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    20486 research outputs found

    Leveraging complex event processing for monitoring and automatically detecting anomalies in Ethereum-based blockchain networks

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    Blockchain is a relatively recent technology that provides immutability, traceability and transparency of information, thus building trust in the digital society. Blockchain networks generate a large amount of logs which capture and describe data flowing through the network in the form of transactions, blocks and events. Monitoring these blockchain data from the off-chain world is needed to detect anomalies with the aim of mitigating the risks that may arise as a result of using blockchain technology. However, the realtime monitoring of these logs by off-chain systems has become a challenge from the beginning of 2018 when the blockchain networks reached a high number of daily transactions. In this paper, we propose a portable, maintainable and easily configurable architecture integrating blockchain and complex event processing technologies that allows for both the real-time monitoring of logs generated in Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible blockchain networks and the automatic detection of anomalies in these networks by matching event patterns. This architecture was tested by using vast amounts of blockchain data already publicly registered in Ethereum and Polygon networks. The results demonstrate that the proposed architecture is able to automatically detect anomalies which occur in different blockchain networks, making analytics of blockchain data possible by off-chain systems.peer-reviewe

    Women's absence from the public sphere : gender inequality in Portuguese architecture schools

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    In Portugal, public university architecture courses have originally been designed by men and for men. The female universe is left out of the curricula and women are kept away from the top positions in the academic hierarchy. Should the presence of women be regulated? Is it possible to change the course of history? The cases of Lisbon, Coimbra, and Porto inform this paper’s discussion, which dwells on the analysis of official statistics on application grades for higher education (1st cycle), number of students placed in higher education (1st cycle), and number of teaching staff in higher education (all university levels). Statistics also inform the discussion of programmes of the most gendered sensitive curricular units, namely History and Theory of Architecture. The postcolonial perspective guided the discussion of findings with reference to how colonial legacies continue to influence educational systems. The headline findings show that, although academia is sensitive to gender equality, there is a gap between what is carried out in the curricula in general and the extracurricular or occasional investigation, and research that is carried out outside universities. These findings nuance knowledge production with implications of social mobilization, and build a case for activist research that promotes gender equity and inclusivity. Recommendations include curricula revision, policy reform, intersectional pedagogical approaches and research practices, institutional commitment, and community engagement.peer-reviewe

    L-ilsien Malti għal qalbi

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    It-traduzzjoni mhix l-ewwel ħaġa li normalment tiġina f’moħħna meta naħsbu fl-identità Maltija u f’dak li jsawwarha. Madankollu – kif isostni Michael Cronin fi Translation and Identity – meta niddiskutu kwistjonijiet relatati mal-identità f’soċjetà umana, it-traduzzjoni għandha tkun fiċ-ċentru ta’ ħsibijietna. It-traduzzjoni, infatti, kellha u għad għandha sehem sinifikanti fit-tiswir tal-identità nazzjonali tagħna, speċjalment fejn jidħlu l-lingwa u l-letteratura Maltija. Kif? It-traduzzjoni xprunat il-kitba bil-Malti. Skont Storja tal-Ilsien u l-Letteratura Maltija - Kronoloġija ta’ Mario Cassar, wara l-Kantilena, waħda mill-ewwel kitbiet letterarji bil-Malti li nafu bihom sa issa hija traduzzjoni: il-poeżija “Lill-Gran Mastru Cottoner” ta’ Giovanni Francesco Bonamico, miktuba bil-Franċiż u maqluba minnu stess għall-Malti. Warajha nsibu l-poeżija ta’ awtur anonimu Għawdxi “Jaħasra Mingħajr Ħtija,” u mbagħad hemm it-traduzzjoni bil-Malti tal-Pater Noster. Meta nanalizzaw din il-lista nindunaw kemm tassew it-traduzzjoni tat spinta lill-Malti. Milli jidher l-ewwel ktieb stampat bil-Malti kien ukoll traduzzjoni, din id-darba mit-Taljan, ta’ test reliġjuż: Tagħlim Nisrani, tal-Kardinal Bellarmino u maqlub għall-Malti minn Dun Franġisk Wizzino.peer-reviewe

    Simultaneous bilateral application of the Scepter mini balloon microcatheter for occlusion of ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistulas

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    Ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistulas are a rare entity accounting for 10 % of all dAVFs.3-6 Haemorrhage occurs in up to 91 % of cases, which is a particularly high risk and warrants therapeutic intervention.8-9 Endovascular treatment for these fistulas using the conventional detachable microcatheter technique is associated with certain limitations and risks; 8.3 % rate of incomplete obliteration and an 8.3 % rate of complications. Complications include reflux of liquid embolic agent, posterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, acute visual loss, and small subdural haematoma secondary to a micro-perforation.8,10-12 We present our recent experience with the Scepter Mini Balloon Microcatheter for the endovascular treatment of ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistulas in 3 patients, involving bilateral simultaneous inflation of the balloon. It demonstrates a novel application of this technology with good outcomes. It supports the use of this microcatheter in treating ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistulas endovascularly, either as a first-line option or as an adjunct to surgery.peer-reviewe

    Focal nodular hyperplasia

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    Hepatic Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH) is a benign lesion characterized by the proliferation of hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells. The etiology remains unclear. However, the higher female preponderance and the fact that FNH may grow in size during pregnancy may suggest a hormonal influence. These tumors are typically discovered incidentally on ultrasonography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. These imaging modalities reveal the characteristic “spoke-wheel” pattern of arterial enhancement, which is highly suggestive of FNH. Confir mation via histological examination may be necessary in cases of diagnostic uncertainty. In most instances, FNH is a benign and self-limited condition that does not necessitate treatment. However, surgical resection may be considered if the lesion is symptomatic or enlarging. Liver-sparing surgical techniques are preferred to preserve hepatic function. In conclusion, FNH is a benign hepatic lesion predominantly affecting women of childbearing age. Its characteristic radiological features and generally indolent course make it distinguishable from malignant liver lesions. Clinicians should consider conservative management and close monitoring in most cases, reserving surgical intervention for specific indications.peer-reviewe

    Educational leadership : reducing offending amongst incarcerated juveniles in Antigua and Barbuda

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    This paper draws on interviews and focus groups conducted with fourteen juvenile students and three principals at a residential correctional institution in Antigua and Barbuda. The study demonstrates the extent to which inadequate educational leadership practices impact young male offenders’ educational performance and in turn increase their likelihood of reoffending. Rooted in the conceptual frameworks of reducing the risk of offending through transformational, servitude and spiritual leadership, we determine the most prominent educational leadership factors that influence reoffending and how leadership perceptions of young male offenders impact their educational performance. The findings indicate that without a deeper awareness of the experiences of young persons in correctional institutions, the system does more harm than good. The paper argues that an educational combo Servant Leadership style (cSLS) increases the likelihood that young offenders will acknowledge their unacceptable behaviour and therefore desist from engagement in crime.peer-reviewe

    Analyzing the correlation between central bank interest rates and inflation on the example of Poland within the European Union

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    PURPOSE: The main aim of this study was to determine the relationship between inflation and interest rates of the Central Bank in Poland with the background of European integration and the COVID-19 pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The Central Bank of Poland (CBP) was the main source of data for the analysis (1998-2023). We used different methods which helped to analyze the changes in inflation and interest rates in Poland, for example Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF test), Autoregressive Moving Average model (ARIMA model) and the regression analysis using the Classical Method of Least Square.FINDINGS: The study demonstrated that inflation will decrease steadily in Poland due to relatively high interest rates. The Central Bank of Poland and government agencies should implement cohesive policies to reduce inflation. The Central Bank of Poland has increased interest rates to fight inflation, whereas the wide range of social welfare programs introduced by the government has contributed to higher inflation.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results will fill in the gap concerning the financial policy of Central Bank.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The new information about impact of interest rate on inflation and a ARiMA model was presented.The results presented in this paper were obtained as part of a comprehensive study financed by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Agrotechnology and Agribusiness (Grant. No 30.610.012–110).peer-reviewe

    An autonomous tow truck algorithm for engineless aircraft taxiing

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    The aviation industry has proposed multiple solutions to reduce fuel consumption, air pollution, and noise at airports, one of which involves deploying electric trucks for aircraft towing between the stand and the runway. However, the introduction of tow trucks results in increased surface traffic, posing challenges from the perspective of air traffic controllers (ATCOs). Various solutions involving automated planning and execution have been proposed, but many are constrained by their inability to manage multiple active runways simultaneously, and their failure to account for the tow truck battery state of charge during assignments. This paper presents a novel system for taxi operations that employs autonomous tow trucks to enhance ground operations and address deficiencies in existing approaches. The system focuses on identifying conflict-free solutions that minimise taxi-related delays and route length while maximising the efficient use of the tow trucks. The algorithm operates at a strategic level and uses a centralised approach. It has the capacity to cater for multiple active runways and considers factors such as the tow truck battery state of charge and availability of charging stations. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is capable of scheduling and routing tow trucks for aircraft taxiing without generating traffic conflicts.peer-reviewe

    L-ilsien Malti għal qalbi

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    Għażla ta’ dati ewlenin mill-kampanja ‘l-ilsien Malti għal qalbi’peer-reviewe

    Perceptions of organizational culture among infection preventionists in Israel, the United States, and Thailand : results from national infection prevention surveys

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    In national surveys of infection preventionists in Israel (n = 15), the United States (n = 415), and Thailand (n = 100), we found that views of organizational culture track well with these countries’ cultural dimension scores of power distance and individualism. Our findings highlight the importance of considering cultural dimensions when implementing infection prevention efforts.peer-reviewe


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