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    20959 research outputs found

    Residual microcalcifications after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for early breast cancer : Implications for surgical planning and long-term outcomes

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    CRediT authorship contribution statement Joel Allotey: were responsible for data collection, was responsible for writing, data management, Formal analysis, Project administration. Vinita Ruparel: were responsible for data collection. Anna McCallum: were responsible for data collection. Karendeep Somal: were responsible for data collection. Louise Simpson: were responsible for critical review of the manuscript. Gaurav Gupta: were responsible for critical review of the manuscript. Gerald Lip: were responsible for critical review of the manuscript. Ravi Sharma: contributed the, Conceptualization, of the project and provided, Supervision, were responsible for critical review of the manuscript. Yazan Masannat: contributed the, Conceptualization, of the project and provided, Supervision, were responsible for critical review of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Semi-automated data provenance tracking for transparent data production and linkage to enhance auditing and quality assurance in Trusted Research Environments

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    We would like to acknowledge the DaSH Team in delivering and evaluating the PE-TRE (Adrian Martin, Helen Rowlands, Joanne Lumsden, Vicky Munro, Amal Sebastian and Michael Gent) and the support and contributions from researchers at the University of Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science and NHS Grampian (Jessica Butler, Simon Sawheny, Dimitra Blana) and University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian Information Governance teams (Jody McKenzie, Fiona Stuart and Alan Bell), and University of Aberdeen’s Department of Natural and Computing Science (Ana Ciocarlan). Further acknowledgement to contributors to the DARE UK Semi-Automated Risk Assessment project (PI: Arlene Casey), with contributions from DataLoch (Stuart Dunbar, Amy Tilbrook), West of Scotland Safe Haven (Charlie Mayor), eDRIS (Scottish National Safe Haven) (Jackie Caldwell) and University of Sussex (Liz Ford).Peer reviewe

    Tumour purity assessment with deep learning in colorectal cancer and impact on molecular analysis

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    The authors thank Claire Butler and Michael Youdell for excellent management in S:CORT and the MRC Clinical Trials Unit which provided the clinical data from the FOCUS trial with permission from the FOCUS trial steering group. We would further like to thank Indica Labs for providing the HALO™ software. The results published or shown here are based in part upon data generated by the TCGA Research Network established by the National Cancer Institute and National Human Genome Research Institute. Information about TCGA and the investigators and institutions who constitute the TCGA research network can be found at http://cancergenome.nih.gov. We would especially like to thank all patients who consented to take part in S:CORT and TCGA. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, the National Institute for Health and Care Research, or the Department of Health.Peer reviewe

    Drone Survey to Monitor Erosion Impacts on Coastal Archaeological Sites

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    Open Access via the T&F Agreement All figures are the author’s unless otherwise credited. Thank you to my supervisor, Prof. Gordon Noble, for the support, guidance, and encouragement and to Tom Dawson and Joanna Hambly of SCAPE/University of St. Andrews for years of wisdom, insight, and the generous sharing of their expertise and knowledge. The support of the international network of climate heritage professionals, collaborators, and colleagues has been invaluable, particularly Vibeke Vandrup Martens for tireless encouragement. Finally, the volunteers and communities from around the Scottish coast whose involvement and enthusiasm are essential to this work.Peer reviewe

    Integrating isolated metal sites and sulfur vacancies in supported Ni catalysts for selective catalysis

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    CRediT authorship contribution statement Yanfei Zhu: Data curation. Ning Li: Data curation. Alan J. McCue: Writing – review & editing. Duanyang Kong: Methodology. Yanan Liu: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Methodology, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization. Dianqing Li: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition.Peer reviewe


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