Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers
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    79181 research outputs found

    Parameter dependence of theβ-decay properties of neutron-rich Zr isotopes within the interacting boson model

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    We investigate parameter dependence of the calculated n-decay properties as well as low-lying states for the neutron-rich Zr isotopes within the neutron-proton interacting boson model (IBM-2) and interacting bosonfermion-fermion model (IBFFM-2). It is shown that the calculated log10 ft values for the transitions of the 0+1 ground states of the parent even-even nuclei 96-102Zr into the 1+1 states of the daughter odd-odd nuclei 96-102Nb consistently exhibit a strong dependence on those parameters associated with the quadrupole-quadrupole boson interaction, and with the residual interaction between an unpaired neutron and an unpaired proton in the IBFFM-2 Hamiltonian for the odd-odd Nb nuclei. By the reduction in magnitude of the quadrupole-quadrupole interaction strength by approximately a factor of 2, the calculated log10 ft values for the Zr(0+1 ) -> Nb(1+1 ) transitions increase and agree with the experimental values. This points to a significant improvement over the previous study performed in the same mass region, that consists of the mapping from a relativistic energy density functional calculation onto the IBM-2 Hamiltonian

    Size spectra of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the western North Pacific during May : A comparison between subarctic and transitional domains

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    Size spectra data from marine phytoplankton and zooplankton can provide deep insights into material transfer in lower trophic levels. In this study, we quantified size spectra data of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the subarctic (SA) and transitional (TR) domains in the western North Pacific during May 2023. Phytoplankton and zooplankton data were obtained using FlowCam and ZooScan imaging instruments, respectively. Significantly normalized biovolume size spectra (NBSS) were detected for all samples in both taxa. There were no regional differences in abundance or biovolume. A large regional pattern was detected for the size spectra of phytoplankton at the sea surface. In samples from the TR, the mean biovolume per cell was larger, the slope of NBSS was flatter, and the size diversity was higher than in those in the SA. The NBSS slope and size diversity both showed higher variation in phytoplankton than in zooplankton. Based on the combination of phytoplankton and zooplankton at the same station, NBSS covering the whole planktonic size range are presented. In both taxa, a large discrepancy, e.g., missing NBSS area, was present from 10-5 to 10-1 mm3 ind.-1 in the biovolume. Methods to fill this gap in future studies are discussed

    Color-switching hydrogels as integrated microfluidic pressure sensors

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    Precisely measuring pressure in microfluidic flows is essential for flow control, fluid characterization, and monitoring, but faces specific challenges such as achieving sufficient resolution, non-invasiveness, or ease of use. Here, we demonstrate a fully integrated multiplexed optofluidic pressure sensor, entirely decoupled from the flow path, that enables local pressure measurements along any microfluidic channel without altering its flow geometry. The sensor itself relies on the compression of a soft mechano-actuated hydrogel, changing color in response to a pressure change. The hydrogel is separated from the fluid circulating in the channel by a thin membrane, allowing for the unrestricted use of different types of fluids. Imaging the gel through the transparent PDMS with a color camera provides a direct, easy, and contact-free determination of the fluid pressure at the sensing location for pressures as small as 20mbar with a resolution of around 10mbar. The sensitivity and accessible pressure range can be tuned via the mechanical properties of the sensing unit. The photonic gel can also be used to acquire 2D pressure or deformation maps, taking advantage of the fast response time and fine spatial resolution

    Myths and misconceptions about microbiome analysis: Starting to Decode the Myths

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    短編観光動画の認知的没入体験が観光客のその後の行動意図に及ぼす影響 [全文の要約]

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    Development and implementation of the card game ‘Challenge Pizza’ for entrepreneurship education

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    In recent years, entrepreneurship education has become increasingly important in order to thrive in the age of globalization and VUCA. 2023 marks the launch of the new EDGE-PRIME Initiative, which will provide entrepreneurship education to high school students. In Japan, opportunities for entrepreneurship education are expanding from universities to high schools, as well as elementary and junior high schools. As a result, we developed a card game for elementary and junior high school students aimed at introducing them to entrepreneurship. This paper describes the content and implementation of the “Challenge Pizza” card game, which has been designed to teach these students about entrepreneurship. Additionally, we trialed the game with 35 elementary and junior high school students and evaluated its educational effects. Our analysis confirmed that the game fostered a deeper understanding of business and highlighted the importance of creativity and independence, which were the primary objectives of the card game

    自動運転技術の利用と刑法の解釈・立法に関する研究 [論文内容及び審査の要旨]

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