, this paper presents a novel design for an MQTT-based IoT low-power socket, specifically aimed at smart home applications. The design combines energy efficiency, seamless connectivity, and remote control capabilities, contributing to the realization of a smarter and more sustainable home environment. Further research and development can build upon this design to advance the capabilities and adoption of IoT technologies in the realm of smart homes


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    [[abstract]]手機遊戲成癮(mobile gaming addiction)的問題隨著手機的普及,因其便攜與可隨 時 取得的特性變得更為嚴重。此類成癮問題者常有行為抑制高與負面情緒較多 的 報告,然乏以生理指標作為驗證之工具。本研究比較不同風險者之自律神經 功能、行為抑制與激發,及負面情緒之差異。測量使用自製問卷、中文版手機 遊戲成癮量表 (PMGQ)、中文版行為抑制與行為激發系統量表、青少年執行功 能量表、簡式精神症狀評估量表 (BSRS-50),及生理回饋儀進行心率變異(heart rate variability, HRV)測量。問卷 測量後進行生理指標收集,包括靜息狀態(五分 鐘)、手機遊戲遊玩(五分鐘)及恢復狀態(五分鐘)之 HRV 指標探討手機遊戲成癮 風險之危險因子及神經心理指標之關聯。研究共招募 61 名年齡為 18 到 23 歲之 大學生,男性 9 名,女性 53 名。以中文版手機遊戲成癮量表 (PMGQ)分為高、 低遊戲成癮風險組。高風險組18人,低風險組43人。研究結果顯示手機使用、 手機遊戲使用,以及手機遊戲成癮風險與精神症狀及負面情緒成正相關,手機 遊戲成癮風險與遊戲期的心率成正相關,高風險者相比低風險者有較高的心率。 高風險者在遊戲期有較差的心率變異指標(pNN50、VLF)。以及遊戲的進行會對 心率變異指標產生影響。[[note]]111-2813-C-468-057-

    REITs and the Idiosyncratic Risk in Portfolio Performance

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    Association of SGLT2 inhibitors with lower incidence of death in type 2 diabetes mellitus and causes of death analysis

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    [[abstract]]Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor (SGLT2i) potentially decrease all-cause and cardiovascular death, however, associations with non-cardiovascular death remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated SGLT2i associations with death and the cause of death. We used the Taiwanese National Health Institutes Research database linked to the National Register of Deaths (NRD). Incident type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients and propensity score matched T2DM SGLT2i and Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor (DPP4i) users were investigated. The index year was the SGLT2i or DPP4i prescription date from May 2016. Patients were followed-up until death or December 2018. Deaths verified by the NRD and grouped accordingly. Multiple Cox proportional hazards models were used. In total, 261,211 patients were included in the population; 47% of the patients were female and the average age was 62 years. The overall incidence of all-cause death was 8.67/1000 patient-years for SGLT2i and 12.41 for DPP4i users during follow-up. After adjusting for potential risk factors in the propensity score matched population, SGLT2i users were associated with lower risks of all-cause death, cardiovascular death, cancer death, and non-cancer, non-vascular death compared with DPP4i-users. For specific death causes, significantly lower death risks from heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and accidents were associated with SGLT2i-use. SGLT2i benefits for T2DM patients were not different across subgroups. Compared with DPP4i-use, SGLT2i-use for T2DM was associated with lower disease and death risk


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