University of Bari Aldo Moro

Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Università di Bari
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    144777 research outputs found

    Systemic Risk and Network Science: A Bibliometric and Systematic Review

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    Estimating systemic risk in networks of financial institutions is increasingly a challenge in policymaking. The complexity of financial networks may increase the difficulty of mitigating systemic risk and how the topology of connections can propagate the failure of an individual entity through the network in the system. Our study’s primary purpose is to apply the bibliometric techniques and the systematic review method to understand the evolution of research on systemic risk and interconnectedness among financial markets and institutions and highlight the literature’s progress during the period from 2008 to 2023. Results suggest that systemic risk and financial networks have experienced rapid growth during the last decade, and this can contribute to a future research agenda on the topic

    Green Cu particles for functional and biodegradable food packaging solutions

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    This study demonstrates a simple approach to synthesize green Cu particles stabilized by poly(n-vinyl)pyrrolidone (PVP): the latter acts as stabilizer and dispersant, and its presence in solution eliminates the need for an inert atmosphere. Synthetic parameters were tuned to obtain particles with diameters >200 nm, to be human-safe and prevent nano-cytotoxicity. PVP and reductant concentrations, with reaction times, were varied to investigate their effect on colloidal stability, kinetics, and particles size. Particles were fully characterized, morphologically and spectroscopically. Cu@PVP colloids were washed, to remove unbound PVP and reactions byproducts, and then embedded in chitosan (CS) polymer matrix, to prepare self-standing films for food packaging applications. Films were obtained by a simple solvent evaporation protocol. Pellicles were characterized by common analytical techniques; viscoelastic properties, water uptake, and Cu2+ ionic release were investigated, as well. The films antimicrobial efficacy was also tested against three different model fungi responsible for agrifood spoilage

    Systemic Risks to Capital Investment Flows in the Post-crisis Economy of Ukraine

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    The study investigates systemic risks affecting capital investment flows in Ukraine’s post-crisis economy, employing VAR models and the Kalman filter. It analyzes the relationship between investment flows and key macroeconomic indicators. Utilizing neural network tools, the research identifies pivotal factors influencing investment processes amidst wartime. The study delineates primary strategies for risk mitigation, including the adoption of modern warfare economics principles, combating systemic dysfunctions such as corruption, and legitimizing property rights through targeted investments. Furthermore, in the financial sector, there is a notable emphasis on the imperative: to enhance commercialization in banking, align regulations with EU standards, develop money, bond, and securities markets, facilitate small business financing and financial inclusivity, and mobilize external financing to sustain financial stabilit

    Systemic Risk and Complex Networks in Modern Financial Systems

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    The crises of the last years have underlined how much the modern financial systems are today more exposed and vulnerable to systemic risk, defined as the risk of uncontrolled propagation of a crisis of a single player or area of an economic system to a wider system through contagion mechanisms. Systemic risk is more relevant today than in the past due to the increasing interconnection between the players in the economic system and the increasing speed of flows of goods, money and people. All this prompts us to reflect on the need to analyse, predict and manage systemic risk holistically and through the logical-conceptual schemes that can be borrowed from network science

    Sanglots érotiques. Des larmes libertines aux larmes sentimentales

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    Le XVIIIe siècle établit une hiérarchie nouvelle entre les larmes et les paroles. Les larmes marquent des moments essentiels dans les liens affectifs : pleurer ensemble rejoint le sublime dans une entente, qu’elle soit familiale, amicale, ou amoureuse. Les oeuvres de Rousseau, Diderot, mais aussi de Laclos et de Sade, en témoignent. Les effusions lacrymales semblent jouer un rôle tout particulièrement indispensable dans les rapports amoureux, comme le montre le roman sentimental qui les exploite dans des différents topoï. Le roman libertin a recours aux mêmes motifs, mais dans un but différent. Le personnage libertin simule les larmes pour séduire, comme dans le cas de Valmont et de Merteuil, ou il provoque les larmes de ses victimes pour en jouir, comme dans le cas des personnages de Sade

    Firm-level bargaining and within-firm wage inequality: Evidence across Europe

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    Starting from the 1990s the collective bargaining process in European economies has gradually shifted from centralised bargaining to firm-level agreements. This transition allows firms to change their internal wage structure responding to local conditions, with potentially contrasting effects on within-firm inequality. This paper examines the empirical association between firm-level bargaining and within-firm wage inequality, particularly the distance between wages of highly-paid and low-paid employees. We exploit employer-employee data from the European Structure of Earnings Survey spanning the period 2006-2018 for six European economies – Belgium, Spain, Germany, France, the Czech Republic and the UK – allowing to test for heterogeneity of main effects across different collective bargaining traditions and over time. The findings document ample heterogeneities in the estimated effect of firm-level bargaining, across countries and over time. At the same time, such heterogeneities do not map neatly into country-specific features of national bargaining systems or into broad classifications of countries based on prevailing bargaining levels

    Macro-Prudential Policies to Mitigate Systemic Risk: An International Overview

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    In the wake of the global financial crisis, a clear awareness has emerged that systemic risk can only be addressed and managed through macro-prudential policies. Many countries have embarked on new reforms of the financial regulatory system with macro-prudential mechanisms, technical standards and instruments aimed at mitigating systemic risk. The main purpose of this essay is to summarise the main reforms in Europe, the United States, China, Islamic countries and Japan and to explain how these reforms fit together. In addition, through a comparative analysis of regulatory structures, we assess the effectiveness of macro-prudential tools in preventing and mitigating potential systemic risks and safeguarding financial stability. The results show a growing and widespread focus on prudential policies and architectures to mitigate systemic risk, although the different economies analysed start from very different positions

    Gaetano Salvemini and the Adriatic question from the First World War to the Treaty of Rapallo

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    This essay intends to investigate the political thought and action of Gaetano Salvemini regarding the "Adriatic question” - the relations between Italy and the South Slavs during the Great War. The end of his militancy in the Italian Socialist Party coincided with his decision to support the positions of democratic irredentism. The participation of Italy in the war would have realized the process of national unification, with the annexation of Trentino and Venezia Giulia, regions inhabited mainly by an Italian population. In the final phase of the conflict, Salvemini’s polemic was directed against the Italian Foreign Minister, Sidney Sonnino, who was accused of hostility towards the nascent Yugoslav nationalism. According to Salvemini, Italy should have come to terms with the nascent Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, even at the cost of renouncing the aspirations over Istria and Dalmatia, promised to Italy in the Treaty of London, signed on April 1915. The defeat of Sonnino's policy at the Paris Peace Conference was welcomed with satisfaction by Salvemini, who then applauded the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo, on November 1920, with which Italy and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes solved the dispute over the common border

    Darts fast-learning reduces theta power but is not affected by Hf-tRNS: A behavioral and electrophysiological investigation

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    : Sports trainers have recently shown increasing interest in innovative methods, including transcranial electric stimulation, to enhance motor performance and boost the acquisition of new skills during training. However, studies on the effectiveness of these tools on fast visuomotor learning and brain activity are still limited. In this randomized single-blind, sham-controlled, between-subjects study, we investigated whether a single training session, either coupled or not with 2 mA online high-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation (hf-tRNS) over the bilateral primary motor cortex (M1), would affect dart-throwing performance (i.e., radial error, arm range of motion, and movement variability) in 37 healthy volunteers. In addition, potential neurophysiological correlates were monitored before and after the training through a 32-electrode portable electroencephalogram (EEG). Results revealed that a single training session improved radial error and arm range of motion during the dart-throwing task, but not movement variability. Furthermore, after the training, resting state-EEG data showed a decrease in theta power. Radial error, arm movement, and EEG were not further modulated by hf-tRNS. This indicates that a single training session, regardless of hf-tRNS administration, improves dart-throwing precision and movement accuracy. However, it does not improve movement variability, which might require multiple training sessions (expertise resulting in slow learning). Theta power decrease could describe a more efficient use of cognitive resources (i.e., attention and visuomotor skills) due to the fast dart-throwing learning. Further research could explore different sports by applying longer stimulation protocols and evaluating other EEG variables to enhance our understanding of the lasting impacts of multi-session hf-tRNS on the sensorimotor cortex within the framework of slow learning and training assistance

    CARROT: Simultaneous prediction of anomalies from groups of correlated cryptocurrency trends

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    Cryptocurrencies are virtual currencies that exploit cryptography to perform secure financial transactions. They gained widespread popularity in recent years due to their decentralized nature, (pseudo-)anonymity, and ability to facilitate cross-border transactions without the need for intermediaries. However, their price on the market exhibits a huge volatility, that makes them prone to market anomalies. Therefore, predicting anomalies in cryptocurrency time series can be considered an important task for financial institutions, traders, and investors, to maximize their profit or minimize losses. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for predicting anomalies in cryptocurrency time series by exploiting temporal correlations among different cryptocurrencies. Our approach, called CARROT, is based on the idea that groups of cryptocurrencies exhibit similar trends, possibly due to common influencing factors. CARROT analyzes the temporal correlation between different cryptocurrencies, and identifies clusters showing similar patterns that can be useful for gaining insights into future anomalies. Subsequently, CARROT exploits multiple (i.e., one for each cluster) multi-target LSTM models to predict anomalies. Our experiments, performed on a dataset of 17 cryptocurrencies, proved that CARROT outperforms single-target LSTM models of up to 20%, as well as other approaches based on neural networks, i.e., MLP and CNN, in terms of macro F1-score. Therefore, the proposed approach can be considered as a promising tool for predicting anomalies in cryptocurrency time series data and can potentially be used to improve risk management and trading strategies in the cryptocurrency market


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    Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Università di Bari is based in Italy
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